Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 13: vs. The unsuspecting boy

Chapter 13: vs. The unsuspecting boy

Once we arrived, we went straight to change.

We were wearing tight cycling clothes, the reason for that was because it was more comfortable when moving around.

Cid's suit was black with blue lines while mine was white with black lines.

I don't understand why, but I feel annoyed for some reason.

Our Pegasus were ready, we were just waiting for the order of who would go first of us.

"Huh, I'll go first?"


Cid's bastard was using me as cannon fodder it seems, as he said to me.

"Razel, I suggest you go out to fight before me, not only in the first round, the other two as well."

"Why should I be the one to carry all the weight on me!!!"

Cid gave me a cold stare.


He said, then revealed to me.

"...Listen, you know we're going to fight against a prince and his friends, right?"


"Well, think about this for a second. Who's the most dangerous of them all?"

That's obvious.

"Bellange, that guy is a gorilla. Or maybe Oscar."

Cid turned his head in denial.

"No doubt Bellange is physically strong, but he's an idiot. If you are smarter than him, with a good strategy you can beat him."

"Oscar is a talented wizard with wind magic. But he's not a real danger since guys like him use a pattern for their attacks, which are also ranged."

"Jake uses magic weapons, so he's sure to use one that throws something. Regulux is normal, he's better than me, but he's no big deal."

What he was saying was the truth, I knew all that already beforehand, but if he didn't mention a certain person, it means my answer was absurd.

"Those three aren't a problem, nor the prince, the real problem is the sword that goes with it."


I said the scariest name of all.

In the game, Lambert had his magic stats lowered so that he wouldn't overshadow Jake or Oscar. His physical strength was also reduced by 50% so that he would not be stronger than Bellange.

The reason for this was because Lambert was the most dangerous human being in the entire game.

If he knew how to cast spells and his muscles were much bigger, he would undoubtedly be able to kill all enemies by releasing only 1% of his power.

"That's why I'm telling you to get out before me. Since we must defeat those three before the real problem. I don't know how much you know about him, but let me tell you Lambert is the real danger."

Cid clenched his fist tightly as he spoke to me.

"I've known him since the swordsmanship academy, that kid... he's our only real threat. Razel, I will fight him, if we go out either of us after fighting the other three, we will undoubtedly lose, but, if one of us is at his best capabilities, there will be a chance."

His fist made a loud sound.

"Razel, my reason for fighting the duel against Regulux was that I didn't like what he did to Elize, but... my personal reason in helping her was to show that sword spawn what it means to be seen from above by someone superior."

Cid seems to have his reasons for fighting, if what he says is the best thing to do, I have no choice but to do it. Personally, I don't want to fight him.

I sighed for a moment before saying.

"...Alright, it really will be a pain in the ass to fight against a screamer, a weirdo, and a gorilla. But hey, does that mean you'll fight your brother too?"

Cid laughed a little.

"No way, I won't make it past that round hahaha. I'll just stop his sword and only there, he'll feel the real fear, he's always had it on his side, so once he sees him lose. He will understand that he doesn't stand a chance."

What Cid said made the main capture target look like a cowardly, sniveling child.

But hey, never mind.

"Let's go."

We both went straight out to the center to see the referee and start the win-or-lose conditions.

Once we arrived, we got off the boat driven by Professor Lloyd. He was waiting for us as we would return to see the competitor's Pegasus.

In front of me were five different colored pieces of shit.

They were all smiling at us.

No, they seem to be looking at Cid, they ignore me as if I were excrement.

Now I'm pissed off.

"Okay, this duel was approved by the academy and the palace, I would like to confirm the terms of surrender and what will happen when one of the two sides won or lost, is that okay?"

"Yes." We said.

"No." Lambert said.

"I mean, we accept, but I think you're wrong, we won't lose, they will. At least on this side I speak for me and not for these three."

The sharp words of the sword maniac annoyed everyone present, including his own allies.

"Cid." Said the handsome prince piece of shit.

"Sorry, but you're going to lose."

Me and Cid did a bad one for what he said.

Once the referee finished saying the terms and conditions of the duel, the important part came.

"If, Prince Cid loses, you guys will have to apologize for upsetting Prince Regulux, but if you win, Prince Regulux will have to apologize, is that clear?"

"Yes." We replied.

"Yes, Prince Regulux loses, he will apologize for bothering the duke's daughter, but if he wins, his engagement to her will be broken and moreover she will have to apologize, is that clear?"


Replied the golden bastard mockingly.

