Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 218 - 68 - Attendats’ Business [side] (part 2)

Chapter 218 – 68 – Attendats’ Business [side] (part 2)

"Alright, that's done…"

Burushiitto lowered her hands and breathed out – the bruises that showed up after being nearly crushed by the half-asleep Veo were all gone.

"About your arms…"

The blond girl turned to the brown-haired girl in a maid's uniform and made a concerned expression.

"I never actually seen anything like this – the nervous system is literally gone, the veins are blocked, tendons and muscles are stuck together in ridiculous ways as if they just molded together… what in the world happened to you and who healed you to get them to such a state… I'm honestly surprised there is no sign of necrosis…– and how are you even able to move them when they are like that?"

|…the parents from my past life should be proud – I am putting the cram-school knowledge to practical use – still… shame that I died before learning whether I was accepted to that med school or not…|

She shook her head and breathed out sounding almost impressed and completely taken aback, and thought about her past life for just a moment.

"..well… they got crushed in the cave-in and they just healed on their own, it took years before I got them looked at by any medic, and by that time they said it was too late to do anything."

Veo shrugged her shoulders and explained.

"As for moving them… well… physical augmentation."

She added, activating her enchantment and making her hands glow with a brown light before she raised and waved them.


Burushi let out a half-shocked half-impressed voice and started rubbing her chin.

"It's okay – I already got used to having them like this – you don't have to…"

"It will take me like at least a month to get them back to how they should be…"

Veo hurriedly shook her head and smiled, reading the girl's reaction as a sign of powerlessness – but then she flinched hearing the blond girl's concerned voice.

"Eh…? What did you say…?"

The brown-haired girl in a maid's uniform asked, wide-eyed.

"Sorry – you are the first prince's attendant, I expect that you would want to have full dexterity as soon as possible, but I literally can't do it any faster. You want me to turn those slabs of meat back into actual hands, you need to show up every day for treatment. And I will not do it for free, alright!? You will owe me a favor and will help me out when I'm in trouble – even if that means you asking the first prince for a favor!"

Burushi scoffed and straightened her back, glaring at the speechless female attendant.

|…was that too much…? No, I need to help my Surou – at least I need to know where is the monastery they locked him in…!|

The blond heroine crossed her arms and steeled herself, ready for the angry outburst of the girl in front of her – after all, she was only a normal commoner with a useful attribute – the shocked, brown-haired girl was the attendant of the first prince and she even received presents form him – it was obvious who was in the position of power here…

"…you… you can heal my arms…?"

But instead of trying to flaunt her far better social status, the brown-haired girl trembled and got teary-eyed…

"Yeah – back in my village I even helped one old guy regrow the leg he lost when he was young. Why do you think I got enrolled here even though I'm a commoner? Anyway, once I start healing you, your body will need time to adjust to the gradual changes – that's why I can't just outright heal you, your body would literally rebel against itself otherwise. Bad time – healing that mistake would take at least a few months, up to even a year… believe me, I know, it happened once."

The blond girl shook her head and waved her hand dismissively.

"So? Your answer? Yes, no?"

|…or should I pack my things because you will tell on me to the first prince…?|

Burushi asked, finishing the question in her mind.

"I… Y-yes…! Please! If thats' really is possible!"

The attendant in a maid's dress started sobbing and hid her face in her hands – but still nodded her head vigorously.


Burushi wanted to raise her arms and cheer for the successful negotiations – but she stayed calm on the outside – after all, the other brown-haired attendant who got to their friend and started patting her back clearly looked bothered and wanted to say something.

|…will this one try to make things difficult for me…?|

The blond heroine clenched her fists and looked at Patishi with a challenge.

"Yes? What do you have to say, kid?"

Burushi decided to be bold and decisive, just as she remembered the doctors from her old world were – at least the really rich ones that her parents always told her to be like when she grows up.

"…umm… y-you see…"

The skinny youngster trembled, clearly very terrified of the healer girl – which made her feel really bad for acting so bold.

"It's alright, don't worry – could it be that there's something else you need my help with…?"

She instantly dropped the tough doctor act and smiled reassuringly, lowering her arms and leaning forward trying to look more approachable.

"…y-yes… you see…"

The change worked like a charm – the brown-haired youth gulped down their saliva and opened up about what was bothering them…



"I understand."

A couple of minutes later, after listening to Patishi's story, Burushi nodded her head with a serious expression.

"I never tried to do something so serious and complicated, but as far as I know – it is possible…"

"IT IS?!"

"You heard that Patishi?!"

She declared in a firm voice, which instantly made the skinny girl tear up and straighten her back in disbelief.

"Yes – BUT!"



The blond heroine nodded but instantly raised her hand to point something out and made Patishi and Veo flinch.

"Let me be clear – this will be far more difficult than healing miss Veo's arms. In her case, I will recreate just muscles and veins – for you, it will require interacting with actual internal organs which are more complicated than you imagine – it will take a lot more time for your body to adjust too, so the healing sessions will have to be spread further apart. If everything will go well we are talking about a few months to even a few years. If I was in your position, I would at least sleep on it – are you sure you want to do it and so on. The changes will also be gradual – like I said, your body will need to adjust or the changes done by my spells will be rejected, so it won't be like…"


She explained in a stern voice and snapped her fingers.

"…you know?"

The blond girl said with a serious expression.

"I understand!"

Patishi clenched her fists and trembled from happiness.

It was possible…!

That thought alone was enough to make her feel light as a feather.

"Alright… like I said, sleep on it and tell me whether you decided to go with it or not, there's no time limit so be at ease and think things through."

Burushi breathed out and said waving her hand dismissively.

"Now go, some asshole threw dirt at my laundry AGAIN and I spent half the night washing it again by myself – I want to get some more sleep. Shoo."

She added, standing up and motioning at the door with her chin, chasing the two girls out.


She then glanced down at her own shadow – or more accurately, on the dark orb-shaped spot floating within her shadow.

"…say, teacher Banemor, you see those whole original shadows that Zoemi sees, right? Am I making a mistake here…?"

She asked in a concerned tone.

"There's nothing wrong with girls helping each other out."

A bored sigh came out of the dark spot, making Burushi breathe out in relief.

"Also, no one else approached your room tonight either."

The voice added.

"Thank you for your help~ Also… pardon me for asking, but are you in any way shape or form connected to the southern Banemor territory…? The one with the crystal lake…?"


She asked, but only silence responded to her this time.

…a very confused silence…

|Hah… I wonder if Zoemi realized it… he must have – he said that Reo was the best boy, he must know about Banemor territory's questline…|

The blond heroine squinted her eyes and thought to herself before locking the door and returning to bed to rest even a little bit before another day of lectures.


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