Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 80: Bring Me The Princess

Chapter 80: Bring Me The Princess

Even though it was right in front of her, Ilrina still could not believe of the brutality that was in front of her. She had spent almost a whole day with Princess Sofia, and although she was extremely rude and uncaring about the lives of others, mostly elves, she thought that it was just a faade. A facade that the Princess shows to strike fear towards her enemies.

But this?

His brothers and sisters were being treated like nothing but objects.

"Are you eating us!?", Ilrina shouted as she slammed her fist on the huge table beside her, causing the body parts of the elves that was on the table to tremble and bounce.

Hearing this question, Princess Sofia's expression turned, as if she was so disgusted by the suggestion. "What? No", the Princess choked, "That's disgusting. We are not you", said that Princess as she almost retched.

"We don't eat humans!", Ilrina once again shouted.

"Oh?", Princess Sofia removed her glasses and wiped it due to the entrails that almost hit her face when Ilrina slammed the table again, "But history states otherwise. You liked putting us in soups, remember?"

"T-that was before my time!", Ilrina slammed the table once again. This time though, the Princess was wise enough to hide behind Viel to avoid being splashed by the different kinds of filth that was on the table.

"So you say, but your kind can live for a hundred years"

"This", Ilrina finally stopped slamming the table, "They don't deserve to be treated like this!"

Hearing this, a smile grew on the Princess' face, "Of course they do", she then looked at Ilrina as she stopped hiding behind Viel, "And you probably do too"

The two remained staring at each other for quite some time. If it wasn't for a group of guards arriving, they probably would have had this staring contest for hours.

They brought along 3 elves with them, bruised and wounded.

"These are", Ilrina could not help but look at the faces of the newly arrived elves.

These three elves were part of the group that attacked their carriage. The ones that were unlucky enough to be caught alive. As soon as they entered, their expressions grew dim as they saw the remains of their fallen brethren.

And like with Ilrina, they also panicked, their bodies shivering as they puked on the ground.

"Oh, what splendid timing", Princess Sofia clapped her hands, "I told you. You'll get to see first hand what will happen to them"

And Ilrina did. She watched as her brethren were forced to do inhumane things, and in return, inhumane things were done to them.



Ilrina and Viel were now in a huge and luxurious room. But still, Ilrina could not move on from the horrors that she saw in Princess Sofia's cellar as she puked all over the place, ruining the posh carpets that were laid on the floor.

The more she wants to forget and try to put the memories behind her, the more it resurfaces in her mind.

"T-they what they were doing to my brothers and sisters", Ilrina held her mouth as she tried to prevent herself from throwing up again.

The three newly arrived elves, that was not a fate that she wanted for herself. She could only consider herself lucky that the Princess did not seem to have any interest in her body.

She wiped her mouth as she glanced around at the room they were in. The room was complete of necessities, one might even say that it was more than enough. Their own bed, a sofa, they even have their own bathing room. In which Ilrina thought that it was probably better if she released her vomit there.

But it was too late. The floor was already ruined.

She also noticed the table that were full of fruits and bounties. Weren't they supposed to be slaves? Ilrina thought. Then what was with the grand treatment?

When the guards escorted them out of Princess Sofia's cellar, she thought they were them to another cellar to lock them up, but instead, they brought them inside the castle and placed them here. The guards told them that they will call them if they need them, and that they should rest up for now.

Ilrina sighed. She did not even have to think about it. She already knew the reason why they were being treated like this.

She turned her head to look at the huge bed, only to see Viel just laying there with his eyes closed.

Is the Great Spirit actually asleep at this moment!? Ilrina thought. Viel was now wearing proper clothes for boys, as the guard handed it to them before they left them here.

Ilrina's eyes then turned serious as she slowly approached Viel.

She then whispered in his ear, "Great Spirit, it is time we make our escape"

Her whisper clearly woke up Viel, as he opened his eyes as soon as Ilrina was done talking. Ilrina then walked towards the curtain, and proceeded to pull it down.


But to her dismay, no windows could be seen. She then took off the rest of the curtains, only to be welcomed by wall after wall.

"Nothing here as well! This room has no windows!", Ilrina started to get frustrated. She then rushed towards the door, only to find that it was locked.

She tried to kick the door down, but it would seem that it was sealed by a magical seal. She even used on of the chairs to hammer the door down, but alas, the seal was too strong.

