Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 358 Daphne's Troubles

Chapter 358 Daphne's Troubles

Two hours after their family gathering, the Bonaparte siblings had returned to their routine administrative tasks. Despite being in Paris, they couldn't avoid their responsibilities over their respective domains.

Daphne Bonaparte, however, was struggling to find her place amidst it all. She walked down the hallway with heavy steps, her mood clearly low. Her two personal maids, Elise and Maria, followed behind her, exchanging concerned looks and trying to figure out what was bothering their charge.

"Your Imperial Highness," Maria ventured cautiously, her voice laced with concern as she addressed the young princess. "May we inquire if something troubles you? Since departing from the drawing room, you have seemed somewhat… dispirited.

Maria continued, trying to gently prod Daphne to open up about what was troubling her.

"Your Imperial Highness, you've been awfully quiet. Is there something on your mind that you'd like to talk about?"

Daphne slowed her pace, glancing briefly at her maids before sighing. "It's just… everyone seems so involved with their duties and responsibilities, and I feel left out. I don't have a domain to oversee like my brothers, and sister do."

Elise, picking up on Daphne's feeling of exclusion, offered a reassuring smile. "Your Imperial Highness, you are still very young. Your time will come, and you will have responsibilities of your own."

"But, my brother Tristan, he was just fifteen when he became the King of Spain. My sister Aveline became the Queen of Italy at the age of seventeen. I'm already seventeen so why do I not have a role like they do?" Daphne questioned.

Elise and Maria exchanged glances, understanding Daphne's concern. They were well aware of the achievements of the Bonaparte siblings, and they knew that Daphne, being the youngest, often felt the pressure to live up to the family legacy.

"Your Imperial Highness, every individual has their own path and timeline," Elise responded gently. "Tristan and Aveline may have taken on their roles early, but that does not mean you are behind or lacking in any way."

Maria chimed in, "Besides, your parents and siblings all believe in your potential. They know that when the time is right, you will find your path and excel in it."

"Well, I want to know when the right time is," Daphne said. "I want to contribute and have responsibilities like they do."

Elise gave her a thoughtful look, understanding Daphne's eagerness. "Perhaps, Your Imperial Highness, you might consider discussing this matter with your father. He has always been wise in these matters and might provide you with the guidance you are seeking."

Daphne's eyes lit up at the suggestion, and she nodded in agreement. "Yes, I think I will do just that. Thank you, Elise."

Maria smiled, happy to see Daphne's spirits lifted. "Would you like us to accompany you to his office, Your Imperial Highness?"

"Yes, please," Daphne responded, her steps now more purposeful as she made her way to her father's office, accompanied by her two maids. 


Ten minutes later, outside Napoleon's office, two Imperial Guards standing on either side of the door stood in attention before blocking the door with their ceremonial spear when they saw Daphne approaching. Noticing her approach, they crossed their spears, effectively blocking the entrance to the Emperor's office.

"Your Imperial Highness," one of the guards addressed her, maintaining a respectful but firm tone. "I'm afraid we cannot permit entry to His Imperial Majesty's office at this time. He is currently in a meeting with the Minister of Finance."

Daphne, taken aback by the obstruction, furrowed her brows slightly, "I am his daughter. Are you sure I cannot enter?"

"With all due respect, Your Imperial Highness, these instructions apply to everyone, regardless of their status or relation to the Emperor. No one is allowed to enter while he is in a meeting unless expressly permitted by His Imperial Majesty himself," the other guard explained, maintaining a professional demeanor.

"Perhaps we can return later?" Maria suggested as she stepped forward next to Daphne.

Daphne shook her head. "No, I want to see my father now…."

Taking a deep breath, Daphne shouted. "Father!" 

Her voice, strong and clear, echoed through the hallways, cutting through the formal and rigid atmosphere of the imperial office. The guards exchanged quick glances, their disciplined stance faltering for a brief moment. This was highly unusual, and they were not accustomed to such direct challenges to protocol, especially not from the members of the imperial family.

The door to Napoleon's office swung open, and the Emperor himself appeared, his expression one of surprise as he looked upon his daughter and her two attendants. The guards quickly straightened up, their spears moving aside as they realized that the Emperor had decided to handle the situation himself.

"Daphne? What is the matter? Why are you raising your voice?"

Daphne, realizing that her outburst might have crossed a line, softened her tone but maintained her determination. 

"Father, I need to speak with you. It's important."

Napoleon studied her for a moment before nodding, "Very well. Come inside."

Daphne gave a curt nod to her maids, indicating that they should stay outside, before entering her father's office. The Emperor followed her in, closing the door behind them.

"I'm sure you have met the Minister of Finance?" Napoleon asked, extending his arms toward the Minister of Finance who stood next to Napoleon's desk. 

"I know, I believe he is Martin Michel Charles Gaudin, the one you appointed as Minister of Finance after the death of the previous holder, Jacques Necker," Daphne responded promptly, showcasing her awareness of the imperial administration. Her response seemed to please her father, as a hint of a proud smile flashed across his face.

"That is correct," Napoleon affirmed, nodding in approval. "Minister Gaudin, this is my daughter, Daphne. She seems to have something important to discuss."

Minister Gaudin, an old man with sharp features and a composed demeanor, gave a respectful bow to Daphne. "Your Imperial Highness," he greeted.

"Minister," Daphne acknowledged with a slight nod, her tone polite yet determined. "Did I interrupt something important?"

"Nothing, Your Imperial Majesty, I'm just simply reporting to His Imperial Majesty about the financial situation of the French Empire." 

"Is that so?" Daphne hummed. "May I know what state we are in?"

Minister Gaudin exchanged a quick glance with Napoleon before answering. "I'm afraid I can't divulge the specific details without the Emperor's consent, but I can assure you that we are constantly working to ensure the prosperity and stability of the French Empire," Minister Gaudin responded diplomatically. 

"There's nothing to be worried about Daphne," Napoleon said before turning to Gaudin. "Now, Minister, if you'll excuse us for a moment. I'm going to have a brief conversation with my daughter here."

"Of course, Your Imperial Majesty, I will take my leave and give you some privacy," Minister Gaudin nodded respectfully, exiting the room and closing the door behind him, leaving Napoleon and Daphne alone.

Once they were indeed alone, Napoleon's demeanor shifted from that of an emperor to a father. He walked over to Daphne, concern evident in his eyes. 

"Now, tell me, what is troubling you?"


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