Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 6: The Background Character and the Villainess Daughter

Chapter 6: The Background Character and the Villainess Daughter

A new day had arrived at the academy.

In one of the female dormitories, a girl was waking up.

Her pajamas were a beautiful mix of white and red.

After getting up, she brushed her long hair that reached her back.

She put on eye drops for staying up late writing a letter.

She blinked several times, the beautiful plum-red iris was visible through her golden hair that covered her face a bit.

After changing her clothes and brushing her teeth, she went to the mirror to take one last look at her outfit before heading out.

"Okay. Let's get to class."

The girl had been born in one of the seven most important cradles of the empire.

She was the only daughter of a duke's house, she is Elize von Rosenberg and she was the insufferable villainess and rival of the protagonist.

Lily was in the second class, of those who scored 75 to 89 points.

They were in a paired activity.


"No bother me."


Lily had no partner in this class despite the activity requiring two people.

It was normal for Lily to feel left out and ignored by the other students.

The nobles felt disgust at having to share a classroom with a commoner.

Lily's face showed sadness and she had to do the activity alone in class.

The first period was over.

Elize put her books in her bag to go to the magic practice room.

The capture targets stood up to leave, at that, Elize was approaching her fianc, Prince Regulux.

"Your Highness, allow me to escort you."

Elize wanted to spend time with her fianc, but he?

"What for?"

He showed a side of coldness strange in a boy who was supposed to be friendly with everyone.

Elize made a complicated face as she answered.

"What for? Well, I'd like for us to spend time together at the academy. O... does my presence annoy you?"

Regulux's mouth twitched and Elize felt a chill.

"It is as you say. It's annoying that. If you want to spend time, arrange a tea party and send me the invitation."

Elize wanted to argue, but Lambert stopped her.

"Rosenberg-san, you're in the way. We'll be late for the next class."

Lambert's eyes always showed coldness, but as he looked at Elize, they grew darker.

"I-I'm so sorry to be a bother. If you'll excuse me."

She curtsied and hurried out of the room.

Bellange asked curiously.

"Prince, why did you turn her down?"

Lambert was about to tell her that it was disrespectful, but the prince himself stopped him.

"It's simple, she really is very annoying."

Oscar answered him.

"But, it's normal for one to spend time with one's fianc, Your Highness, isn't she your type?"

It was a normal question, but it was Jake, who for some reason was acting smug, revealed to them.

"That's because you guys don't know the truth about her house."

"Hey, that's not something you should tell just anyone."

Lambert glanced furtively at Jake, but Regulux stopped him.

"It's fine if it's them, but, this no one should know, it would be frowned upon for the imperial palace for normal people to find out."

The boys had no idea what he was talking about until Jake said....

"As you all may know, Duke Rosenberg's Household was the main house of dukes in the empire. One of the wealthiest and most prosperous families in the country."

Oscar said.

"That anyone knows, your point is?"

Jake stopped smiling as he revealed something almost no one knew.

"More than five years ago Rosenberg Household fell into near total ruin."

Bellange and Oscar couldn't believe their ears, there was no one else in the room and Lambert was making sure there was no one outside for Jake to continue.

Elize was running as a bit of tears showed on her face.

"I don't quite know the details, but it seems your family is in huge debt, my father told me that the Rosenberg duchy has lost over 70% of its domain."

Oscar asked Jake in amazement.

"How could something like that happen, the head of the house didn't say anything?"

This time it was Lambert who was answering him.

"It was the head of the house himself who caused that."

The two boys were dumbfounded.

"That's not all, he also fled the country before the tax collectors came to his house."

Now that Oscar and Bellange understood Elize's situation, the most important question asked Oscar.

"Yes that is true."

"It is."

"... Let me finish. If it is true, why do you refuse your fianc Your Highness?"

Everyone looked at Regulux's face when he said.

"It's because of that, she seeks to attach herself to me like a blood-sucking parasite. She seeks me only to gain benefits from the imperial family and for me to pay the ridiculous expenses of her house's debt."

Lambert said.

"Ever since that trouble happened, she has been trying to modestly approach Your Highness, of course, all those approaches are just to gain benefits. It's not a lie when I say that her mother had to borrow money from the imperial family last year for tuition."

Despite taking an entrance exam, students were required to pay 500 gold pieces a month until graduation.

There was of course a covenant where low-income students had to divert half of their income from their homes or part-time or adventurer jobs to pay.

Razel was going through the same thing, but thanks to Amy he didn't worry so much about money for the books that made him a lot of money.

"I see."

Oscar said.

"In that case, I think I understand Your Highness in turning her down."

"Yes, I wouldn't want my fianc to screw me over with money either."

"It's sad, but thanks to that, the Fitzclarence principality became the most important ducal house in the empire."

The boys were talking as if Elize was the hideous woman she was supposed to be in the game.

"You guys, are you forgetting we're going to be late?"

Regulux said that from the doorway, the other four followed him and ran.

The next class was on magical theory with Professor Manfred.

