Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 227 - 227 chapter 218

227 chapter 21The beauty in red, aka, Xia and the king of Hales, Farah stride slowly and graciously out the room, Xia glanced at the gawking little eunuch and whispered, “Do you trust him?”

The king shook his head. “No one is of trust in here,” he sadly said.

Xia nodded. ‘Looks like diplomatic problem inside this palace is more intense that I expected. First, I will deal with the outsiders, then the king has to deal with his own people,’ he thought and swaggered over to the golden robed men.

“Your majesty, who are these men? They look dashing,” Xia said coyly, glancing at them up and down.

“They are my confidants and my new allies from the golden kingdom,” The king played along and introduced them.

The golden tribe members scoffed at the king but smirked at Xia, who was dressed up as a woman. “Little lady, you should meet our captain Jinsu, he can give you the utmost pleasure of your life,” the guard proudly said while he was giving disdainful glances at Farah.

The king scoffed inside. ‘Your captain Jinsu had already become a flower by this very beauty in front of you. What almost pleasure? All he can do is wilt now,’

“oh, I will definitely introduce this beauty to the respected sir, but I was not able to find him anywhere,” Farah tauntingly said with a gently smile.

The guards glanced at each other. “What do you mean? Our captain was with you at the balcony, right?” one of them whispered. The other member patted him on the back, “oh did you forget our leader walked away with our other elders. I think they are preparing for the sacrifice,” he said.


Farah was holding back gleeful laughter at the point. ‘ha-ha, these idiots, their leaders and elders have long been turned to a lotus flower which was torn up by me! How can they be preparing for the sacrifice?’ He then took careful glance at the beauty in front of him, ‘this heavenly cultivator is very strong. Not only did her powers too their leaders out, but it also made their believers that they are still alive. Is she really a Rakshasha?’ he thought in awe.

Meanwhile Xia was talking softly to the golden tribe members as he subtly fluttered his translucent skirt every time someone flirted with him. Seeing this many other golden tribe members surrounded him, throwing praises after praises. Some even tried to grope him, but like a slippery fish Xia evaded their touch. “You naughty bunch. I am a guest of the king, you should not touch,” he giggled.

“Beauty, this kingdom belongs to us, the golden tribe members. What king? He is just a useless puppet,” one boastingly laughed out loud.

The king Farah behind Xia gritted his teeth. ‘Really, I really let in a wide-eyed wolf,’ he thought, glancing at the hairpin he clenched in his palm. ‘I will never let them get their way. I will fight for my sister’s freedom and for my kingdom, even if it’s my death I will gladly fight,’

Xia glanced at the guards’ stiff form and nodded satisfactorily. “Your majesty looks like my job here is done.” He then glanced at the ten men in front of him and smirked. “Listen to my command, go attack anyone on golden robe. Kill main and stab if you have to, but bring me their head,” he said casually.

As soon as this word escaped his mouth, the ten men in front of him froze. Like puppets, they all nodded simultaneously at him and dashed away.

“Awesome! That was totally awesome!” Farah exclaimed and stepped forward, but Xia stopped him at an arm’s distance. “Don’t get close. I have powdered hypnotizing agent in my skirt. Just a whiff and you will become like those puppets,” he warned gravely.

Te king gulped and stepped back three steps. “Heavenly cultivator....your powers are limitless. Taking them out with their own men. This is ingenious,” he cheerfully praised.

Xia was elated. He happily hopped around and walked over to the direction of the room that was heavily guarded. The paper inside his ears was still emitting the conversations from the other side. Felia’s heart wrenching pleas to free Raijin was the only thing he heard. Gritting his teeth, he hastened his phase. “Your sister, did you aid them in capturing her?” he softly whispered.

Farah paused for a second. He did aide the golden tribe in capturing the beast, but in turn he did not expect to see his sister standing guard for it. He gulped and nodded.

Xia glanced back with a glare. “Did you know about your sister’s affair with the thunder beast before you assisted them?”

