Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 168 - 50 - Angry Headmaster (part 1)

Zoemi returned to his duties as if nothing happened – similarly, the everyday life of an average student at the Aspakeony academy didn't change at all even though the second prince Surou was expelled.

Still, not everyone was the same – the most prominent example of this was the heroine who became even more timid and closed off than ever – which honestly wasn't that odd considering what happened to her.

Zoemi tried to talk with her on a few different occasions and even convince Miriette to allow the girl to join their meal during recess, but the blond girl refused very politely, putting a great deal on showing the distance between all of them.

That wasn't all that good considering that Zoemi wanted to further prove that his master had nothing to do with the bullying, but in the end, forcing Burushiitto to do something she didn't want to do would also be considered as bullying.

Therefore, the handsome black-haired attendant gave up – momentarily – on trying to make the heroine his friend, with a strong intention of keeping an eye on her just in case her coldness was a sign of a growing grudge against Miriette.

Even with that, there were other people who most definitely changed their behavior during the few days after the second prince's expulsion...

Most notably, Veo, Teo, and Patishi.

Although with the way how the things seemed to work out with them, it should be said that it was between Teo, and Patishi and Veo – the twins seemed to literally split up and Patishi clearly sided with Veo.

It wasn't hard to notice that the twins literally didn't want to stay in the same room together anymore – as, after his evening training, Zoemi noticed them walking in two separate directions after their duties for the day were finished...

...and none of them wanted to even glance at one another, not to mention actually speak...

|What to do with them... I kind of wanted to convince both Teo and Veo to keep an eye on Burushiitto... now that I realized that this world isn't a game, her acting exactly like the heroine from the game seems awfully suspicious... Maybe I should try to ask her about it...? It might be just my imagination but I could swear she acted as if she knew about the game and events at least once or twice – yes, I should confront her about it! Since nobody almost nobody else likes her, no one will pay attention to her words even if she will try telling others that I'm crazy.|

The black-haired attendant thought to himself while making his bed and sliding under the cover with his hair still slightly wet after the evening shower.

" that was such a mean thought..."

He suddenly flinched and scolded himself, furrowing his brows – all in all, Burushiitto healed him, and he was extremely grateful towards her – the biggest plus of the situation was undoubtedly the fact that he no longer felt the scars burning when Grazio entered his field of vision - most likely because they were no longer there - just as if the deep grudge the black-haired boy harbored towards the red-haired boy healed up just like his scars...

...not completely, but it was now more of a scratch than a full-on wound...

"Still... even if Burushi will not believe me about the game, I need to at least warn her about some of the events – without the plot armor, an event like being locked up with Xeonith in the Academy's dungeon could end up in a scandal and a punishment... In the first place was she even taught the rules of the hierarchical society...? She certainly doesn't act as if she did - that will not pass... Should I start by lending her a book about manners...?"

Zoemi furrowed his brows and froze halfway on the mattress.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"...? Huh...?"

Suddenly a loud knocking interrupted the boy's thought and he raised his head while also raising his brow – although Mizoe stubbornly stayed in the academy to make sure that his son was definitely fine – he was given a separate room to stay in, close to the teacher's quarters.

And, first of all, he was also supposed to be out to discuss the ice magic with the blue-haired teacher Rokiana, and although the sun had already set, it was still far too early for him to be back...

...or was he actually THAT dense that he gave Rokiana some sort of report and left her instead of realizing that it was actually supposed to be a date?!

"Who's there?"

Zoemi asked, praying internally so that the voice that will respond to him would not belong to his father.

"Young man, I am Burdoff Mekhior Vereq, the headmaster of the Aspakeony Academy and I wish to have a talk with you."


A low calm voice explained and the black-haired attendant became stunned.

|Wait – what? Did he say Vereq? So... The headmaster!?|

Zoemi froze momentarily staring dumbfounded at the door.

"...Young man...?"

The voice called out slightly confused by the complete lack of response after he introduced himself.

"Ah! A moment! Lord Vereq, a moment, please – I was just preparing for bed – I'm coming!"

Zoemi called out and hurried towards the door, trying to figure out why someone so important was at his doorstep at such an hour.

After all, if the headmaster wanted to talk with him, he could have simply told one of the teachers of someone from the Academy's staff to notify the boy, and Zoemi would have no choice but to go see him.

|Why could it be about...?|

The black-haired boy thought to himself in confusion while unlocking the door and opening them widely.

"Good evening, my boy."

The tall and burly red-haired man that showed up nodded his head with an attempted jovial smile – attempted because he seemed to be really nervous for whatever reason so his smile looked more like an awkward grimace.

"Lord Vereq – it's such an honor to see... you...?"

Zoemi bowed his head deeply – normally, a lower noble like him would be required to kneel down to someone of lord Vereq status, but since it would be rather ridiculous to have students kneel down to almost every single teacher, one of the Academy rules stated that while on the Academy grounds, kneeling as a greeting was unnecessary with the exception of the royal family.

And Zoemi's bow fully conveyed the proper amount of respect anyway.


|...this is bad – I can already feel that he has a much greater amount of mana than what was stated in his report...! Am I too late – did those damned traitors make contact with him...?!|

Vereq – or rather the person pulling Vereq's strings thought to themselves nervously while keenly observing the black-haired boy.

"...My lo... lord...?"

Zoemi raised his head and went-wide eyed only to then squint his eyes and stare at the headmaster with suspicion.


It was clear that he found something weird about the headmaster and the headmaster got even more nervous.

|Oh no...! Those traitors must have told him about me...! What should I do...? I need to protect myself, but I cannot kill a student...!|

Aspakeony – because of course she was the person behind the corpse puppet - started sweating profusely in her closet's drawer back in the headmaster's office.

"Y-young man do you mind answering a few questions...?"

The headmaster suddenly started sounding as if he was carefully picking his words, unsure how to act around Zoemi...


Which in turn made the black-haired boy even more worried and suspicious about whatever was standing in front of him.


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