"Good. Since everything was clear, who will come out first?"

Just as I was about to come out, some idiot spoke before me.

"Me, Duke Fitzclarence's son, Jake! He'll be the one with the honor of defeating this nobody and the fourth prince!"

Idiot Jake walked out ahead very confidently.

Then, I came out.

"I, Razel Bartlet, will go first, not only in this match, the next two I will also go out, since..."

I gave Jake a look accompanied by a sarcastic comment.

"Since, I'm sure my wins will be super easy."

Jake appreciated irritated, a vein was marked on his forehead.

The referee looked at both of us and said.

"Alright, the first round of the duel will be between Jake von Fitzclarence vs. Razel Bartlet!"

"Of course!" we both shouted.


Cid gave me a worried look.

"Good luck." He said.

I smiled at him.

"Wish that idiot tomato luck."

We both headed to Professor Lloyd's to go check on my special weapon and my horse.

As I climbed into the boat, I noticed two girls in the stands.

One of them was slumped over.


I said to myself as we walked back to our side.

On one of the bleachers sat Lily and Elize.

Elize was slumped.

"Even to the end, he won't regret it."

Elize was saying almost in tears. Lily was holding her hand to give her loving words.

"Don't worry Elize-san, I'm sure the boys will win and the prince will apologize to you!"

Hearing those words of support, Elize would lift her face, Lily's smile making her smile a little. Then, she would watch her representatives return after having selected the participants of the first round.


She murmured. Lily heard that and squeezed her free hand very tightly.

Life smiled at those who walk the path of strength.

That's what my father, Duke Fitzclarence taught me from a young age.

My father was always a busy man, i played alone, but I didn't mind, I knew he was always busy with important things.

When I was 6 years old, my mother would tell me that my father accomplished an incredible feat in a single generation.

He managed to become the second seat of the 10 holy wizards.

He had developed a magical weapon for flying ships.

As his son and heir I was proud.

Years later I learned a cruel truth about our family.

Apparently, since the founding of the empire, our family is the enemy of the imperial family.

For that reason, instead of being a duchy like the others, we are a principality.

We still retain our free essence that did not bind us to any country or faction.

That's wrong, my father is doing something wrong.

I thought that many times.

Once, at a party, I was listening to some men talking.

"Hmph, why is that traitorous family here?"

"Maybe they want to regain some prestige. Remember that to this day they call themselves a principality and not a duchy, only grand duke is supposed to be the only one who should have a principality, but it seems like that family doesn't know that, hehehe."

"Yeah, it's really funny how they call themselves the seven dukes, when in reality they are six and an imposter, hahaha."

I ran to my father to ask him about what I heard.

He looked at me without interest and said.

"So, does it matter? Fitzclarence Household is and always will be the enemy of the Imperial family until they acknowledge their mistake."

I cried, I hated my dad that day.

He is supposed to be a smart man, but what he did was stupid.

Years later I found out that our family only rose to one of the three strongest duke houses thanks to Rosenberg Household falling into ruin.

Truth be told, I don't care about other dukes and their families, sorry Rosenberg, but the prestige of my house matters more than those of others.

When I entered the academy it was to have strong connections, then one day, he suddenly spoke to me.

"Hi, you're Jake, right?"

A very beautiful boy approached me, it was none other than the prince.

"Yes, it's me. You are His Highness, the third Prince Regulux, aren't you?"

"Indeed, it's me."

My eyes widened in surprise, I didn't know what to answer.

"Is there something you need from me?"

I had never spent word with him since my father was the only one who went to the imperial palace.

I hope it's nothing bad for my family because of my ancestors.

"I heard that like your father, you make magic weapons."

"Yes. I don't consider myself on the same level as my father, but I create them myself."

Why would he have asked that?

"You see, I'm very curious what they look like, would you mind showing me some if you have some available?"

He said with a pleasant smile.

My eyes widened, this was the chance to return my house to its position that was deserved.

With this, I became friends with Prince Regulux's personal circle.

I want my house to return to its honor and prestige, for that, I'm sorry Rosenberg, but I will crush the powerless prince and that nobody.

Don't take it personally, it's just a normal thing for a noble house.

If your family was the same as mine, you would do the same.

Now, let's kick this buffoon's ass.

The Pegasus that Jake was riding was a new model, according to Cid, he bought it in a store. The price was very, very expensive.

As there are different markings, they are given names to know what kind they are.

It was called Galahad, it was red with blue lines on its body. Despite the head being decorative, it has two handlebars as if it were a real motorcycle.

