Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 8: Wild Beast

Chapter 8: Wild Beast

New character joins Razel's group

January was almost over.

I was now taking a mathematical formulas class from Professor Lloyd.

It's no different from the mathematics of my previous life, it's the same, only we use them to enlarge the magic circles.

Which is irrelevant to me who uses only his birth attribute.

Professor Lloyd is a simple looking man like me, tousled gray hair, closed eyes and wears glasses.

"Good. Now I want you to try to-"

His words were cut off by the bell ending today's classes.

"That's too bad. Well guys, have a good weekend. We'll see you Monday and don't worry. I won't leave you any homework for now."

We were all glad we didn't get homework.

My friends came up to me.

"Hey Razel, do you have anything to do today?" said Derrick while picking his boogers.

"No. Nothing to do. I was planning on going to a game center and wasting time."

"And are you guys doing anything?"

Cliff answered me as he looked like he wanted to show off.

"I promised Derrick a long time ago that I would take him to my Household to play with my new console, it's the super Sonic station plus!"

(Damn you Cliff! I want to have one too!).

I thought maybe this guy was going to invite me, so I'll turn him down so as not to hurt my pride anymore.

"Oh, that's nice. It would be nice if you would invite me too, but I have things to do tomorrow."

They both looked at me with a surprised face.

One person was approaching to leave, it was Cid. Cliff called out to him before he left.

"Hey, Cid! Do you have anything to do this weekend?"

Cid, with his usual bored look on his face said.

"Nothing. Why?"

The boys were no longer afraid to talk to Cid, so Cliff answered him as if he were a friend of his own status.

"If you don't have anything to do, do you want to come play with us at my Household?"

Cid took only a few seconds to respond. "Sure, why not."

Sometimes it amazes me how this guy is open to people despite how he acts.

He looked at me and seemed to want to know if I would go too.

I replied no obviously.

I was very jealous of Cliff and I don't want my eyes to bleed.

Then these bastard friends left without me.

I stood there for a while waiting for them all to leave to say.

"Damn you Cliff, I'll drink your blood!"

Now that I got even, I proceeded to walk out of the room.

When I set foot outside, I ran into her.

Elize saw me. Our gazes met, but it was only for a few brief seconds and then she continued on her way.

Once again, she was alone and unaccompanied by her entourage.

I scratched my head and made a half turn so as not to leave in the same direction as her, at which point I ran into someone else.

"Ah! Razel-kun."

It was Lily now with whom I was meeting.

Today was another day of love events between her and any of the capture targets.

She must be heading out to meet up with one of those beaus.

"Going somewhere?" I would ask her curiously.

She would answer me. "Yes. I'm going to stay the weekend at the convent. I want to tell you how I've been doing lately since I haven't written to you."

Ah how nice she is. She cares about her family.

But aren't you supposed to be living with those or the one who will become your future partner?

Today I saw Her Highness Regulux waiting at the place where an event was taking place, but you weren't there.

How strange is this?

"Will you do nothing else?"

"No. Should I have something else to do?"

I can't say anything that would make me look suspicious, so I said.

"No. I was just curious. In that case, see you Monday."

I turned around and walked out of there.

A large party hall was the current location of a certain girl.

She, was a young up-and-comer in the literary world.

They were celebrating that her new book was selling like hot cakes.

"Attention everyone please. It is the immense pleasure of everyone at this editorial to thank Miss, Noel Febel, for a splendid sales week!"

A beautiful, but plainly dressed girl was the one whom different groups of people greeted and shook hands with.

Her hair was long and brown like her eyes, she wore glasses, too.

That girl was actually Amy in disguise. She used magic to change her appearance.

She didn't want to come to the capital because she had bad memories.

To this day, she didn't remember how she got to the cage, but she does remember that she has a deep hatred and disgust for this place.

Just like in the game, the witch Amy despised the imperial capital.

But at this time, she was only disgusted by people interested in what she produces.

Because of her mental state and that she has no one to converse with besides Razel. Amy was beginning to write her thoughts on them.

Razel said to her. "You should publish a book, maybe you'll make some money."

And that's how Amy started as a young novelist.

