Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 247: I Can Thing Again

Chapter 247: I Can Thing Again

Sei felt like his lungs were on fire, and his vision was getting blurry. His Ord reserves were at the bottom, and it felt like he was out of breath even though he took deep breaths.

He had been flying for days without sleep or food. But he didn't dare stop, even though he knew they were far away from that forsaken island.

Actually, maybe that was the problem. Perhaps this was just a trick from some strange creature on the island, and they weren't actually getting away from it at all. He might have been flying in circles this whole time.

Even when he saw shores in the distance, Sei couldn't fully trust his eyes. These might be the same shores of the island they were trying to escape. When they flew over a patch of sand, Sei canceled his special ability, and they all came crashing down to the ground.

Luckily, Zumi had the quick thinking to catch him before he hit the ground face-first.

Part of Sei wished they hadn't left the island. He didn't want to accept that his rival and friend might have died. Another part of him hoped that everything had been some sort of complicated trick.

"Darn it, we just abandoned him there... dead," those were Sei's final words before exhaustion overtook him and everything went black.


As Yara strolled through the castle, she pondered how she could uncover the information the clans held. With the navy patrolling the seas, searching for any returning ships and using communication talismans to signal them, it seemed unlikely that the people had come back yet.

But then an idea struck her, and she headed into the city. After speaking with some guards, she located an inn owned by one of the clans. The Clan Leader of that particular clan was staying there, naturally.

Approaching the inn, she noticed a faint pink glow emanating from a window. Intrigued, Yara entered the inn. The receptionist gave her a curious look, probably recognizing her.

To avoid raising suspicion, Yara put on a friendly smile and said, "I'd like to rent a room."

The female receptionist seemed hesitant, but eventually relented and handed Yara a key. Yara couldn't help but notice that the receptionist was an Ord user, which seemed like a bit of an overqualification for a simple desk job.

Heading to the second floor, Yara decided not to go to her room immediately. Instead, she followed the pink glow she had spotted earlier. It felt oddly familiar as if it belonged to Deliathe person she was seeking.

Yara pressed her ear against a door, attempting to eavesdrop on what was happening inside. All she could hear were some moans, which prompted her to quickly step away, her lips forming a bemused smile.

It appeared that even someone as unhinged as Delia had a romantic interest. Yara couldn't help but wonder about the kind of person who would be involved with someone like her.

Recognizing that getting entangled in this situation would likely lead to trouble, Yara discreetly left the inn. She positioned herself just across the road and maximized her use of Ord, a skill she possessed.

An hour later, the pink glow slithered back, indicating that whatever had been happening was now over. Clearly, Delia's partner possessed impressive stamina.

Yara waited patiently and finally saw a woman dressed in tight-fitting black attire emerge from the inn. Her hair was disheveled, but her overall appearance suggested a certain level of importance, akin to someone attending a clan leader's meeting.

Natalia of the Kuro Clan?

At that moment, everything clicked for Yara. Delia's lover wasn't a manit was a woman.

Yara's heart raced at the realization, but she took a deep breath, deciding not to waste her energy on useless gossip. Delias nocturnal activities had nothing to do with her. However, the relationship did clear up a couple of things.

When Natalia initially backed the royal family, Yara had assumed she aimed to suppress the Raion Clan. However, Natalia declared her support only after Delia had done so.

Despite the juicy gossip this revelation could bring, Yara shook her head and pushed away such thoughts. Delia and Natalia were the sole clan leaders supporting the royal family. She wanted to avoid upsetting either of them.

Yara entered the inn again, and the receptionist gave her a strange look. "Weren't you just in here?"

Choosing not to reply, Yara ascended the stairs to the second floor. There, she found Delia leaning by the door. The head of the Dark Sword clan wore a suggestive grin and inquired, "Enjoy the spectacle?"

She knew?!

Momentarily flustered, Yara recognized that if Delia attacked, she wouldn't stand a chance. Yet, she maintained her composure and asked, "That's not my concern. I'm here for a different reason. Why are the clan leaders acting so boldly?"

