Reincarnated As The Strongest Ancestor With a System

Chapter 308 I'm A Dragon Too

At the top of the mountain, there was a palace shaped like a tower, its height pierced the sky and on each side was a giant chain that bound it.

Every moment, it shot out a mighty aura into the sky then fell onto the mountain, causing the trees to dance as if they had gained an epiphany.

There was no doubt that that aura could easily transform a talentless mortal into a genius qualified to become a Divine Emperor.

In a certain room in the palace, gathered seven people, consisting of two young men, three middle-aged men, and two old men.

They all had auras like the ocean, ferocious and terrifying.

Each sat on a chair around a round table.

The most eye-catching of them all was the young man who wore a golden crown and a green robe with a dragon crest.

He had a handsome face that could surely subdue any woman under Immortal.

His aura of nobility was truly striking. Even if he disguised himself as a beggar, he could easily make the Great Emperor kneel before him.

Only, he didn't look calm, his face was sullen as if he was annoyed.

If Luo Shen was called the Dragon Princess, then he was the Dragon Prince.

"Feng Qi told me that Luo Shen is coming here, I am afraid she has already arrived," he said as he looked at the people.

He also stared at the walls of the room and continued, "in a little while, in just a few thousand years, this will work."

"Your Highness, please calm down," said the old man to the Dragon Prince's left. He was the Immortal World Dragon, possessing unimaginable strength. In fact, he was no less than the Dragon Prince in terms of strength.

"Surely what you're worried about is that person called Eternal Star, right?" Said the man to the Dragon Prince's right.

He was another young man besides the Prince. His hair was black while his eyes were filled with various lights that on closer inspection were actually seas of lightning bolts.

He was not a Dragon, but a human created from divine lightning so when he cultivated, he could control any lightning, even lightning produced by Heaven.

His title was Holy Lightning Immortal while his name was Ling Tian. He was praised for frequently saving Immortals from Heaven's lightning.

Of course, his strength was also unparalleled, even the Dragon Prince had always respected him.

"You know Brother Ling, the man Luo Shen is with is really strong. Although we already know his abilities, but who knows how difficult it will be to fight against him," said the Dragon Prince.

"I know that, but don't worry too much, I will give him something to traumatize him," Ling Tian replied. He was still so calm that the Dragon Prince wondered if he had a reliable trump card.

"Brother Ling, are you?" Immortal World Dragon narrowed his eyes, seemingly knowing something.

"I can already control it. When it is combined with my lightning power, the result is completely unimaginable. A Diamond Immortal's body, huh, even that could still be destroyed."

Ling Tian's reply instantly made the old Dragon take a deep breath.

"Looks like I'm not your opponent anymore unless Your Highness controls this palace," he said.

"What exactly are you guys talking about?" The Dragon Prince wondered.

"Your Highness, I think you really have nothing to worry about," replied the old Dragon.


Suddenly the sky above shook so that every single figure in the room was stunned.

The Dragon Prince's expression immediately became irritated. "Shit, they're faster than I thought." He cursed and then stood up.

A giant hand suddenly descended from the sky.

It was clearly a woman's hand. Besides being slim, it has smooth skin.

Countless people who saw the hand opened their mouths in awe.

"Luo Shen, don't ever think you will succeed," shouted the Dragon Prince.

He pointed his hand at the sky which immediately became very large.


His hand and Luo Shen's hand collided, producing an inconceivable wave, which could be felt throughout the Continent.

Several cities near the Mountain of Dragons even collapsed.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

One by one, majestic figures appeared in the sky, they split into two and faced each other.

The aura they emitted was like that of a gigantic sun, so even the Epoch Giants could not observe them for their light made their eyes sting. Only those connected to Immortals or possessed Immortal Weapons could see them with the help of that Immortal's power.

"I hope they don't fight here," said some people.

The Primordial Continent might be vast, it could even become a stage for Immortal battles.

Only, there were far too many small creatures compared to the Immortals' strength living on the continent.

They were unable to endure the shockwaves and vibrations generated by the battle.

