Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 30 The Return

"Welcome home!" The exuberant voices echoed through the air as Napoleon and Ciela stepped across the threshold. Their arrival was met with a heartwarming reception, as Carlo, Letizia, and Napoleon's four siblings eagerly waved their hands in delight. Yet, the joyous atmosphere faltered the instant they laid eyes on Napoleon.

"Is that really our Napoleon?" Carlo's voice trembled with a mixture of disbelief and awe as if witnessing a transformation beyond comprehension.

"Goodness, I never imagined he would sprout up so tall since the day he left," Letizia remarked, her astonishment palpable in her voice.

"Me too," Joseph added.

The room was shrouded in a sudden stillness, as if the specter of time had stretched its fingers, leaving everyone momentarily speechless. Napoleon, now aware of the change his absence had wrought, took a hesitant step forward, uncertain of the reaction that awaited him.

"Mom, Dad, Joseph, Lucien…" Napoleon paused, his mind racing to recall the faces of his loved ones. When he left home for Paris, he had two siblings, Joseph and Lucien, who were standing in front of him right now. But there were four additional figures, unknown to him. "Elisa…Louis…Pauline…and Caroline…"

As he mentioned their names, their faces nodded in recognition, offering reassurance amidst the sea of unfamiliarity. Their presence brought a mixture of relief and curiosity to Napoleon's heart. How had his family expanded? What stories had unfolded in his absence? These questions lingered, but he knew that in time, he would uncover the answers, weaving the threads of his life back together.

"Yes... boy," Carlo walked forward and placed his hands on Napoleon's shoulders. As he patted them, he noticed the firmness beneath his touch. "Your muscles are hard. You've grown strong, my son."

Napoleon's cheeks flushed with a mix of pride and embarrassment. "I've been working hard, Father. Life in Paris demanded it."

Carlo's eyes softened, and he smiled with a hint of paternal pride. "I can see that. You've become a man of strength, not just in body but in character as well."

Napoleon's gaze shifted to his mother, Letizia, whose eyes were filled with a mother's unconditional love. He moved closer to her, and she enveloped him in a warm embrace. Her touch brought back a flood of memories—her soothing voice when he was sick, her encouraging words when he faced challenges, and the unwavering support she had always provided.

"Mother," Napoleon whispered, his voice choked with emotions he struggled to articulate. "I've missed you."

Letizia's arms tightened around him as if trying to make up for all the time they had spent apart. "And we've missed you, my dear. But you're here now, and that's what matters."

The presence of his brother, Joseph, brought a mix of familiarity and comfort to Napoleon's heart. They had shared countless adventures and mischief in their youth, and now, standing together as adults, a sense of camaraderie washed over them.

"Welcome back, Napoleon," Joseph said softly.

"It's good to see you again," Napoleon chuckled and then swept his gaze across his new siblings. "You must be Lucien."

Lucien stood straight, his gaze fixed on Napoleon with wide, curious eyes. At eight years old, he bore a striking resemblance to his older brother, sharing the same dark, tousled hair, and piercing blue eyes. However, Lucien's features possessed a youthful innocence, a childlike charm that had yet to be weathered by the world.

"So you are my brother who was studying in Paris huh? My name is Elisa!" Said the girl standing next to Lucien.

It was Elisa. Her golden locks cascaded down her back in soft waves, framing a face adorned with delicate freckles across her nose. Her hazel eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, revealing a playful spirit that matched her rosy cheeks and infectious smile.

Napoleon smiled and patted her on the head. "And you must be one of my new little sisters…"

"Uwaah…who gave you permission to touch my head," Elisa purred cutely, and instead of getting his hands away from her hair, it made Napoleon stroke her hair longer.

"Mama…Brother Napoleon is messing my hair..!"

Letizia chuckled at the playful banter between Napoleon and Elisa. She gently separated them, smoothing Elisa's hair with a loving touch. "Now, now, your brother was just excited to see you so forgive him okay?"