Her books were of varied genres and various one-person subjects.

She was called to the capital to give her an award for it.

She went only because Razel told her it was a way to recognize what she wrote.

Amy was happy to get money to buy things for her Household.

But she didn't care about the rookie of the year award, being the best seller and a young up-and-comer in literature.

She was drinking a glass of wine while being surrounded by girls who want to be talented like her.

At that moment, she heard something she shouldn't have.

Her eyes widened like saucers and she focused on the conversation.

"Eh... how interesting."

After leaving the academy I went to the game center.

I was having fun while crying because of my poverty.

After spending all my money on games similar to my previous life. I went to the park, I was annoyed to see happy people enjoying their quiet days.

"If they knew that this world was in danger and that only I knew how to prevent it, they would be just as upset as I was."

It was partly a lie, but it was true what he was saying.

As I was looking at the sky, I didn't notice that a woman had sat down next to me.

I was about to scream in fright when she said....

"Razel-sama, it's me."

Amy was in disguise, I didn't know why nor did I really care that she looked like a librarian.

"It's weird for you to contact me. Is something wrong?"

She was saying to me.

"I found some information on them."


By them she meant one of the biggest annoyances I had during the study stage of the game.

A criminal organization known as the [Black Crows]. Crooks who just annoyed the life out of me by always wanting to kidnap the protagonist and sell her into slavery.

They are very annoying, I asked Amy that if she found out or heard anything about them to let me know.

To be the moment.

"What did you find out?"

"Before that. We have to go to a certain place, please take this."

Amy handed me a bag, it had something jelly like inside.

She told me she would explain on the way.

Slave stores.

Places located in a specific district.

They were areas of wealthy merchants.

People usually despised them for bogus reasons.

But they actually liked to buy them.

The empire supported and backed the sale and acquisition of slaves.

Many educated them to pass them off as normal servants.

In one of the taller, pure white buildings, a structure similar to a modern castle.

Two people were entering.

In the center was a student of the academy and next to him was a servant girl.

A waiter-like man greeted them in the politest manner possible.

"Good evening, may I ask what family you come from?"

The handsome young man with blond hair said.

"I am the second son of the Siegrain Household, Dennis I am."

"We have been expecting you, Dennis-sama."

These people are not who they say they are. They are actually Razel and Amy in disguise.

To go to a slave store, you must make a reservation as if it were a first-class restaurant.

At the party, Amy overheard a man talking about how his son was going to buy a slave today.

He already had everything ready, including the key to get in.

Amy had surprised his son and the maid he was coming with to steal that card and knock them unconscious.

Razel had been casually observing that student, the reason was because he didn't like him, he didn't represent a danger to the world, but Razel hated attractive men to death.

That's why he knew how he talked, walked and behaved.

The waiter-like man made them wait in a personal room.

After a while, he returned with a catalog.

It had pictures and descriptions of different items.

They were all semi-human, there wasn't a single human being in there. The reason was because it was wrong to cage humans, but not semi-humans.

Razel in disguise went through the catalog page by page. He found nothing and said to the man.

"I don't want anything in here. I want to see the real catalog."

"Dear customer. That catalog is for lawless city customers only. I'm sorry, but-"

"I'll pay anything."

Razel pulled out a white gold-colored credit card. The same thing a platinum card in his previous life meant.

The man touched it to verify that it was real and after checking it said.

"It's all in order, please come with me."

The two stood up and went after the man.

At the end of the longest corridor was a door.

When they opened it, everything was dark.

The man pressed a switch and lights came on.

It was a long, spiral-shaped staircase.

They went down slowly until they reached the sub floor.

The place was a cave.

There were bars at every corner.

"As you can see. Here we have the items that can't be tamed or educated, that's why we sell them at high prices for the lawless city."

Razel and Amy looked around until Amy stopped.

She saw something similar to her.

Her goal was to come and get information on what the son of the Siegrain Household, which seems to have made deals with the black crows, was going to buy.

But Amy did not fail to see a figure in the darkness.

She was chained so that she could not move at all.

The cell was dark, but Amy stared at the figure.

Razel was asking the man.

