Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 245: Kon’s Countermeasures

Chapter 245: Kon’s Countermeasures

Wis was beyond scared, her anxiety and uncertainty taking over. Nevertheless, she portrayed the role of a composed woman, as though her every move was part of a master plan.

Was she acting to deceive others, or was she deceiving her own fear? She couldn't be sure. Wis was just your average girl, someone who had stumbled into an utterly unexpected position of power.

Terrified as she was, her rational side understood how she needed to behave. Revealing her fear through tears or trembling wouldn't help her cause in any way.

No, I must keep up this facade. I'll just imagine I'm one of those villain characters you know, the clever ones who never face defeat! Wis attempted to outwit her own mind and remained motionless.

Yara's voice rang out, "The attackers are closing in!"

"Summon the royal guards," Wis said calmly, even though she felt anything but calm.

At that moment, four figures emerged from the hallway's far end. Yara pointed at them urgently. "Those are the attackers, and two of them are clan leaders from the meeting."

Wis wanted to unleash a barrage of curses, yet she suppressed those emotions and gestured toward the men. Concealed behind masks, their identities remained a mystery. "If you turn back now, I'll only demand that you leave one hand behind. each. It's the sole condition under which I'll spare your lives, and the lives of your loved ones."

When she alluded to the repercussions for their close ones, they drew their swords. In response, Wis inhaled deeply and summoned her own power, her Ord. This ability was somewhat feeble and untrained, given her infrequent practice with it.

In different circumstances, she might have found time for training, but Kon's absence meant more responsibilities for her.

More training time would come later, though. She wasn't willing to give up her anime marathons. She'd prefer death over that! Life should hold value, and constant struugles felt like a type of torment.

No, she wasn't a masochist. She would rather die than live a life without anime!

Okay, maybe she was feeling a bit overdramatic. But it wasn't far from the truth.

"Damn it, I was supposed to live my life as a soiled princess with a trash personality," Wis grumbled. "Instead, here I am, acting all nice for these bastards."

"Your true colors are showing!" Yara warned her.

However, Wis didn't care about that, and her feelings passed on to her Ord. She was someone who preferred doing things her way, even after becoming queen, she didn't have an interest in ruling.

In a way, she was someone who lived solely for her own desires and pleasures. That was what made her a perfect fit for mastering Ord!

Once Wis activated her Ord, she sensed herself growing stronger through her emotions. Thanks to the memories of her ancestors and Kon, who had explained everything to her, Wis understood that without a unique ability, Ord wasn't very effective against highly skilled Exorcists.

"Tch, we should've dealt with a queen using Ord as soon as we could," grumbled one of the clan leaders with a black mask covering his face. Even Wis could easily recognize him.

But before they could make a move, silver-haired youngsters emerged from windows, doors, and hidden entrances. In an instant, the entire hallway was crowded with over a dozen of them.

"Yes! Finally, a chance to throw some punches!" One of the silver-haired teens cheered. He had a strong build, indicating he was likely a Warrior. What caught Wis' attention the most about him was that he wore a dress robe similar to Kon's and even had glasses on.

The Ord surrounding him was concentrated and well-controlled, demonstrating his talent and considerable power. The silver-haired man then took a picture of Kon, one that bore Kon's signature, and tore it in half. His expression showed regret, yet his Ord expanded over four times in size right after.

"{Idol Power Up!}"

One of the other silver-haired youngsters, a short girl, explained, "His ability works by mimicking Sir Kon. He even wears glasses and dresses like him. Although Sir Kon is a Master while this dumbass is a Warrior."

Wis regarded them with curiosity and, for the first time in a while, felt like she wasn't the most eccentric person in the room.

"He views Kon as unbeatable, so the boost he gets is ridiculously strong," a tall silver-haired guy sighed.

"It's the kind of power that only stupid people get," another one chimed in.

Wis watched them from the sidelines and recognized a couple of the silver-haired youngsters. How could she not? After all, some of them had been attempting to kill her less than a year ago. She was taken aback by how much they had transformed and how chatty they had become. Before, they had come across as emotionless instruments, even when Kon was pummeling them nearly to death.

"He also is super annoying since he likes to act weak," the short girl chimed in, her disappointment evident as she shook her head.

"Yeah. We have known each other since we were young, and he was one of the strongest amongst us. Does he think acting weak would all of a sudden make us think he is weak?"

"He even tried to tame a demon once by beating it to submission. But he is a Warrior."

Also he tries to blend in with crowds, but people easily point him out due to his hair color.

"You should see his room, even when we were living in the dorm, he was a borderline stalker. He had hundreds of pictures of sir Kon."

Watching from the sidelines, Wis observed the silver-haired youngsters complaining. She wasn't sure what to make of it. She didnt think any of them were here to try and kill her, which was good, and she understood that they admired Kon for rescuing them when no one else would. But this was going a bit too far.