"Mhmkay," Elisa mumbled, her mischievous expression transforming into a playful pout. She leaned into her mother's embrace, accepting the gentle reprimand with a hint of satisfaction, knowing she had successfully gotten Napoleon's attention.

He then introduced himself to his other siblings, Louis, Pauline, and Caroline. Louis was a silent boy who didn't even talk with him. Pauline and Caroline, on the other hand, hid behind Carlo, staring at Napoleon wide-eyed, which must be because them getting shy about having another person in the house.

Napoleon smiled at them sweetly while reaching his hands on their tiny shoulders.

"Napoleon," Joseph called. "Who is the person you brought along?"

When Joseph asked that, all the gazes turned towards Ciela, who smiled radiantly at Napoleon's family. She bowed her head, lifted the side of her dress, and curtsied.

"Greetings, my name is Ciela, Napoleon's personal maid. I was hired by my master's mom, Lady Letizia, to personally accompany Napoleon during his stay in Paris," Ciela introduced herself with a polite and graceful demeanor.

Carlo's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he exchanged a quick glance with Letizia, surprised by the mention of a personal maid.

"I didn't know about this, Letizia, where did you meet this woman?" Carlo asked.

"Sorry, my dear. I kept it a secret from you. I am just worried that my precious boy Napoleon would be alone during his stay there, so I hired Ciela to be his personal maid."

Letizia's words hung in the air, carrying a mix of remorse and concern. She knew she had kept the hiring of Ciela a secret, but her intentions had been driven by her maternal instincts, wanting to ensure Napoleon had someone to rely on in a new and unfamiliar city. As she met Carlo's gaze, Letizia's eyes pleaded for understanding and forgiveness.

Carlo's initial surprise transformed into a thoughtful expression as he processed Letizia's explanation. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "Letizia, I understand your concern for our son, but I wish you had discussed this with me. We are a family, and decisions like these should be made together, especially if it involves money. How much are you paying Ciela monthly?"

"That's a secret..!" Letizia replied playfully.

Carlo raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement tugging at the corner of his lips. "A secret, huh? Well, I suppose I can respect that for now."

"Don't worry, Father," Napoleon interjected. "The money that Mother is paying Ciela to keep me accompanied has never been a waste. She has been helpful in every aspect of my life in Paris, ensuring my well-being and offering invaluable support."

Ciela's eyes met Carlo's, and she spoke with sincerity. "Sir, Lady Letizia's decision to hire me was driven by her love and concern for Napoleon. I have been by his side throughout his journey in Paris, providing assistance, guidance, and friendship. I assure you, my presence has been beneficial to him."

Carlo observed the genuine expression on Ciela's face and recognized the bond she had formed with Napoleon. He sighed softly, his initial reservations gradually giving way to understanding.

"Very well, Ciela. I appreciate your dedication and care for my son. I trust that you have fulfilled your duties admirably."

A sense of relief washed over Letizia as Carlo accepted the situation, understanding the intention behind her decision. She knew that it might take time for him to fully embrace the idea, but his willingness to listen and acknowledge Ciela's contribution was a promising step forward.

"Okay, we prepared dinner for your return, Napoleon. Please join us as well, Ciela," Letizia invited. The fragrant aroma of a home-cooked meal from the kitchen wafted through the air.

"Thank you, Lady Letizia," Ciela said with a grateful smile. She was touched by the warm welcome and inclusion in Napoleon's family gathering.

Napoleon glanced at Ciela, his brows furrowing as he recalled their earlier conversation. She had mentioned that she wanted to share something about her past, and he had been eager to hear her story, anticipating something extraordinary like being reincarnated in this world. However, when she finally spoke, her words were unexpected.

"Ahh... geez~! I don't think I'm ready to tell you just yet," she said, leaving him hanging, dumbfounded and perplexed. The moment stuck in his mind, and he knew he would never forget it.

If she couldn't reveal anything about herself, then he would take it upon himself to uncover the truth. He was determined to learn more about Ciela and her past.

The good thing was, he knew where to start, and he was standing in front of it. His mother.


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