"Who is it?"

"It's an acquisition that was just recently delivered to us by a group of our best salesmen."

"They asked us to educate her, but she is very reluctant to behave."

"Educate her? Is she a female?"

"Yes. Take a look for yourself."

The man pressed a button and the lights came on.

There, a young beast girl could be seen.

Her hair was long and black as night.

Her eyes were golden and sharp like those of a predator.

From her ears on top of her head, her hands and mouth sealed with magic and the shape of her tail, she seemed to belong to the wolf clan.

The beast clans were not at all relevant and important in the game, they were just there to add depth to the story.

She seems to be Razel's age or a bit older, but the really important thing here was not her scratched clothes made of rags, but.

(Those big, long breasts resting on her chest!)

(It's like looking at those dachshunds.)

Her breasts were like that. If Amy had them big and round, this girl had them big and long.

(She seems to be somehow related to the black crows and, enters into my personal tastes).

I'll buy it! Razel thought.

"I want it. How much is it?"

"It's about 100 thousand crystalia cash."

(How expensiveeeeeeeeeee!)

(With all that money I can buy a small Household for my family!)

Razel turned to look at Amy. Although his face didn't show it, he was crying like a child inside.

Amy replied.

"No problem. The young master can buy anything."

"Perfect. Let me numb her so you can take her away."

The man pressed a button on the wall and a large electric shock coursed through the girl's body until she passed out.

Amy saw that and could only bite her tongue as the unconscious girl convulsed on the floor.

After they paid for their purchase, a company staff vehicle drove them to the location they said.

They went up some stairs in an abandoned building that would soon be demolished.

Amy removed all of the girl's chains and even removed the slave mark that was engraved with a blood spell on her neck.

Once the beast girl awoke, she visualized two figures in the distance.

Amy was standing to the side of Razel who was sitting cross-legged.

The girl shouted.

"Humans! Enemies!"

And she ran at full speed to bite them to death.

Her luck only lasted that long.

Razel used his leg to kick the girl's jaw.

After spitting out some blood, he grabbed the girl's head and slammed it into the floor repeatedly.

A large bloodstain painted the floor at her feet.

After a brief moment of waiting for the girl to react.

This one woke up, stared at Razel and then....


She jumped at him like any other dog.

This girl's clan was known as [Battle Dire Wolves]. Among the wolf beast breeds, this type was a unique rarity.

They lived and died for the battlefield.

They fought from puppies, that is, small children, until their teeth came out and grew back.

This girl, whose name is Leila, was beaten by Razel for that very reason. To demonstrate through combat her feelings.

Leila felt that Razel was not a bad person through physical pain. She was not a masochist, but her race certainly enjoys taking blows.

Besides, Razel was very strong, Leila took heavy blows that were gentle even, that was how she upon regaining her consciousness. She vowed to serve this person, serving someone strong and fighting on the battlefield were what this clan desired.

Partly because they were based on the submissive and hunting dogs in Razel's previous life.

Leila told them how she got there.

"I lived peacefully with my family and friends in a forest in the south. As we were evicted from our land years ago, we moved to that region. We were living well until a few days ago some humans came and started shooting at us with strange things that released fire from a small mouth."

"Me and the others fought them off."

Leila began to shed tears.

"My older brother acted as a shield to protect me. Many were killed instantly. The rest like me were defeated and then we were thrown into a large iron box."

"After arriving at that place. Several of my friends and acquaintances were sold until only I was left."

Amy wanted to cry, but Razel was bothered by something else.

(Why does he speak the language of the empire so well? I don't understand. Is it a universal language?)

Amy saw Razel's face and thought he was displeased to hear that.

"Leila-chan, I have a question for you, did you hear any of those men mention the words raven and black?"

Leila answered instantly.

"That's right. A guy by the name of Deluc said that hunting us was a request from a top executive of a black raven."

Razel clicked his tongue to indicate he was correct.

"Leila. Do you still remember that guy's scent?"

She nodded.

"Yes. I won't forget the smell of the one who killed my family without a fight!"

Leila wasn't upset that they killed her family, she was upset that they did it in such a cowardly way and that it didn't enter into her fighting beliefs.

