Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 171 - 50 - Angry Headmaster (part 4)

|...Kros, you little prankster shit...! Seriously, he is considered old by the normal standards but he never grew up! - would it kill him if he just straight up told me about this stupidly handsome boy being a variant and not playing around acting all mysterious?! And that guy seriously dared to act as if he was annoyed about being treated as the serious one! HMPH! I shouldn't have allowed the healer girl to treat his illness - being dead would teach him a lesson!|

Aspakeony scoffed to herself, angrily kicking the bottom of the closet above her.

"Of course, I never meet the Ghosts of Bellcephora! And, in the first place... are you trying to say that the group of that name still exists or that the original ones are actually still alive?"

The black-haired boy rubbed his arms nervously and asked, lowering his head anxiously.


The corpse puppet gave a short answer since Aspakeony was still pissed off...

"Yes to which option?"

Zoemi raised his brow and asked for clarification.

"Obviously both – since the second one is correct, so is the first one – duh."

Aspakeony scoffed, rolling her eyes, while her corpse puppet merely shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, don't you get smart with me now you parasitic zombie shadow necromancer thing!"

Since Zoemi knew that he wasn't talking to an actual nobleman but to the necromancer controlling his corpse, he allowed himself to answer using exactly the words that came into his mind without any filter.

"Hey! Who are you calling a parasitic zombie necromancer AND a thing?! Watch your mouth or even your cute face will not save you from getting in trouble!"

To that, Aspakeony responded with even more sass, and this time her course puppet ended up actually making a sassy pose that certainly didn't fit his body type.

"Then stop asking stupid questions!"

The black-haired boy scoffed, throwing his hands up angrily.

"My questions are not stupid, you're stupid!" looked like both of them were running out of arguments that were above the grade-school level of insults...

"Then why are you even bothering with me, oh great necromancer?!"

...even so, the quarrel continued...

"Because I don't want to die – obviously - you insensitive little unnecessarily attractive cheeky shit!"

"And what? How am I supposed to threaten you!? Did you suck out your brain by mistake while draining the magic power from this corpse? I didn't know you existed until five minutes ago when you get your corpse puppet in here – ON! YOUR! OWN!"

Aspakeony declared and Zoemi responded shaking his head in disbelief, sounding almost as if he was scolding the necromancer.

"Oh, screw you too! Like if you were in my place you wouldn't try to check out if the worst outcome possible happened or not!"

Forget about the grade-school- level, the kindergarten-level fight between the reincarnated person and a millennia-old necromancer continued with no end in sight anytime soon...

"Then you should have sent someone else and not come here using your puppet! You attached yourself to the principal, so you can order people around – why not use them instead, rotten brain!?"

The black-haired boy pointed out, spreading his arms as if his answer was the most obvious one in the world.

"How was I supposed to know that you can discern whether or not I control someone's body, you cocky infant!? I literally told you that no darkness magician can see those shadows that you are talking about! No one informed me that you were a variant!"

Aspakeony frowned, making lord Vereq cross his arms and straighten his back imposingly – while also hiding the little bit of information that in fact Kros did inform her but she simply didn't realize it...

...there was no reason to give more ammunition to the cheeky boy in front of her, was there...?

"Well, you just said that you thought that the worst outcome happened, brain-dead! You don't stick your head under the executioner's axe when you expect it to fall down on your neck!"

Yes, Zoemi was managing to point out all the flaws in her plans without knowing all the facts anyway...

"ARGH...! Go suck a di...UGH! As if this was my only corpse puppet – or real body! Stupid, handsome, idiot!"

The headmaster's corpse trembled and pointed at Zoemi with his index finger but then he clenched his hand into a fist and shook it threateningly at the black-haired boy.

"Yeah?! You probably came here in this one because the original one is already a stinking rotting mess!"

Zoemi crossed his arms and laughed mockingly, shaking his head dismissively.


The headmaster gasped as if that was the one insult that hurt Aspakeony the most.

"You little... get over here!"

The face of the corpse puppet became completely red and he rushed towards Zoemi and grabbed him by the neck.

"Wh-what the hell!? What are you doing!?"

Zoemi tried to break free but there was no escape.

The headmaster has grabbed him as if he was a little kitten.

"You went too far, brat! We're going to my office right now!"

The furious headmaster declared and went out of the room while holding Zoemi in front of him.

"Zoemi...? Sir Vereq! What are...?"


Mizoe was accompanying Rokiana on her routine patrol through the dormitory and ended up seeing Zoemi being carried like a bag of trash by the headmaster himself.

"...Auequas, Perserios... I have something to discuss with this little shh... This promising youth. It won't take long. Don't worry about a thing – continue your date... and good luck with this thick-headed guy – he is a good man."

"Yes, sir!"

"..ah... y-yes... thank you, headmaster...."


Lord Vereq's corpse declared and Mizoe ended up straightening his back and saluting him without actually catching on to the last part – while Rokiana certainly realized that her intentions were clearly seen through and apparently supported... even Zoemi who at first wanted to call out for help from the truth decided to close his mouth and let the corpse puppet carry him away...

...after all, could someone who seemed to be not only accepting but kind of rooting for Mizoe and Rokiana be actually considered as a threat...?

Well, the necromancer certainly earned herself the credit of trust from the black-haired boy... at least for the moment....


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