“I swear on my honour I did not know that my sister was in Suikal and that she was associated with that thunder beast. The golden tribe approached me and gave me aide to deal with the Ameterus islands. In turn they asked me for a favor which I could not refuse. That is to help capture the thunder beast. At first when I reached Suikal I did not expect the beast to look human or that he was holding my sister safely in his hands. I—I didn’t know,” he softly finished.

Glancing at the floor, he guiltily caressed the hair pin in his hands. In fact, when he had apposed of their union, Felia had tossed this hairpin from her hair and shouted to break relationship with him. In anger, he ordered the golden tribe member to capture the beat with her. But they capture both of them. He pleaded and prayed, but the golden tribe member was convinced that she had to be sacrificed to the gods.

“In fact, it’s all my fault...if I hadn’t disproved of their union Felia would not have....then I would not have given such a stupid order,” he mumbled caressing his aching head.

“You regret it, right?” Xia softly whispered.

“There is not a day goes by that I don’t regret my decision,” Farah sighed.

“That’s all that matters. Now save your sister and make up with her. You still have time. Your relationship is salvageable,” Xia cheerfully said and hopped over the hallway.

In daze, Farah followed behind him.

Soon they reached the familiar hallway. Xia slowed down his phase and swished his hips seductively. The golden tribe men who were standing guard all gazed at him.

“Sirs, good day. Looks like I shall be leaving soon,” he softly whispered to the one guard who helped him up.

“So soon, why don’t you give us some company?” the guard offered. The surrounding guard all nodded. There were at least fifteen of them here.

“Well sir, I am getting late,” Xia fluttered her skirt once more. The small flex of red power fluttered down, creating a small shimmer around him. The guards were in daze already.

Xia smirked knowingly. “Listen to my command; go kill everyone in the golden tribe. Don’t spare any. I believe they all ate on their way with the beats in tow. Why dint you guys give them a surprise,” he said softly.

The guards stiffly nodded and dashed away.

The king frowned upon seeing this. “Cultivator, why aren’t you killing them directly? What if they get out your hypnotics?” he whispered worriedly.

Xia glanced at the gloomy black sky. “There are more than thousand cultivators guarding the thunder beast. Even if a few I would like them to assist Long,” he whispered anxiously.

Farah did not know Long was, but he had a vague inclination that this man owned this beauty’s heart. Without any delay hem rushed to the door and smashed it, but the door did not budge. This was the day he regretted that he did not cultivate like his sister.

Hearing the bangs, Felia rushed to the door. “Anyone outside. Please...please don’t hurt him,” she shouted aloud.

“Felia, I’m here,” Xia shouted in his man voice.

Hearing his voice change, Farah was in absolute shock. He knew that this beauty was a man from his sister’s words, but he really was expecting otherwise. He silently gulped and gave way.

Xia kicked the door open. And pulled Felia in a tight hug. “I’m here. You are fine, right? Did they hurt you?” he whispered, caressing her swollen eyes.

Felia cried out loud and hugged him tightly. “Xia..Xia, they took my puppy. They took Raijin!” she sobbed. “Please save him first. They....they were talking about skinning him. Oh my poor Raijin, why are they so cruel to him,”

Xia softly patted her trembling shoulders and wiped her tears away. “Don’t worry, Long is there intercepting them. But I fear he is outnumbered. You find a safe place to hide. I have to join him now.” He said in a hurry.

“Wait, I’ll come with you,” Felia shouted, clinging to his skirt.

Xia swiftly wiped her hands and removed the translucent membrane of his skirt. “Wash your hands clean. I had a drug in my skirt and I can’t take you with me. It’s too risky. You stay here with your brother in the safest place you could find. I will save Raijin and come back for you.....”

As he was saying this sky turned ominously red and a huge red dragon flew over them, casting shadow all over the kingdom.

Startled, Xia glanced up. “Who....who is that? That’s not Long...” he murmured worriedly.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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