Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: Chapter 88 – Manifested~

“Die?!!! I-I....” Feng Mei anxiously bit her lips. ‘I can’t let them go through with this. If so, I might really die!!!’

“Clarina is a time user,” she shouted.

The twins peered at her, confusedly.

“Um..... Okay? Maybe we could have his excess powers transferred to her...” Ethan nodded at this plan. “Aiden, go get her.”

Feng stopped him. “ she is not here,”

“Where is she?” Aiden and Ethan gave her the same excited look.

She cracked under pressure. “She sailed away in the pirates’ ship. It’s a long story, but she is not here anymore. What else can we do? Isn’t there any other way to do this?”


“We’ve got only this way left. Other ways require a lot of time elemental powers, which we do not posses. That guy is powerful, but he has no control over it. We need to somehow control it,” Ethan shook his head.

“Then....” she fidgeted with her pants.

Aiden gently hugged her. “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt,”

‘Like hell. I will die if they do this.’ she silently cussed at her fate. “Guys, you see I don’t have....”

{‘System error, system error. Self destruction activated!!!!}

{Beep! Beep! Beep!!}

“Nothing....” she sighed loudly. Only then did the system stop beeping so loudly in her ear. This game won’t allow her to reveal such a vital detail. ‘It really wants me dead!!’ she sobbed on the inside

But suddenly she remembered a vital detail. ‘You shitty game, show me my task status,’

{Task status: not completed}

‘The task is still ongoing. This is great,’

The game’s main tasks usually give her three spare lives. Even if she got brutally killed now, she can repeat the task again. ‘This plan will work. This time, I will silently take the pendant and maybe know that lady out. Then I can easily keep the pendant intact,’

Feng shot up. “I can do it!!!” she held out her hand. “Hook me up.”

Ethan chuckled softly. “I don’t need to hook you up with anything, just sit down here,” he took out a brush and ink. He swiftly drew a few symbols on her hand and on her forehead.

He ran back to Oli and drew the same signs on his forehead. As soon as he finished the drawing, both the signs glowed up.

Feng was stunned by the influx of power. It was like electricity passing through her body, numbing her nerves. She stumbled back into the chair behind her.

“Feng!” Aiden supported her. “Just a while... it will be all okay...” he whispered, caressing her head.

She leaned weakly on his chest. ‘What the fuck is this pain.’ The powers coursed through her veins into her heart and her organs.

Her heart shuddered. It started pounding so fast that for a second it stopped.

‘I-I.... I think I might go into cardiac arrest.’ she closed her eyes.

The powers instantly shocked her heart and started it up once again.

She gasped awake.

“Feng!! Are you.... okay..” Aiden gently wiped the sweat off her forehead. “Ethan, she does not look good...”

Ethan frowned deeply. “Let’s stop,”

“No!,” Feng shouted. ‘It’s better if I can get this done with. Then after my death I can simply go back in time and continue the task again...’ she thought whist panting softly.

The energy slowed down a bit. She let her guard down, but in that second’s time her heart stopped once again.

She went into cardiac arrest again.

Her sight dimmed and her breath stopped. ‘I guess this is the end.... just put an end to this pain,’

“She is not breathing!!!!” she heard a vague shout close to her ear.

“Rub off the signs! Rub it off!!” a pair of cold hands wiped ferociously at her skin.

Feng Mei felt all that, but she was not able to move at all. ‘Don’t panic, kids. It’s okay... I am going to be okay. It’s just a task, after all. I can handle this pain...’

Suddenly, the influx of powers went against her blood stream. It travelled towards her brain and her heart at the same time.

Her heart started pounding once again, pumping warm blood through her cold body.

“She is back!!” two pairs of hands held her tightly and helped her lay down on the ground. She opened her eyes and glanced at the worried faces hovering over her.

“How many fingers am I holding?” Ethan held out a finger.

Feng gripped his finger with a small smile. “One..”

“Oh, my god!!” they all cried loudly. Elle even started to sob.

Seeing their relieved faces, she chuckled softly. ‘I guess I survived ah...’

“What is going on in here!!” a loud shouted startled them all. Yubiri stood by his study door with a deep glare. “Why are you all huddled together like that,” he noticed a pair of fine legs poking out from the group. “Who is that?”

He curiously moved close, only to see Feng laying these. “What’s wrong with her?” he swiftly lifted her up from the cold floor and placed her on the couch in the main hall. Her breath was slow and her body was extremely cold.

He examined her as quickly as he could. His magic powers swept through her, checking each of her body parts. Suddenly, he noticed a small blue spot in her heart and in her brain. “Gasp.”

“What? What’s wrong with her,” the twins worriedly tugged at his pants.

“She manifested!!”

Those were the last words Feng heard before she lost consciousness.


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