Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Chapter 38 – Reduced To Tears

Yubiri silently walked to the darkroom, along with the kid in tow.

“They are all asleep,” Alvin whispered, standing near the doorway.

Yubiri pushed past him and silently walked into the room. He sat on the chair next to the bed and peered at Feng, who was sleeping peacefully. But what irked him was that currently the twins were hugging her waist and sleeping peacefully as well.

He glared back at Alvin. “Didn’t you provide separate housing for those two? How could you let a girl and a boy stay together? What of her honour?”

Alvin started sweating a little, feeling the mage’s anger. “Great mage.... the kids and little Feng dislike being separated from her,”

“So you let them sleep together, in the same bed?” Yubiri massaged his aching head. Even in this darkness, he could see a subtle shadow of the little kid’s soul image. It was that of a young man aged about twenty or so. His hair was quite short, with a buzz cut to the side. Obviously, these two were from his world.

‘But how did they get associated with her?’ he glanced at Feng’s soul image. Her short black hair was spread onto the white pillow lie a hollow around her head. Her fan shaped eyelid hid her beautiful cold black eyes.


Sighing, Yubiri admired this view. He wanted to reach out and touch, but inside he feared that this was all just an illusion.

That it was his mind playing a trick on him.

He pulled his hand back and sighed loudly.

“Great mage..... Shall we move to the parlour?” the kid named Alvin whispered with hesitant look.

Yubiri glanced at him coldly. “I promised your grandmother to do a spell on them. It will take some time. Go out, I need some privacy,”

Alvin hesitated even more. He glanced at the kids and then at the door. Feeling the mage’s glare, he went out reluctantly.

Yubiri closed the door after him.

He went back to his seat and performed a soul seal spell. A soft golden glow arose from his hands, gently casting the entire room in its warm light.

He first chanted the spell for the boys, leaving Feng as his last. He leaned closer and gently touched her forehead. “Feng.... this life I shall never let you down. I shall never let you get hurt....”

Feng felt a warm hand on her forehead. She frowned slightly and squeezed her eyes tightly. The hand slowly touched her cheeks and then moved on to her cute button nose.

Feeling this touch, Feng frowned even more. ‘Which fly is tormenting me in my sleep.’ she swatted the hand away and rolled over.

Suddenly, she heard a soft chuckle.

Her mind became clear instantly. Feng opened her eyes wide and glanced around in the dark. She was able to make out the blond head of one of the twins. Feeling the little arms around her she frowned. ‘The twins are both asleep.... then who was touching me?’

She feared to take a look back.

The person who was touching her moved to the other side of the bed.

She immediately closed her eyes, freighting sleep.

Yubiri already noticed her fluttering eyes and smiled. “Feng, you awake?”

Hearing this voice, Feng snapped her eyes open. She shot up and grabbed his hands tightly. “Why are you here? How dare you touch me in my sleep?”

Yubiri smirked at her. “I was performing a spell on you.”

Feng’s eyes went wide. “Spell? What spell? Why are you putting a spell on me? Answer me or else I will shout.” she glared at him.

“I just cast a healing spell on you. It will not affect you by any means. And please don’t shout, you might wake them up.” he placed a finger on his lips and gestured to the twins who were snoring loudly.

Feng frowned a little. She hugged them both tightly. The twins did not even flinch at her touch, which was rare. They usually woke up when she even moved a finger. “What happened to them?”

“They just manifested their powers. Probably it was too much for their small body so they are asleep,” Yubiri patiently answered her.

“Oh.” Feng gently caressed Aiden’s head. “I am surprised they manifested so soon.” She silently pondered how she was going to convince the twins to study magic. They both seem to hate it very much. ‘Maybe I should not force them if they are unwilling. Let them do what they want,’

She lowered herself and gently kissed Aiden’s ruddy cheeks.

There was a small snap sound in the room. Surprised, Feng looked up at Yubiri. ‘Shit, I forgot he is still here.’ She straightened up and bowed. “Thank you so much for your help.”

Yubiri gave her a guilty smile. “Please don’t thank me; it was my fault that you are in this predicament. I will make sure to have a talk with Miss Mary. I guess she must have misunderstood my intentions towards her.”

Feng raised a brow.

“I-I don’t think of her as anything special. We have only occasionally exchanged greetings, that’s all. We don’t have any special relationship,” Yubiri urgently whispered.

Feng just smiled at this. “You don’t have to explain anything to me, sire.” She looked at his flustered face intently. ‘This guy, he doesn’t seem to be as cold and callus as the game initially portrayed. But.... even so, he is the main character. If I get close to him, I might just end up being pulled into sub plots like this again.’

Taking a deep breath, she continued. “Sire Yu, I am glad you care about my well being, but you showing excessive attention to me will only pull me into sticky situations.” His face immediately fell. He looked like he was almost on the verge of tears.

‘Shit, shit, what to do. I think he is going to cry.’ she leaned closer and held his hands. “I think we can be friends though!”

He cheerfully glanced up. His smile lit up his entire face. It was so dazzling that Feng was momentarily stunned. ‘Why is he so handsome? No wonder those girls fall for him left and right.’ she let go of his hand.

But he gripped it tight.

“I am happy you have accepted me. Thank you so much. I can’t explain how much this means to me,” he said with tears streaming down his face.

‘oh lord, I made him cry! I made the great mage cry!’


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