Elize was taking notes like the others, so it seemed, but in reality....

(... I can't keep up with the content of the lessons).

I couldn't keep up with the lessons.

She had written nothing but the title of the class.

His hand was shaking.

"Good. Now I'll get someone out to solve this magic formula. Umm... Miss Rosenberg, please come."

Elize gave a slight jump at being called to the front.

With some trepidation, she walked to where the professor stood.

In front of her was a floating magic circle.

"Now, try to find the problem in that earth summoning circle."

Elize took something similar to a blue-colored chalk to write on the circle.

Seconds passed, then a couple of minutes.

"Is something wrong?"

Professor Manfred asked Elize, who was trembling as she didn't know what to do.

Finally, she lowered her hand and with a murmur said to the professor.

"... I'm sorry, I don't know what I should do. I'm sorry."

The teacher looked at her and said. "I understand, you can sit down."

"I'm sorry."

Elize was returning to her desk as she ducked her head.

She heard some murmuring from some girls.

"Hey, why do you think she couldn't write something as easy as that?"

"I don't know. That exercise is one of the most basic ones they teach you in elementary school."

"Hey, you don't think... she didn't go to one? I mean, it's really weird that she can't figure that one out."

"Now that you mention it, I don't remember hearing about the Rosenbergs' daughter going to elementary school?"

"I don't think that's possible, is it?"

"Hahaha, how funny would it be if a duke's household couldn't send their daughter to one."

Little giggles let out from the girls.

Girls who were originally part of his entourage.

Strangest of all, it was actually Lily who was on the receiving end of these taunts and Elize herself for not knowing something so basic.

The class continued as normal.

But Elize was clutching her skirt tightly as she held back the urge to cry.

(Hold it in. For your house.)

The day's journey reached the halfway point, which meant it was time for lunch.

Elize looked at the expensive dishes with great hunger, but she had to make do with the inexpensive dishes.

She pulled out her purse and gave a slight jump when she saw that she had almost no money left.

She decided to buy a bottle of water.

As he walked to go to the garden to wait for classes to start, he stood watching a certain figure shouting.

"Ahhhh, damn you Cliff!"

The voice belonged to Razel who was arguing with his friends at a small table.

At that table were also Lily and Cid.

"Fufu, I'm so sorry, Razel-kun, but dessert is mine."

"You bastard, I'll kill you!"

"Razel, don't behave that way for a flan."

"You don't understand Cid, it's a super tasty flan for a small price! Finding one is a miracle and this bastard stole it!"

"Correction, I bought it for you, but you didn't realize it."

"You dirty liar!"

Razel and his friends were having fun despite fighting.

For some reason, Lily was there having fun too, when she should be in a lounge listening to Oscar play the piano.

Elize saw only one figure, anger was reflected on her face and her mouth was distorted in anger.

(If only you hadn't shown up....)

Bath time for the girls had arrived.

They could bathe at any time, but before 10 pm it was forbidden.

Elize was in a large circular shaped bath.

Her beautiful hair was floating, her big breasts too.

The pink part in the middle was being covered by her hair that looked like noodles in a soup.

She was the last to bathe, the reason was because she didn't want to run into the other girls.

"It's only day two and I'm having a terrible time."

She slapped her cheek lightly.

"Eli, try hard, don't give up. Or else all you'll have suffered with Mom will be in vain."

Her beautiful eyes were reflected in the bath water.

For a moment, she visualized a little girl smiling.

"That idiot child didn't know what a hell her life was going to become..."

Suddenly, she heard footsteps, turning to see who it was. She found Lily who was coming covered only by a towel.

They both saw each other, this was their first meeting, but....

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was occupied."

"Don't apologize, the bathroom is available to all students until 10."

No hostile events were occurring as in the game.

Lily stepped into the tub next to Elize, her hair was pulled back in a big bun.

She made a strange awawawa sound as she relaxed.

Her large breasts were floating as well.

Elize giggled a little.

Lily immediately apologized.

"I'm so sorry!"

Elize turned her head in denial.

"No, you have nothing to apologize for, it's just that something like this is very rare to see."

Elize suddenly said something that made Lily startle.

"You're the commoner student, aren't you?"

Lily hid her head as she answered.

"Yes. It's me."

"How about academy?"

Lily looked quizzical at that normal, gentle tone from the girl who was supposed to be a horrendously possessive woman.

"Ehh... despite some people making fun of me. I really enjoy it, I like it here."

"I see."

Elize stood up. Lily could see her sensual, slender figure.

Her long hair covered every revealing part except from the navel down.

"It's none of my business your life, but, if you decide to take this stranger's advice."

As she grabbed a towel to clean herself, she said things the Elize in the game never said.

"Don't let them bully you. Even if you can't defend yourself, ignore them. Ignore the comments of what others do to you. Lock them in a trunk that will never be opened and throw it into the sea. That's all I can tell you, experience speaks."

While in her robe, Elize said her goodbyes and left the bathroom heading for the female dormitory.

As she walked down the hallway, she found a certain boy walking half asleep straight to the bathroom.

