Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 97: Greetings

Chapter 97: Greetings

"You broke my god damn door!", Earth Goddess Mirella's shout reverberated through the ends of the world.

Hearing the frustration in the Earth Goddess' shout, Viel could only scratch his chin and say, "Well-", before a loud thunder reverberated in the whole cave and he disappeared from his spot.

In less than a blink of an eye, Viel was already on the end of the hole to the surface. But before he could leave the cave, he felt someone grabbing his foot.

He then felt his vision shift as a colossal force dropped him back to the ground of the cave. The ground was like water as ripples formed as soon as Viel hit the ground. It then exploded, forming a crater that almost covered the cave's entire ground. A human shaped hole formed right in the center of the crater.

"You are not going anywhere until you fix my god damn door!", the Earth Goddess shouted as she descended to the ground.

Viel, who was currently a few meters beneath the ground, could not help but smile as excitement filled his entire body. He then instantly disappeared from his spot, creating another crevice as he flew.

He met the Earth Goddess' descent halfway with a punch. The impact from the two forces meeting each other was so strong that it created a shockwave, creating an explosion that completely shook the cave.

The shockwave also lifted up the debris that was falling from above, throwing them above the surface and completely destroying Lord Karl's castle.

It was a good thing that Princess Sofia had evacuated all the people from the castle grounds, if not, it would have been disastrous. They all looked as the castle slowly crumble. If not for the bubble that kept them afloat and safe, they would have surely crumbled along with it.

Lord Karl could only sigh as he watched his castle erupt and succumb to the ground. All his life, all his memories, were in that castle.

No. This was not the time to think for himself. Lord Karl then shouted at his guards from above.

"Evacuate the city! No one must be left inside! If they can't walk, then carry them! Do not bring any possessions, we will get them back!"

All the guards that were on the ground quickly executed his orders as they split up. Shouting for the citizens to leave the city.

Seeing the castle crumble to pieces, Sofia had a serious expression on her face. So, this is how true gods fight. She had triumphed against a spirit before, but it was definitely not in this level.

For humans to prevail against the gods, she wondered if it was possible.

Her thoughts were disrupted when a golden streak flew out from the wreckage of the castle.

"Is that, the great spi- is that Viel?", Ilrina squinted her eyes to see clearer, "Just what exactly are you?", Ilrina could not help but be filled with doubt. To have the power to fight with the Great Mother of Spirits? If he is not the Great Spirit, then what is he?

Another figure shot out from the wreckage.

Seeing her mother rushing towards Viel, Silbern could not help but shout, "No, mother! Stop!"

But his cries were ignored as the two collided their fists in the air. Once again, a violent air gushed out as it moved everything in its surrounding. Even the clouds seemed to avoid their clash, revealing the clear skies above them.

The roofs of the nearest houses from the castle flew off as the shockwave reached it. Truly, if it was not for the bubble that Sofia created, they would have died there and then.

Sofia clicked her tongue as the bubbles moved away from the fight.

Once again, the two were about to rush each other.

"Motherstop!", it was then that Silbern's body glowed as he shouted from the top of his lungs.

Hearing this desperate cry, the Earth Goddess instantly stopped moving, almost getting hit by Viel's fist.

The Earth Goddess then looked at the castle and the surrounding houses of the city. The castle was completely destroyed, and the houses were in tatters.

The Earth Goddess sighed as she spoke to Viel, "Look at what you did"

"What!? You were the one who attacked first!"

"That's because you destroy- Ugh. We will talk about that later, for now", the Earth Goddess then spread her arms and closed her eyes.

Suddenly, all the debris and mess in the city started to float, returning to their original positions. The roofs and windows that were blown from the houses fixed themselves one by one.

Lord Karl's castle, which was disintegrated during the fight, also started to rise up again piece by piece.

The people who were watching this could not help but be in awe. Viel, however, was a little bit annoyed.

"Why didn't you do this to the door?", Viel said.

"You think I can do that!?", Earth Goddess Mirella waved her hands, her exposed bosom waving along with it. For some reason unknown to him, Viel suddenly felt awkward as he looked to the side.

"The door is made with the highest concentration of mana!", Earth Goddess continued, "Materials that are not readily available on this planet!"

"Why so much work for a door?"

"It is supposed to add dramatic effect! How else am I going to make my entrance and show myself to the world!?"

"You're not going to ask me to pay for it, right?", Viel crossed his arms.

"Ugh! What would you even give to pay for it!?", the Earth Goddess once again waved her hand, "Ugh, why did you guys even have to come to my world. Ack, and you even brought normal humans to the north", said the Earth Goddess in frustration.

"And this woman calling herself Lord God keeps on shouting at me!", the Earth Goddess continued her barrage of complaints, "And that Demon God has been laughing from the start, why!?"