Did Kon even know he had a fan and stalker amongst them?

Seeing the expression on her face, one of the silver-haired girls offered reassurance. "Don't worry, the rest of us aren't that weird."

Despite the assurance, Wis couldn't help but feel like she was the least strange person in this group, which spoke volumes about the people she was surrounded by.

"Why do some of the weirdest people make some of the strongest exorcists?" Yara whispered, just loud enough for Wis to catch.

But they didn't have to wonder for long, as the guy with glasses stepped forward, a smile on his face. "Looks like you guys are pretty strong, so I'll have to go all out."

He took out a sheathed sword with an eerie aura surrounding it. Wis was surprised that the guy had gotten his hands a cursed weapon, they were quite rare. Though it was clear that his cursed sword was much weaker than the one Kon used to have.

He was about to unsheathe it, when his fellow silver-haired companions reached out, grabbing his hand to prevent him from doing so.

"Hey! You can't just whip out a cursed sword out of nowhere! We all know you can't handle it!"

The bespectacled silver-haired guy let out a sigh. "Yeah, but I don't have much choice. My opponents are too strong, and-"

"They're not that strong!"

The short girl took his cursed sword away, striding over to Wis with an irritated expression. "Idiot. Didn't he learn from last time? Even a weak cursed sword like this is dangerous for us."

Wis was aware that these kids all had demons sealed within them. Which likely amplified the risk of being overtaken by those demons when cursed weapons were involved.

Before they could delve too deeply into a strategy, they observed the glasses guy pulling out a talisman and activating it. The paper crumpled and transformed into a fist-sized water ball, he grabbed it and threw the water blob like a baseball.

The weak water ball didn't flow for long, instead splattering uselessly on the ground. Even the masked enemies appeared confused by the unfolding events. Wis also felt a sort of second-hand embarrassment while witnessing all of this.

Was this how Kon felt when he was around her?

Why would a Warrior even attempt to use water talismans that couldn't even harm a cat? He probably didnt have the money to buy a stronger one. But why even go and use a water talisman like that?

Unlike Wis, Yara had a knowing look in her eyes and said, "Hey, you!" She pointed at the guy with glasses who was imitating Kon. He turned around, and Yara gave him a thumbs up. "You used the water ball to imitate Kons water control ability, right?

The guy nodded, he had a dejected look on his face and the water attack not succeeding seemed to have hit his self-confidence quite hard.

Yara gave him a thumbs up, If you save Queen Wis' life, Kon will reward you generously. Maybe even with a handshake event. After all, you're saving his fiance."

It might have been a foolish thing, indeed, the epitome of foolishness. However, when stupid people awakened Ord their Ord was foolish too.

The man with glasses' Ord expanded outward, doubling in size once again, while a smile graced his face. He removed his glasses and crushed them in his hand. "You might have known me as Odif, but my real name is Fido!"

As if some unknown condition had been fulfilled, his power spiked once again.

With renewed determination, he leaped toward the group of attackers. Each step he took seemed to leave a mark on the ground, adding to his momentum. In an instant, he was right in front of the enemy.

Even though there was a possibility that these enemies possessed an ability that could bypass his defenses, Fido didn't seem to care. He infused one of his fists with Ord and delivered a hammering blow to one of the men's heads. The force behind the strike caused the man's head to crumble into a horrifying mess of skull fragments and gray brain matter. His headless body slumped to the ground, leaving Fido covered in red.

Yet, despite the gruesome scene, Fido's grin only widened. He aimed a kick at another attacker. However, that turned out to be a grave mistake, as Fido's leg suddenly detached from his hip and slashes appeared all over his body.

Wis' heart nearly stopped at the sight. She hadn't even seen the attack coming. It struck her that among her assailants was an extremely dangerous Ord user.

Fido's body slumped to the ground, and a tall, thin man stepped forward, walking past Fido's fallen form. This man was one of the clan leaders who had been present at the meeting. "Im here to kill you, Queen Wisteria. Your father was a smart man and avoided getting involved in exorcists affairs. But you got too arrogant and greedy."

Before he could continue his speech, a blood-covered fist burst out of his chest. The man's eyes widened, and he looked down in shock. The severity of his wound left no doubt that he wouldn't survive, and he seemed to realize that as well.

"Did you believe I'd go down that easily?" Fido inquired.

"Despite his stupidity, Fido is undoubtedly the closest Organization X came to achieving their goal," the short girl declared.

The giant man's body collapsed, revealing that Fido was fully healed and even had a new leg.

Now, in addition to his original set of arms, there was an extra pair emerging from his shoulder blades, along with peculiar tattoos emitting an eerie energy.


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