Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 82: Anywhere But Home

Chapter 82: Anywhere But Home

Princess Sofia was currently kneeling in front of a white-haired bearded man sitting on a throne.

"Is what Suzanne said true?", the white-haired bearded man said calmly. But even though his voice seemed like it was still, it still echoed throughout the throne room like a tidal wave, washing over all the people present.

"Y-yes, father", Sofia bit her lips lightly, not daring to look at the man in front of her. Her father, the High King of Fermania.

"So, you brought someone like that right inside the castle, without even notifying me, your King?"


"Silence!", the King's shout reverberated through the halls of the throne room. The audience and the guards could not help but shake momentarily by the pressure that the King was emitting.

Sofia quickly shut her mouth as she looked down on the ground with a pained expression. She then slightly tilted her head to the side, where her brothers and sisters are currently standing, watching her as she gets scolded by their father.

Suzanne, who was the one who reported the matters to their father, noticed that Sofia was looking at her. In which her response was to look to the side and feign ignorance.

T-this brat! Sofia cursed internally.

Her other siblings were also mostly avoiding her gaze. Shaking their heads as if they did not want to get involved in the matter. While the older ones already had bored expressions on their faces, as if Sofia being scolded by their father was something that has already happened a dozen of times in the past. So they just treated it as a regular occurrence.

None of you are helpful! Sofia thought.

"Now then, this boy. Where is he?", once again the King spoke.

Sofia was quiet. She did not really want to answer, as her father might just tell her to shut her mouth again. But then she slightly glanced at him, only to see his eyes starting to get impatient.

"T-the boy is currently in one of the guest rooms, father", Sofia started to loosen up, "Trust me, father! The boy will not do anything!"

"Oh? Like he did not do anything earlier today?", the King implied, obviously referring to the incident that happened in the courtyard.

"This", Sofia was at a loss for words. She knew that anymore excuses would just anger her father more, so she just once again decided to keep her mouth shut.

But then, the King asked the question that Sofia really did not want to answer. It was the worst possible question that can be asked from her.

"Now tell me, how much did you buy the boy for?", said the King as he released a tired breath.

Sofia's whole body started to sweat as she tried to come up with a suitable answer. But no matter how much she thinks about it, there really could only be one answer to this, the truth.

But the truth is not something that Sofia wanted to say. So she was damned if she answer, and damned if does not.

But in the end, she was still talking to the King.

5", Sofia murmured, "55000 gold coins", whispered Sofia as she looked to the side, her face full of undeniable guilt.

As soon as she dropped the number. An eerie silence filled the entire throne room. There was only the slight coughs of the guard that almost choked to death from hearing the amount of gold coins.

5000 gold coins. That was enough to buy an entire castle and have enough change to still hire some maids!

Even Sofia's older siblings, who were already used to her antics, could not help but be stunned as their jaws dropped. Even for Sofia, this kind of money was not something they expected.

The King's breath once again echoed throughout the halls, making all the people in the room feel anxious. Some of the guards even wanted to go home already, as the anxiety was killing them.

Of course, the one that felt the most pressure was Sofia. Who was now on the verge of crying as she bit her teeth, trying to suppress the heavy breath that wish to come out of her.

But then, the King laughed. His laugh was so loud that it overpowered the previously sullen mood in the room, erasing it completely.

"Good work, Sofia"


"F-father!?", Sofia was at a loss for words. She did not expect to be complimented by her father, specially at a situation like this.

What just happened!? All the siblings thought as they watched their father laugh. And to praise Sofia? That only happens in a blue moon. There will surely be a feast tonight, the siblings all had a collective thought.

"Everyone out, except Sofia", the King then waved his hand, "Out now."

"Yes, Father!"

"At once, your Majesty!"

The people in the throne room quickly dispersed as soon as they heard the King's order, not even hesitating for a single second.

And now, with only the King and Sofia present in the room.

"I-is there something you wish to say to me, father?", Sofia said, her tone still full of respect.

"The truth is, my shadows have already known about the boy"

"Father?", Sofia was confused.