"I knew it! This luxurious room is just to catch us off guard. We are trapped, Great Spirit!", Ilrina shouted. She was about to try to ram the door down again, but then she heard a sigh directly behind her.

"Ack! Great Spirit, you surprised me!", she turned around, only to see that Viel was already behind her. Looking at like she was some kind of idiot, or at least that's what she thinks he was thinking.

Viel then slowly approached the door, and turned the handle opening the door.

"It was open?", Ilrina was confused. But then she saw that the handle was twisted beyond recognition, "Ah! As expected of the Great Spirit! I will clear the path as we make our escape, Oh Great Spirit!"

But as soon as Ilrina jumped out of the room. The guards were already there, with their spears pointed at them.

And although the guards had their weapons drawn, in truth, they were as shocked as they could be. The door was sealed by one of the highest level of sealing magic the palace has to offer, and yet it was destroyed just like that.

At first, when they heard the noisy attempts of the Elf to break down the door, they were laughing their assicles off. But as soon as the door was suddenly casually opened, they panicked.

"You dare block the Great Spirit's path!?", Ilrina said confidently, "Show them your power, Great Spirit!"

"Bring me the Princess"

"Yes, that's right. Bring him the Princwhat was that?", Ilrina's confident stride almost made her trip as she stared at Viel, trying to check if what she heard was right.

"Bring me the Princess", repeated Viel.

The guards were confused, should they call for the Princess? The two looked at each other, and quickly came to a conclusion- that they were not being paid enough to deal with this.

And so, without anymore hesitation, the two guards left to call Princess Sofia.

As soon as Princess Sofia heard the news, she quickly rushed outside of her cell. Her clothes and face were still full of blood from experimenting with the newly arrived elves.

But when they got back to the room where Viel was being kept, they were no longer there.

"Did they escape!?", traces of panic began to paint Princess Sofia's face, "Why did you leave the child alone!?"

"S-sorry, Princess Sofia. But you said that the cursed child was not going to escape so we left the-"

"So, are saying this is my fault!?"

"N-no! We don't dare to!", the guards kneeled, "It is our fault! Our fault!"

Princess Sofia clicked her tongue, was she tricked?

And then, Princess Sofia noticed that something was different. She then looked at the two guards that were groveling on the ground.

Steam was coming out of their mouth. Her glasses was also turning foggy.

"Princess Sofia! Princess Sofia!"

A guard then came rushing towards them, his face full of panic.

"Your new slaves, they are in the courtyard!"


So they didn't escape? But what were they doing on the courtyard?

Princess Sofia was quickly escorted by her guards. And on their way to the courtyard, Princess Sofia noticed that the temperature was getting lower and lower.

And when they finally arrived in the courtyard, the cold peaked. The guards she were with could not help but shiver, hugging their body for warmth. If it wasn't for the Princess' innate talent for magic, maybe she too, would feel the extreme cold.

And the courtyard was dark. It was not night yet, and yet darkness already filled the courtyard.

No, it was more appropriate to say that it was like they were under the water. With the reflections of the sky rippling scattered all around them.

And there, right in the middle of everything, was Viel.

Who had his arms raised up to the sky. Princess Sofia could not help but gulp, the idea of looking up scared her. What was she going to see if she looked up? What was blocking the sun to fully shine on their humble courtyard?

But of course, as always with The Princess, curiosity won.

Princess Sofia looked up, only to see the ice spell that she used on Viel at Lord Fynn's castle.

A floating icicle, except this one covered the entire castle.

"Wwhat are you doing?", Princess Sofia could not help but gulp nervously.

"Yes, Great Spirit!", Ilrina groveled on the ground, "I knew you had a plan! Do it! Destroy humanity's leaders right in their doorstep!"

This was a mistake. Princess Sofia made a mistake in judgment. Perhaps due to her excitement in finding a new anomaly to fiddle with, she dismissed the fact that the boy in front of her could have enough power to destroy their castle in one fell swoop.

What have I done? Those words were the only things that were on Sofia's mind right now. But once again, she asked, hoping for an answer, "What are you doing?"

However, she did not expect Viel to swiftly answer.

"You will teach me how to control my powers"


"Eh?", said Ilrina and Princess Sofia at the same time.


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