Delia's smile remained unwavering as she approached Yara, each step calculated. She gently lifted Yara's chin, and their proximity made Yara's heart race.

"Because a couple of the seers hinted that Kon might be dead," Delia disclosed. "They didn't directly name him, but they mentioned the hanged man left hanging, or something like that."

Yara's suspicions were confirmed, causing her heart to sink. Yet, seeing Delia's lack of sorrow offered a glimmer of hope.

"But you don't seem worried, is it safe to assume that Kon is somewhat safe?" Yara asked hesitantly. She had received numerous reports from the Kingdom's informants, and while the Dark Sword Clan was secretive, it was known that Delia held some regard for Kon.

"Oh no, he's definitely gone," Delia confirmed, producing a charred talisman. These tokens were linked to each Dark Sword Clan member, a common practice among the clans. They signaled when a clan member perished.

Yara felt her world shatter at the news. While she wouldn't say that Kon was someone who she cared about dearly, he was someone who was like a pillar and always seemed like a genuinely decent guy.

She let out a sigh and absentmindedly scratched her head. "The princess is going to take this really hard."

"Tell her that Kon lived his life how he wanted to, and nobody or nothing forced him to go to this strange and mysterious island. We will all die one day, and doing so while doing what you love is like a blessing," she said.

However, Yara's worries didn't ease up. Now, she had the tough task of breaking the news to Wisteria. Unlike Yara, Wisteria genuinely admired Kon, despite her words suggesting otherwise. It was as clear as day to anyone who had known the queen for as long as Yara had.

"What a cruel fate," Yara sighed and walked away, her head down.

A part of her considered lying to Wisteria, to shield her from the truth. But the world was cruel, and it seemed better for her to learn about Kon's fate from a friend rather than an enemy.

Yara returned to the castle, wandering through its adorned hallways while pondering how to handle this situation.

Eventually, she decided to enter Wisteria's room, a space adorned with various anime-related items. Mangas and posters covered the walls, and even the bedsheets featured a picture of a magical girl.

Wisteria was engrossed in watching anime, and Yara headed over to turn off the TV by unplugging it.

"Hey! What was that for?" Wisteria protested.

"I've got some news," Yara said, opting to be direct. "Kon is probably dead. That is why the other clan leaders were acting like that."

"Only probably? He's survived worse chances than that," Wisteria didn't seem concerned.

Yara observed Wisteria closely and noticed the queen had convinced herself that Kon was still alive. Yet, Yara held a different understanding, recognizing the danger of Wisteria's state of mind. An enemy could exploit her vulnerability.

"Delia confirmed Kon's death," Yara affirmed. "She-"

"Leave," Wisteria suddenly ordered. Her Ord shifted, and Yara realized the queen needed to be alone for a while.

"Just be cautious so you dont develop an ability that-"

"I told you to leave already. Did you forget that the punishment for going against the orders of royalty could mean death," Wisteria's eyes turned icy, leaving no room for argument. "With Kon gone, the other clans will act like starving wolves. I wouldn't be surprised if they fabricate the existence of an unknown-before bastard sibling, and start a civil war. So I need you to go out there and prepare."

Yara nodded and exited, leaving the door slightly ajar in case Wisteria acted recklessly.

Yet, once Wisteria believed Yara was gone, her true feelings emerged. She flung a remote at the TV. "Jerk! Asshole! Bastard! You promised you would come back! Not only were you a scumbag but also a liar!"

Although her words seemed harsh towards Kon, tears streamed down Wisteria's face. "All that talk about coming back, and you just go and die on some unknown island."

She grabbed a pillow and hurled it at the sparkling TV. Yara feared it might catch fire, but the pillow punched through the TV like a brick.

It might be easy to forget, but Wisteria had access to her Ord. During such extreme emotions, Ord could react in strange ways.


Death was this eerie thing all darkness, and then poof, I couldn't feel a thing.

But in what felt like a mere split second later, my thoughts started to work again. Weirdly, it seemed like the blink of an eye. Yet, deep down, I had this odd gut feeling that a good chunk of time had slipped by.

Such an odd sensation...


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