"Luo Shen!" The Dragon Prince's eyes were only on that beauty.

Even though they were enemies, he showed admiration for Luo Shen's beauty, as if he had liked her for a long time.

"Long Aotian, if you don't return my treasure voluntarily, we can only fight and don't blame me if I continue to hunt you after I take control of Dragon Palace," Luo Shen said coldly. She really left no room for negotiation.

That of course annoyed the Dragon Prince, Long Aotian. He grinded his teeth.

"If you don't reject me, I don't mind you controlling the Dragon Palace," Long Aotian replied.

"Hmph, don't think about it." Luo Shen snorted softly, she looked irritated when Long Aotian spoke about it.

It was not surprising to the people watching them because it was common knowledge that the man liked Luo Shen. Plus with their respective statuses, saying that they were a fated couple wasn't an exaggeration at all.

But of course, feelings cannot be forced. Luo Shen regrettably disliked Long Aotion, something that everyone would understand because that man was extremely arrogant. In his youth, he was completely cold-blooded, tyrannical, and looked down on everyone.

If it wasn't for his father, many would have wanted to kill him.

Unfortunately, even now that his father is not around, he himself possesses such unreachable power that those who dislike him can only remain silent.

"Tsk! Tsk!" Suddenly the man beside Luo Shen laughed, causing everyone to stare.

The Immortals who knew who he was narrowed their eyes warily while the Epoch Giants wondered who he was.

"What are you laughing at?" Long Aotian asked Qin Yuan.

The latter casually replied, "You should bury your thoughts about him."

"What do you mean?" Long Aotian asked doubtfully, not noticing that Luo Shen's cheeks were slightly red.

Those who realized that looked at each other strangely.

"From the information I got in the Divine Light Realm, Luo Shen has protected that man and even invited him to her palace where he is staying for a few days," said an Immortal.

"Are you saying they have a special relationship?" another Immortal asked.

"My friends in the Divine Light Realm are suspicious of that. Although there is no proof, it is said that they are often together."

"Ahh, I don't know how Long Aotian feels, I hope he is not frustrated."

"Hmph, it's a hopeless situation for him, the opponent is too tough."

Meanwhile, while Long Aotian was flustered, Qin Yuan suddenly reached out his hand to Luo Shen's waist and hugged it, a sight that instantly made the air freeze.

Long Aotian even opened his mouth while the Immortal World Dragon's eyes turned red.

On the other hand, the Holy Lightning Immortal was a little calmer, on the verge of laughing even.

Of course, he was good friends with Long Aotian, but as a man, seeing something like this still made him not know whether to laugh or cry.

"All kinds of conflicts are normal for us cultivators," Qin Yuan said.

"However, Luo Shen is already my woman, I hope you have the pride not to seduce other people's women."

Long Aotian, "..."

The man's aura became more and more gloomy.

He looked at Luo Shen, seemed to want to ask to confirm, but didn't when he realized that it was stupid because it was too obvious. Otherwise, how could Luo Shen let a man hug her waist.

In the end, he said something else. "Luo Shen, you utterly insulted the Dragon race. As the princess of the Holy Dragon, you chose a human as your husband, this is an unforgivable act. You are not fit to hold the Dragon Palace."

Actually, Immortal Mountain Dragon, Immortal Golden Dragon, and Immortal Silver Dragon were also shocked by this, they looked at Luo Shen doubtfully.

Just as Long Aotian said, they felt that this was something a bit inappropriate.

Even though Qin Yuan was extraordinary, he was not a dragon in the end while they regarded their race as the best, even better than the God Clan and Devil Clan.

When it comes to race, they want to keep it as pure as possible.

Before Long Aotian said more, Qin Yuan took a step forward and said, "Who said that I am not a dragon. I am also a dragon."


A loud roar resounded from his body, shaking the mountain below so that several of the palaces there collapsed.

Many Dragons felt like their blood was being shaken when they heard that roar.


By the way, I had forgotten to give a gift to win Jiang Xin's heart, but it was corrected, so there was a change in Qin Yuan's Karma Point count.


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