It even has a magic power meter that indicates if it is overheating or running low.

On his right arm he possessed a strange gauntlet, it looked like a skull, it reminds me of a certain movie of space soldiers fighting wearing something similar.

On his waist he carried some small boxes, I don't know what they were for, but I don't care.

I know you attack from a distance, in the game you used mini magic bombs from a rifle, but you carry it here.

While on my side...

"Hahahaha, are you serious that thing, what a tease, hahaha!"

He and many others were laughing at my horse.

I was trying to paint it, but the paint was melting, so it was like jet black.

I turned it on, I just had to press a button and automatically the magic power will run through the integrated magic circuits making it fly.

On the backside it has a big hole similar to the bottom of a missile.

A big blue light emanated from there.

I was ready, in my right hand I had in a pouch my special weapon.

Jake didn't seem to mind, just for that, I'll show it off.

When I took the holster off, many laughed, what fools.

"Hahahaha, what the heck is that! Hey, you think this is a joke don't you? You're making fun of us, aren't you?"

He was teasing me because on my shoulder rested a gray metal bat.

It was understandable. Even Cid told me I was crazy.

But the reason for doing it is for three reasons.

The first is that I don't want to show my trump card here.

The second was that if I used any weapon other than a bat, bad things would happen to them.

The third was that a wooden bat would be easily destroyed.

The fourth and most important was that by using a metal bat, I can hurt them a lot and not kill them.

Why I took a bat originally, was because in that game, I remember reading on a forum that a guy with a weird name used one to annoy other nobles, it seems he was an enemy of the prince.

Anyway, I'm ready to kick Jake's ass.

The referee was watching us from a distant position, screens were floating in the air.

The duel will take place in the forest sky, the maximum limit where we can go is up to that huge mountain seen in the distance.

Some kind of round bats were the cameras that would transmit everything they see.

Okay, time to do something I swore I wouldn't do, highlight.

"All set..."

Goodbye my life as a background character.


We both started off on our flying steeds to have the meeting away from the audience.

As we rode away, Jake was talking to me through a communicator embedded in the steed, we couldn't hear our voices if it wasn't for that.

"Hey, nobody guy! You should give up before you get hurt, hahaha!"

I ignored Jake, I was just heading all the way up the mountain, after all, I'm not interested in fighting you guys.

I don't want to waste energy either, I just want to defeat you guys as soon as possible and see Eli smiling again.

I was getting closer and closer to the mountain, when Jake yelled at me.

"We're far enough away from the audience, it's crying, nobody!"

I turned my head and used some magical power to activate an ability I developed during my training with Cid.


I can see up to ten meters to a distant object, fortunately, Jake wasn't that far away from me.

I watched as he carried in his strange gauntlet an object resembling a soda can.

He pointed it at me.


Something flew out in my direction.

I dodged it, but it appeared to be no ordinary missile.

It was heading towards me.

"Hahahaha, this is the prototype I created to defeat the fourth prince! I call it, mana heat missile!"

"Once it has a lock on its target, it can follow its magic power trail and attack it, you have no escape!"

Just like he said, I don't have it, when he was heading towards me.

I just hit it hard enough to make it explode.

When I turned around, Jake was looking like an idiot, he was really pissed off.

I kept going towards the mountain.

"Guh. Don't make fun of a duke's sooooooooooooon!"

Jake loaded one after another into his gauntlet, it seems only four can go in.

He pressed the button and the missiles were chasing me. They were faster than my steed, but no matter.

I was dodging them, I could do it with ease thanks to the fact that I have my Hawkeyes activated to see them steadily.

I was still annoyed with this guy.

I easily dodged the missiles while whistling.

I was firing more.

The number of missiles behind my butt was 16.

I couldn't see his face, but it sure was a jerk face with his eyes wide as his mouth. Since I'm dodging missiles like paper airplanes.

I finally made it to the mountain.

I rounded the big mountain circling around for the missiles to hit it.

Various explosions I heard from all around.

The mountain was still intact, it really is a very tough mountain.

Jake was coming up shouting.

"For a nobody guy, don't think you're a big deal! For the honor of the Duke's family and Prince Regulux, I'll defeat you no matter what!"

This kid has a big mouth, never mind. I don't plan on wasting any more time with you anyway, I have to defeat two more idiots.

"You know Jake, I'll tell you something I've always wanted to tell you during the game."

He doesn't understand what I'm talking about, but it doesn't really matter.