"Ever since Fynn got his hands on the boy 5 years ago, we have already known his existence"

"What!?", Sofia could no longer contain her curiosity as she involuntarily stood upright.

Then, 2 shadows suddenly appeared behind the King. No, they just looked like shadows, but if one were to look closer, they were just wearing a black cloak that seemed to not reflect any light at all.

"How do you think the elves came upon the information of the boy's location?"

"Ccould it be!?", Sofia placed her hand on her chin, deep in thought.

"Yes. My shadows gave a hint here and there, making the elves curious enough that they checked Fynn's castle", the King chuckled, "We were going to retrieve the boy forcefully from the elves who freed him if they were successful, but who would have expected for the boy to return to his cell voluntarily?"

"We could have gotten the boy for free", the King continued, "But if we can have an asset like him in our country for just the price of a single castle then won't you say it was worth it?"

Sofia could not help but breathe deeply from her father's words, but still, she wanted to be honest.

"But I am afraidthe boy is clearly not something we can control", Sofia shook her head.

"Better than him siding with the elves", the King quickly replied, "Fate is really funny, don't you think?"

The King then laughed robustly, "Just don't try to use the boy in one of your experiments".

"II well-"

But before Sofia can plead her case, a guard of Princess Sofia suddenly barge into the room.


"How dare you interrupt my talk with the King!?", Sofia stood up, "Do you have a death wish!?"

"F-forgive me, your highness! But you told me to report to you immediately no matter the situation if it is regarding the slave!"

Princess Sofia's eyes twitched. What happened now!? She then looked towards the King, as if asking permission if she could hear the guard's report.

The King just nodded and waved his hand.

"T-the slave, he is gone!"

"What!? Again!?", Sofia's frustration quickly became shock, "D-did you check at the courtyard!?"

"Y-yes! He he is nowhere to be found!"

Hearing the guard's certainty, Sofia could only grit her teeth. She once again looked at her father to see what his reaction was, but all she saw was his Father's amused face.

"Father, if you may please excuse me", seeing that the King was not angry in anyway, Sofia took this chance to excuse herself.

"You may go"

"Thank you, father!"

The King's amused face did not disappear even after Sofia exited the throne room.

It was then that one of the men behind him started to speak, "Do you want us to chase the boy, my King?"

"No, just watch over him as usual. We have more important matters to discuss", the King shook his head.

"We obey your command, my King!"

"Now, tell me. What's the situation in the North?", the King's expression turned serious as he rested his chin on his hand.

"The faction is gradually increasing their people, my King"

"Is it some kind of cult?", the King asked.

"We are not sure, my King. Out of all the shadow we have sent there to investigate, only one came back"

"Did it get any information?"

"Yes, my King. The faction's leader is an oriental woman"

"Oriental? What are they doing here How can your shadow be sure that the woman is the leader?"

"It should be accurate, my King. The woman was wearing a robe that was seemed to be made of gold, and it was of higher quality than most of the ones we have seen"

Hearing the word "gold", the King could not help but scoff, "Truly befitting of their organization's name"

Golden Pavilion. Just where did they come from? And could the golden-haired boy be related to them?

The King could only sigh as more questions appeared on his mind.


Outside the castle, some people were currently staring at a uniquely looking golden-haired boy walking casually down the street.

"Where are we going, Great Spirit?"

Viel and Ilrina were currently now outside the castle. Ilrina was wearing a hood to cover her ears.

She was waiting for Viel to respond, but he just kept on walking, not even looking back.

But after a few more minutes, Viel suddenly stopped walking, causing Ilrina to hit her nose on his back.

"G-great spirit?", Ilrina was curious. Why did Viel suddenly stop?

She then noticed that Viel was looking at an odd-looking building. She was about to ask Viel about why they stopped, but Viel was the one to speak first.

"Anywhere but home", said Viel, properly answering her previous question, even if it was a little bit late.

Ilrina then looked at the label that was plastered on the huge signboard that was hanging on the odd-looking building's entrance,

"Adventurer's Guild"


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