"... I don't want to take a bath, but if I don't, the bed will stink and laundry is only once a week."

Elize's relaxed face changed to one of anger as in the afternoon.

Razel was walking beside her, the moment their shoulders inadvertently met, Elize said....

"It must feel good to live without worry every day, mustn't it? There being others who fear for what tomorrow holds after being shamelessly spat upon."

Elize turned to look at Razel, but he was still walking without turning around.

That only made her anger rise, and she threw one of her slippers at him.

Razel fell against the ground and she walked without a slipper.

"You really are the worst thing that ever happened to my life! Razel, you bastard!"

A couple of days passed after that.

Elize and her mother were at the door.

"Come back soon dear."

"Fare you well, Daddy."

Her father, the head of the house, said he had to leave urgently due to some problems at a factory belonging to them.

"Thank you, I'll be back soon. Barbara, I left you a letter that you must open after I get back."

"Yes, I don't understand the reason, but don't worry."

Her husband gave her a kiss on the cheek and then bent down to look at his daughter.

"Eli, as the heiress of this house, it's your duty to take care of your mom."

"Yes, I will!"

Her father smiled as he looked at them both.

"Goodbye, you two."

His farewell tone was very sad, but they thought it was painful to part from their family.

Two days had passed since the head of Rosenberg Household left.

Elize was walking in her pajamas to go to breakfast, normally a maid would do that, but none were present.

Then, she heard shouting.

"Something like this is impossible to be true!"

Elize was startled to hear a scream, it belonged to her mother.

She was walking down the grand staircase and in the reception area she found a terrifying scene.

A diverse group of men in black suits were inside the house.

They were walking around the house as if they were the owners.

In the midst of them all, her mother suddenly fell to her knees.

As she did so, so did several papers.

Elize ran to her mother.


Her mother became aware of her presence.

"Eli? Don't come!"

As Elize was almost to her mother, her feet stepped on a yellow piece of paper.

The paper had a magic circle showing black letters and a picture.

Elize was shocked to see the picture of the person standing there.

"Huh? Daddy?"

It was a wanted dead or alive poster, her father was there.

There were also several descriptions of crimes and a large value for his capture.

Elize didn't understand what was going on, until one of the men in suits knelt down to tell her in a pained manner.

"Little girl, I'm really sorry, but your daddy is a wanted man by the empire."


Elize lifted her face and looked fearfully at the man.

"Believe it or not, neither you nor your mom. Your dad for years now has been evading taxes, running scams, buying illegal goods from the lawless city, among other things."

Elize's face was disfigured from the horror of hearing that her doting dad was a horrible person.

"Two days ago, your dad was sent a communique that said he had to report to the palace to give an explanation for this. Since he didn't go because some relatives said he was busy because of his daughter's party, the palace gave him one more days' time, but that was over and we were sent to look for him."

At that moment, a group of gentlemen entered the house.

Elize and her mother did not know what to do, at that moment, Barbara ran to her husband's study to open the letter left for him.

As she opened the letter, she began to cry.

She dropped the letter and collapsed against the table.

The cry of a married woman was heard.

Elize walked over to see, the men in suits came into the room to check the documents. One of them asked Elize's mother for permission to read the letter.

Reading it, the man said.

"That dirty bastard. Apparently he confesses what he did and that he escaped to the Ideal Empire."

"There's nothing we can do then."

"Worst of all, he's laughing at us, that scoundrel."

Elize heard horrible things.

That day ended badly. She and her mother went to the palace to find out the cost of the debt they must pay.

The amount was so much that Elize, who still did not know the monetary value, did not understand why her mother was clutching her dress.

As the days went by, the things in the mansion were sold. Then, they had to leave the mansion and give half of the duchy to the empire.

The duchy belonged to her husband's family. For several generations it was one of the most prosperous territories of all.

Now, that territory was slowly being handed over to the empire to pay off the debt.

Elize was never able to go to an elementary school or have any more birthday parties.

They moved to a small mansion in the imperial capital, not because they wanted to, it was an order from a minister who said they could escape too.

After hearing the news, the other relatives, including Elize's grandparents, also took flight.

In a few days, the Rosenberg House was left with only two family members.

Elize had a thought.

(It's all his fault.)

She cursed someone with all her heart.

(If only I hadn't met you, none of this would have happened.)

She knew that wasn't true, but, that hurt heart didn't want to be healed.

(I curse you to the end of my days Razel! I swear I will never forgive you for destroying my home!)

It was a tantrum of a hurt child.

In the end, Elize turned 16, the age that dictated the game where it all began.

That was what her heart held for years.

A new morning came.

Elize have her beautiful eyes red, it seemed she had cried all night.

She gave herself some light strokes and proceeded to live her life.

The only thing that motivated her to go on, was that by getting engaged to the prince, her family will not fall into total ruin.

Unfortunately, the game would not allow her to be happy or receive her punishment. That was the role of the horrible villainess daughter. A poor girl who wanted to revive her destroyed home.


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