He was loading more missiles and heading towards me, I had stopped my steed and was waiting for him at the top of the mountain.

I was like in a movie, the steed was resting upright, I was leaning back a bit so I wouldn't fall to the bottom.

Jake was approaching very annoyed and fired the missiles.

"This is the best advice you'll ever get in your whole life."

The missiles were rapidly approaching towards me.

He laughed.

"Hahaha, I won, I, Jake, am the best hahaha!"

I grabbed my bat and gripped it really tight.

Then I said to him as the missiles headed for impact.

"For once in your life, learn to shut that damn mouth of yours. You dug your own grave, you idiot."

I hit the missiles that were going to blow me to pieces really hard, but using my bat, with some magic power imbued in it. The missiles were coming back to hit him.

How was this possible?

It's simple, the idiot said they follow the heat of the mana, in other words. traces of magic power.  They were chasing me since there is nothing of magic power emanating remnants like my steed, but now it was him who was in my position.

His joyful face was erased the instant he saw how the missiles would be directed to hit him, he was trying to escape, but it was useless.

With a snot hanging from his nose I heard him say.


A huge explosion could be heard.

Remnants of the red steed fell as Jake fell to the ground.

His eyes were rolling.

Apparently the missile was damaging, but not lethal.

He didn't want to kill his opponent, leave him badly wounded he wanted to.

But the board changed position, like Russian roulette.

You never know who will get the bullet.

Rest easy Jake. With this, I know you will not save anyone during the holy war.

I won't expect anything from you anymore, just, stop screwing with Eli and disappear for the rest of my life.


A group of healing mages were nearby hiding, they used a magic circle to trap Jake and heal him.

Smoke emanated from his mouth, with this, only four more colorful pieces of shit left.

Who am I going to have to kick his ass now?

"The winner is Razel Bartlet, participant Jake was knocked out!"

The referee declared me the winner.

I was heading to my position to fight the next one.

"Th-That was amazing, wasn't it Elize-san?"

Lily was asking Elize how amazing the duel between Razel and Jake was.

In which Elize replies to her.

"Actually, it was very disappointing, not even five minutes passed and he was the first one to be defeated. Look, even those in his group were laughing."

Lily watched from her position as Bellange laughed like an animal.

"Hahaha, are you serious, you were bragging so much to be defeated in such a ridiculous way?"

Oscar held back his laughter.

Regulux just smiled, while Lambert.

"Pathetic, and he calls himself the son of a duke. Worst of all, he was talking trash about how he would win. Truly, I must come out as the next or they'll put His Highness to shame."

He commented with a cold stare at Jake's defeat.

"No, I'll go. Jake-dono was a comedy, I mean, a tragedy. But that happened because of trusting. I'll win, I promise."

Oscar tapped Lambert's shoulder to confirm that he would fight next.

Lily was showing a face of distaste about these guys.

"How can they say that about their friend? They really are the worst."

Said the leading lady to the guys who should be her boyfriends.

"It's simple." Elize said. "Nobles only look out for their interests, things like friendship are irrelevant to them. That's why despite being from the prince's social circle, they don't feel affection for each other. Such is the society we live in, a cold and profit-driven one."

Elize commented very coldly and apathetically on Lily's innocent question.

Such was the world of nobility, something she once loved and now hated with all her soul.

Nobles are selfish, horrid heartless people. She only wanted to restore the honor of her house and her family.

She didn't care about the world of nobles and what they said.

That detail, did not belong in the game.

It was something that she learned herself during her humiliation by her fianc.


Lily looked at Elize with a sad face.

Two people were watching the duel.

"What did you think instructor?"

"How to say it without offending... Pathetic, very pathetic and pitiful."

"As expected from my instructor. You don't know how to blunt your tongue, hahahaha."

"Dolph, your laugh is worse than what I said."

"Look, I said it because the kid was too confident, he didn't analyze his opponent. Even if he's weak or not very smart. He should stand far enough away to observe his opponent and then attack. But he went wild and this was the result. I feel very sorry for him."

"Wow, you're feeling sorry for the son of a duke."

"You're wrong." Said the woman shaking her head.

"I say that because once his father finds out, it's going to go very horribly for him. Duke Fitzclarence is one of the most horrible people in personality that I could ever meet. I'm sure that boy, will know hell."

The two figures watched as Oscar mounted his steed, ready for his turn.

"Looks like something interesting will be coming now."

Said the woman who made a slight smile.

Razel went back to get into position to fight Oscar now.


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