Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 329 The Day He Met Her

Chapter 329 The Day He Met Her

December 8th, 1804.

The clock struck eight thirty in the morning at the Palace of Versailles when the unmistakable sound of carriage wheels echoed through the courtyard. A grand royal carriage, bearing the emblem of the Kingdom of Prussia, came to a halt at the entrance.

Stationed at the gate, the guards promptly approached. One of them, with a firm voice, requested, "Papers, please." Without hesitation, a window of the carriage slid down and a letter was handed over.

After a brief inspection of the documents, the guard nodded in acknowledgment. "Everything seems in order. Welcome to the Palace of Versailles," he stated, handing back the letter. At his signal, other guards moved to open the heavy metal gates, allowing the carriage to pass.

Inside the carriage were the distinguished members of the Prussian royal family: King Frederick William III, his graceful wife, Queen Louise, and their young daughter, Charlotte, who was all of nine years.

As the carriage approached the main entrance, waiting with anticipation were Napoleon and his wife, Empress Ciela. Both stood tall and regal, ready to extend a warm welcome to their esteemed guests. 

The horses pulling the carriage stopped, and a footman dressed in the Palace of Versailles' blue livery quickly approached to assist the occupants. He opened the door, extending his hand to help the passengers disembark.

First to step out was King Frederick William III, who adjusted his coat and glanced around the vast courtyard. Following him was Queen Louise, who gracefully descended from the carriage with the assistance of the footman. Their daughter, Charlotte, with youthful curiosity, stepped out last, her eyes wide with wonder at the grandeur of the palace.

Napoleon stepped forward with a formal nod. "Your Majesty," he greeted King Frederick. Empress Ciela offered a warm smile to Queen Louise. "Welcome to the Palace of Versailles. We're honored to have you."

Queen Louise replied, "Thank you, Empress Ciela. The honor is ours." She gently nudged her daughter, prompting Charlotte to offer a small curtsy in greeting.

Napoleon gestured towards the palace's main doors. "Shall we? Breakfast has been prepared, and the delegates of the Congress of Versailles are waiting for you."

The group began to move towards the palace's dining hall. As they walked, the sound of their footsteps echoed in the vast corridor. Along the way, they passed various palace staff, each of whom nodded in respect to their esteemed guests and superiors.

Inside the dining hall, a large table was set with an array of dishes. The aroma of freshly baked bread, brewed coffee, and other morning delicacies filled the air. Around the table, several delegates from different countries were already seated, engaged in light conversations.

King Frederick William III took a seat next to Napoleon, while Queen Louise and Charlotte were guided by Empress Ciela to their respective places.

As everyone settled in, a servant rang a bell signaling the beginning of the meal. Napoleon raised his glass. "For a productive discussion later."

The sentiment echoed around the table, and with that, breakfast commenced.

Throughout the meal, discussions ranged from political matters to lighter topics. The atmosphere, while formal, was not without moments of laughter. 

"I must inquire, William, I didn't expect that I would see you here in Versailles. Any business in particular?" Tsar Paul I asked.

William nodded his head. "I want to see the proceedings of the Congress of Versailles myself."

"Hmm, well a lot of things have been proposed for your country, I'm sure you are already aware of it?" 

"I do, and I must say I'm quite disappointed that my Kingdom would lose a lot," William sighed in resignation.

"Oh come one," Napoleon interjected. "Think of the future, Your Majesty. If Germany were to be reunited, I see it becoming one of the strongest countries in the world."

"If I may, Napoleon," Tsar Paul I chimed as he took a sip of his water. "I have been curious. Why would you propose unification of the German states when it's better to keep them in fragments? Won't that pose a national security risk to France?" 

"That's a good question," Napoleon said. "As I have said yesterday, I believe in Western Supremacy. We shouldn't be destroying one another, in fact we should be allied, like a European Union perhaps." 

"That's too idealistic of you, Napoleon," Tsar Paul I scoffed softly. "What is the agenda for later?" 

"Well, we'll revisit what we have discussed yesterday, and formalize what we have agreed upon on a paper. So that by the end of the year, the Congress of Versailles would be over." 

"I see," Tsar Paul I said. 


Thirty minutes later, the breakfast ended and all the delegates of the Congress of Versailles retreated to their respective rooms, formulating, and strategizing for the upcoming discussions.

Inside his quarters, Queen Louise was on her knees, placing a hand on her daughter's shoulders. 

"Charlotte, you are going to meet the crown prince of the Empire of France at any moment." 

"But mother, is this really necessary? Why would I need to be engaged to a son of a man you hate?" 

"We have no choice, although it is hard for me to accept, marrying you with the crown prince of the Empire of France would give us a lot of power. In the future, you will become the strongest woman in the world, a mother of the powerful empire. Once you are in that position you will e—"

Before she could finish her words, there was a knock on the door. 

"That's Napoleon," William said as he approached the door. He opened it and saw Napoleon.

He glanced down and saw a blonde-haired boy whose age was about nine years old. He was wearing a formal suit, complete with a sash and polished shoes. Empress Ciela was also here. 

"Your Majesty, this is my son, Francis Bonaparte," Napoleon introduced as he placed a hand on Francis's shoulder. 

"Charlotte is just getting ready, but you can enter," William responded, stepping aside to allow the visitors to come in.

"So Francis, this is the royal family of the Kingdom of Prussia. This is King William Frederick III, Queen Louise, and their daughter Princess Charlotte," Ciela introduced, guiding her son through the introductions.

Francis, showing the manners taught to him from a young age, bowed slightly to each member of the Prussian royal family. "It is an honor to meet you all," he said with clarity.

Queen Louise smiled, noting the boy's politeness. "And the pleasure is ours, young prince. It's not every day we have the opportunity to meet the future Emperor of France."

Francis glanced towards Charlotte, who seemed slightly uncomfortable with the situation. But—as he looked at her, a different emotion took hold of him: awe. He was immediately captivated by her beauty. The morning light streaming through the windows illuminated Charlotte's lustrous black hair, which cascaded down her back in gentle waves. It contrasted strikingly with her alabaster skin, making her seem almost ethereal.

Her frilly dress, a delicate shade of lavender, was impeccably tailored to her youthful figure. The intricate lace at the hem and cuffs only added to the richness of the ensemble. Her opera gloves, a perfect match to her dress, extended just past her elbows, their silky sheen accentuating the grace of her arms.

Francis felt his heart skip a beat. Though he had seen many beautiful ladies at court, none had ever left him so spellbound. Her beauty was not just superficial; there was an air of innocence and purity about Charlotte that made him feel as though he was looking at a delicate rosebud just about to bloom. 

"She is beautiful, father," Francis said. 

Princess Charlotte was taken aback by his sudden compliment, and blushed slightly. 

"I'm glad you noticed," Napoleon smiled. "Francis, Princess Charlotte is the special someone that I would like you to meet," Napoleon paused for dramatic effect. Moments later, he revealed. "She is to be your fiancée."


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