"So, they are talking to you?", Viel excitedly approach the Earth Goddess, unknowingly avoiding looking at her bosom.

"Hm? What do you mean? Can't you hear them?", Earth Goddess Mirella furrowed her brows, "Look, I don't know what kind of weird things you guys are into, but I don't want to get involved"

Once again, the Earth Goddess complained.

"You ruined my prophecy, which was perfect, by the way"

"You ruined the timeline"

"And most importantly, you ruined my door!"

"Well, if you think about it, you were the one who slammed your head on the door so", Viel bit her lips and looked to the side.

"Don't start", Earth Goddess Mirella was starting to feel annoyed again, "And stop laughing!"

"I'm not laughing!"

"Not you! Ugh! Why is talking to you so complicated", Mirella grabbed her forehead, "L-Let me talk to the High God, he seems the most sensible", Mirella said as she stuttered.

"The who?"


In the midst of their conversation, a group of people inside a bubble approached them.

"E-earth Goddess, thank you for your mercy and for returning our homes!", Karl kneeled in the air to the best of his abilities.

Earth Goddess Mirella looked at the group of people and sighed.

"I guess all of you have questions, then?"


The group were now inside the main hall, with the Earth Goddess sitting on Karl's throne.

Everyone was quiet. Except for Viel and Silbern who were somehow casually eating snacks that they got from the kitchen.

It was dawning to them, they were in the presence of a goddess. A true Goddess.

They didn't even know what to ask, how were they created? Will she even answer that? The eerie silence was starting to get awkward.

It also did not help that the Earth Goddess was naked.

They tried offering her something to wear, but she refused it. Saying that it was uncomfortable.

After a few more minutes of silence, the Earth Goddess finally spoke up.

"So, I thought you people have questions?", she said.

"Well", Viel walked in front while still chewing his snacks.

"Not you", instantly replied the Earth Goddess.

"Pft", Viel scoffed as he returned to his position.

"Your power, where do you get it?", the first one to ask a question was Princess Sofia.

With that question, the Earth Goddess placed her hand on her chin, "is that a philosophical question?"

"No, I mean-", but before Sofia could ask again, she was interrupted by Ilrina.

Ilrina hastily kneeled in front of the Earth Goddess as she asked her question, "Oh Great Mother of Spirits. The prophecy of which you are mentioning, is it the same prophecy as the elves?", Ilrina said, her tone full of reverence and respect.

In which the Earth Goddess answered with, "How would I know?"


"I-it's about the Great Spirit emerging from the light, to save the elves from destruction", Ilrina added.

"Ah, yes! That is about my child"

Hearing the Goddess' words, the group all looked at Silbern who was passionately eating his snack.

"W-when you say the race is united by marriage"

Hearing Ilrina's next words, the Earth Goddess could only sigh.

"Since we're already here, I might as well say it", Earth Goddess raised her eyebrows, "Silbern was created by me to serve as the world's hero this time. He was supposed to embark on a quest to find me. Venturing from the depths, becoming an adventurer"

The Earth Goddess' voice was becoming louder and louder, "He was supposed to fall in love with the princesses of both races. Uniting the race and fighting against their true enemy. After all that, Silbern will come back here, at this city, which I created. To find that I, her mother, was here the whole time. Signaling the end of his journey as he comes back to his true home"

"There, does that answer you question, Elf Princess?"

"S-so, Silbern is the Great Spirit?"

"Oh yes, or at least he should have been. You two were supposed to marry a few years from now"

Hearing this, Silbern looked at Ilrina, then quickly turned his head as he blushed. As for Ilrina, her eyes were beginning to twitch.

"With respect, if you are this strong, why not just defeat these demons?", Sofia intruded.

Hearing this question, the Earth Goddess had a dumbfounded expression on her face, "Why would I do that?"

"W-what?", all the people present could not help but be shocked with the Earth Goddess' blunt words.

"This world will not advance as it should if I did that"

"Hm", hearing the Goddess' answer. Sofia was finally satisfied, and so were the rest of the specialists, who were shaking their boots on the side. War advances civilization, this they know.

"If I may, Great Mother of Spirits", this time, it was Karl who posted a question, "This prophecy, why did it not happen?"

The Earth Goddess' eyes instantly twitched with this question, "Is it not obvious? It's because of them!", she said in frustration as she pointed at Viel.

"Them?", they were confused. Was she talking about Viel?

"Yes, theyhe is not of this world."

Seeing the people's confused faces, the Earth Goddess sighed.

"He came from a star, far far away from here", explained the Earth Goddess as she pointed up.

"What!?", Sofia quickly turned her head towards Viel, her eyes glimmering with curiosity.

Viel, who garnered everyone's attention, quickly hid his snacks and bowed.

"Greetings earthlings"


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