To her, that was unforgivable.

Razel stood up.

"Leila. Let's dye tonight the red of vengeance."

Leila smiled showing her sharp teeth.

A subway guardhouse was the place where a group of men were drinking and eating with animals.

There, a man tattooed on his arms and a purple Mohican was shouting.

"We successfully made another slave sale! The top executives will give us all a promotion for excellent work, gyahaha!"

Everyone was shouting for joy.

A few hours ago they had brought a group of cat-eared girls from a forest.

They sold them to the lawless city for a good price.

And now they were using their personal savings to buy food and liquor.

The man with the Mohican was Deluc, he wore like everyone else, a mask that covered his mouth as if it were the beak of a black crow.

He stood up from the armchair he was in to go to the bathroom.

No more than 10 minutes passed and Deluc returned to where everyone was.

When he opened the door, he found that his feet were soaked in a river of blood.

"Huh? What the hell is this?"

I couldn't believe my eyes.

My companions who until recently drank and ate like animals were strewn all over the place.

Remains of his body, brains, intestines and even his dangling things were all over the place.

In the middle of that river of blood, there were three figures.

One of them was a blonde woman.

"Razel-sama, information from these guys is very useless."

At her side was a short dude dressed in black.

"I noticed. Everything is so ambiguous that I can't decipher whether they are talking to a merchant or a noble. It will be very difficult to decipher who is the bastard who asked them to hunt the- huh?"

The dwarf became aware of my presence.

"Why, Leila, you missed one it seems."

The short dude looked to a different location.

There stood a beast woman, she was dismembering my companions.

Lifting her head, she saw me as her mouth was covered in blood and gore.


Said the short dude as I turned around to run away.

Don't fuck with me.

Don't fuck with me...

Don't fuck with me!

I don't want to die!

There are still many things I want to do.

I came out of the slums to make my own name and make myself known to the world.

For these nobles we live like vermin.

What's wrong with wanting to live at the expense of the suffering of others when we suffer that ourselves?

I climbed the stairs and hid on the second to last floor, in a secret closet.

I covered my mouth so that my breathing would not be heard.

I am afraid.

Mom, I'm sorry.

If you give me another chance, I promise to change.

A long time passed.

How long has it been?

I don't know, but it seems they've already left.

The beast girl's footsteps were no longer heard.

I calmed down, it seems like it's all over now.

"The hiding is over!"

I heard a voice coming from somewhere. A hand reached across the floor and grabbed my leg.

I was pulled straight to the ground and was falling several meters away while looking at the beast girl.

It was less than five seconds that the fall lasted.

It hurt.

It hurts a lot.

Mom, help me.

"Leila, you took too long looking for this guy."

"I'm sorry, but I wanted to make him feel the despair he put me through when I saw my parents die."

The short dude and the beast girl conversed normally while I bleed out.

"Once you're done with this. what will you do?"


The beast girl looked at the ground for a while and then raised her head.

"I would like to stand by your side master. Even in avenging my family and clan. I still have your blood running through my veins, as you defeated me with no problem. I mean you are a worthy person to serve. Please let me stand by his side as his fangs and claws."

The dwarf turned around, appreciating making an expression of victory.

"Leila. As you may know, there are more victims like you out there in the world. It would be a pleasure to have you by my side to purge the world of such scum."

"Also, I would like you to swear to be part of my harem as well. I'm a man who likes to be surrounded by women, whether they are loyal or desire me. what do you say?"

"Umm... I don't understand anything you said. But, the master wants to have me on his side so he can kill more of these guys!"

"Basically yes."

"Yes! I gladly accept!"

The short dude smiled and the blonde woman went to grab the beast girl's shoulders.

My consciousness is starting to fade.

"Congratulations Leila-chan, there is no greater happiness than being together with Razel-sama."

"Now that's all said and done..."

The woman was looking at me with a disgusted face, the dwarf, but the beast girl stared at me.

She showed a wicked smile as blood dripped from her.

Her fangs were visible and then....

"Time to eat!"

Everything went dark for me and my eyes closed forever.


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