Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Chapter 68 – Clarina

‘Clarina’ a name that is not common amongst the masses. ‘The game female lead is here. Things are going a get intense. Now that she is here, the twins will probably stick to her’ Feng bit her lips as she glanced at them. “she is cute, right?”

“No, she is not. Feng don’t very talk about her. Ever.” Ethan shouted all of a sudden. His expression was so bad. Even Aiden was having a serious look in his eyes.

Feng confusedly looked around.

Little Elle was frowning slightly and Yubiri was curiously looking at the ay the cute little girl went.

‘What is this? Why are they all having such an adverse reaction to her? Isn’t she supposed to be the game FL? Aren’t they supposed to fall for her?’ Feng confusedly glanced around.

“What is it Elle? Why are you frowning so?”

The little girl glanced at her with a deep frown. “Don’t get close to her Feng. That girl is weird.”


“How so?”

“I see a weird aura around her. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”

“What do you mean,” Feng gently caressed her stiff back.

“Feng, that girl has weird purple aura around her. My third eye saw it. It is not a good thing,”

Feng did not understand anything about auras so she just nodded and let go of this thought, but Yubiri on the other hand frowned deeply.

Sending Feng’s confused look, he decided to explain it.

“Darker colour indicates that their soul is slightly tainted with evil intent.”

“She is evil. That brat is nothing but bad news. Let’s go in Feng,” Aiden mumbled and tugged at her hand.

Feng just simply followed after them in a very confused state.

The game was created with FL clear in mind. She was supposed to be the focus of all the main leads and even the side characters fall in love with her. But now it looks like the twins absolutely hate her.

‘What went wrong? Is it butterfly effect? No, I’m just a cannon fodder my presence will not make much change in the story line of the game.’

She subtly glanced at Yubiri. “What are your thoughts about her?”

Yubiri blankly stared at her. “A stranger I don’t care about.”

Feng’s eyebrows twitched. For this said target, this mage will go such lengths to help out. He even got shot and stabbed multiple times to help her in the story line. ‘Are you sure, dude? Are you sure you didn’t fall in love with her at first sight?’

She intently peered up at him.

“Is there something on my face?” Yubiri rubbed his cheeks slightly.

“No, nothing.” Feng smiled at him and left, back to their respective rooms.

Elle still clung to her and invited herself over to their room as well. She ran to the bed and plopped on it. “I can ask my grandma who that girl was. It’s better to be cautious,”

“Wow, my little Elle has matured.” Feng gently caressed her head.

Elle smirked at her. “Last time I realized that my life has been too comfortable. So I started using my third eye at every chance I got. It’s tiresome,”

Feng nodded. Everyone here was putting an effort to become stronger thanks to the event that shook them to the core. “There is always good in the bad. Since we all have gone through that tough time out heart is also stronger.” she gently kissed her forehead.

The kid stuck to her, humming softly.

Feng glanced back to see the twins silently sitting there. “What is up with you two?”

“Nothing,” Aiden mumbled, dwindling with his thumb.

Feng sighed and crawled closer to them. “Won’t you tell me? I am your darling Feng,”

Aiden lanced back with a strained smile. “You are my favorite Feng.” He subtly gripped Ethan’s hand tightly.

Seeing that little girl only brought about the very hard memories of their past.

He did not want to even talk about it. Even worse was that Ethan was the one who was hurting very badly. He trusted that girl, but she only gave back pain and suffering.

{‘Everything is going back to its place. We.... even our fates might end the same,’} Ethan mumbled, wiped his face tiredly.

{‘Don’t think like that. I promise I won’t let history repeat itself. You saw Yubiri right he is not the same. I believe that he might be like us too.’}

{‘Well I don’t. I saw the way he looked at her. It was curiosity and something more. Brother, we have to distance ourselves from him when we can.’} Ethan sent his sad thoughts over.

Aiden just hugged him tight. {‘This time we shall play his game. We’ll learn what we can from him and defeat him. How does that sound?’}

“Sounds like a fantasy,” Ethan whispered with a sad smirk.

“What does?” Feng moved closer and wiggled in between them. “Tell me whets wrong?”

“It’s just..... nothing....” Ethan mumbled. “Feng, you won’t abandon us right?”

“What an absurd question? Why would I?” Feng kissed his forehead. “You both are my family now.”

“Family yes, but siblings no,” Aiden immediately corrected her.

“Then what am I to you, an aunt? That sounds right.” Feng nodded to herself. To these little kids she did feel like an aunt. With her thirty plus age of course it fits her image. “Then I shall be your aunt form this day forward.”

Ethan glanced at her with a look of horror. “You are making it even worse. We are family because you are the one in my heart.”

“Mine too.” Aiden jumped up and glared at his brother competitively.

Feng just smiled and nodded. “Yes, yes, and I love you both as well, my precious babies,”

Ethan and Aiden blushed red.

“Repeat that again? You love us?”

“I love you, I love you, I love you, guys a thousand times,” Feng whispered, hugging them on both sides. “You are just five-year-old my little ones. Since I am the oldest of out three I shall take the responsibility to raise you and take good care of you, so when you have something troubling you have to seek the help of an adult.”

“You are older than us by five.” Ethan just blankly glanced at her. “But I appreciate the offer. When I feel comfortable, I will talk about it.”

“That’s good,”


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