Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 66: Friends

Chapter 66: Friends

"Seriously? You need me to even do this to you, what are you, 3?"

Xing Cai was currently washing the rubbish from Viel's body. She slowly doused Viel's hair with water and shook it to remove any dirt that was clinging on his hair.

When they got back to the house, Xing Cai was surprised to see Viel still staying silent. She has seen him down casted before, but he usually recovers as soon as something distracts him. But not this time.

Even when she dragged him outside near the well and poured a bucket of water on him, Viel had no reaction at all except a slight movement of his eyebrows.

Looking at Viel's dejected state, Xing Cai could only sigh in frustration. She even told her that he will make him pay for the robes he destroyed earlier this morning, but still, Viel did not budge. It was as if Viel was trying his best not to feel anything.

She had no idea what he was thinking right now, or if he was thinking anything at all.

So, after bathing Viel, she just placed him on the side as she tried to tinker with her the sword she got from the dungeon. She did not really have a chance to fully examine her sword from everything that has happened.

It was nice to have some peace and quiet from time to time even if it is just a few hours. So, after making sure that Viel was not going anywhere and was just sitting in front of her on the veranda, she placed the huge slab of golden sword on the ground.

She really was instantly gaining strength as soon as she touches the great sword. Interesting, Xing Cai thought. Yes, there were artifacts that made one stronger, but they were usually something that only worked once, unlike this great sword.

And even though she has used this to cut up flesh and stone, there was visibly no scratch or dent on it whatsoever.

But Xing Cai sighed, even though this greatsword was probably the best craftsmanship she has ever seen, she has trained all her life with the ways of the sword and shield. Not to mention that even by great sword standards, this one dwarfs even the biggest great sword she has seen in her entire life.

But it was not like she had any other choice, her shield was blown to smithereens.

Could she use this as a shield? It was wide enough.

But as soon as Xing Cai tried it out, it didn't take her long to feel how awkward it was.

Xing Cai could only shake her head.

Xing Cai also tried using it as a normal great sword, but she could only laugh at herself as her whole body swayed with the weight of the sword, making her look like a chopstick. This was impossible, the sword was more than twice her weight. She tried to glance at Viel to see if he had any reaction to her funny state, but alas, Viel just watched her without any reaction.

And with a sigh, she went back to experimenting with the great sword.

It would seem she has no other choice, she remembered the animalistic fighting style she used when fighting the Azure Fist sect members, although it was an impromptu, Xing Cai can't deny that it didn't work.

She crouched down on the ground while holding the great sword, with it almost perpendicular to the ground.

And like a wolf, she pounced towards the uncut firewood, waving her sword and her body at almost a 360-degree angle. And, like the expected outcome, it did not slice the firewood in half. It shattered it into a hundred pieces.

But although the outcome and damage was great, Xing Cai was not satisfied. This really was not her style of fighting.

She was the one who waits, the one who only attacks when the time is right. This huge great sword only allowed for one thing, brutality.

Xing Cai racked up her head. How was she even going to fight someone faster than her with this? Even if the sword boasted amazing strength, any decent master would kill her before she could even move.

She needed a move that would ensure that her attack would reach the enemy first.

Think. Think!

But nothing came to her mind, she could only stab the ground with her sword in frustration as she groaned. With the sword almost completely burrowing itself to the ground.

And then, an idea came to her mind. With the sword embedded in the ground, she suddenly thought of the fighting style of the people from the country of Nipun.

How they used their sheathe as a way to boost their attack, effectively countering the opponent's advance.

Yes, this could work!

And with much excitement, Xing Cai slightly kneeled as she imitated the stance of the warriors from Nipun. Except that her sword was inserted into the ground instead of a sheathe.

Xing Cai closed her eyes, and then, with her breathing at its calmest, she used all the strength in her body to swing the sword off from the ground. With her feet slightly cracking the ground beneath her.

An explosive but sharp sound resounded through the air. The dust from the ground covering everything, all the way to Viel, who she just cleaned and bathed.

It took a few seconds before the dust cleared, but the result was ridiculous. Her attack left a huge crevice on the ground, all the way to the trees that were parked near Viel's house. And the best part of it all, is that the attack was almost instantaneous.

Xing Cai could not contain the smile on her face as she saw how powerful the attack was. She wiped the sweat that started to form on her face as the satisfied expression on her face was not disappearing.

But then, as she was about to do the move again, the smile suddenly disappeared from her face.


"What if it was a flying enemy?"

And with that thought, Xing Cai once again racked her brain in disappointment.

She remained like this until the time to meet General Diao and his men came at the northern gates. Xing Cai waited for Viel to speak up, and ask her if he could say goodbye to his friends, but it didn't came.

And so with that, the both of them headed to the northern gates of the city where General Diao and his men were already waiting for them. There was a carriage beside them, but no horse to sleigh it.

"Miss Xing CaiI heard what happened", General Diao said as soon as he saw Viel and Xing Cai approaching them. He then looked at Viel, who was clearly distraught and still very much dejected.

"Is the boy alright?"

With that question, Xing Cai could only shake her head. She tried her best to get a response from Viel, but as the gods as her witness, she was not able to do so.

General Diao was about to suggest to just leave Viel behind, as he looked unfit to travel. But then the General remembered that out of all of them, Viel was the one who knew most about the dungeons. So he just kept his mouth shut and slowly walked towards the carriage behind them.

"This carriage is a flying artifact. If you leave now, you should arrive your sect by dawn", said General Diao. "My men are trained to drive this around, so let them take care of that and just relax on your journey. The boy certainly needs it"

"I appreciate all the help, General Diao. I will make sure the Golden Pavilion does not forget your help in this matter. Thank you"

"Save it, Miss Xing Cai. I could not even personally come with you myself, and am only able to provide 5 of my men"

"5 is more than plenty with what Taizhou has gone through", Xing Cai looked at the 5 men that were provided by the General.

There was even one who looked like he was only taller than Viel by a foot, the helmet he was wearing did not even fit properly.

But Xing Cai knew that this was the best General Diao could lend given the situation.

General then signaled one of the guards to open the door of the carriage.

"I hope for your safe return, Miss Xing Cai. And you too, Viel. Don't make my daughter cry waiting for you. OHOHOHO", General Diao patted Viel's back, and as expected, Viel still didn't have any reaction.

Xing Cai looked at Viel, "Are you sure you're not going to say goodbye? We might not be back for a long time"

But Xing Cai could only let out a disappointed breath as she watched Viel completely ignore her as he walked straight to the carriage.

But as Viel was about to step inside, they heard numerous shouts calling for his name.

"Viel! Wait!"

"Wait for us!"

Xing Cai, General Diao, and the rest of the men could not help but look at the directions of the shout.

There, they saw Violet and Xiao Pei, along with Wei Song's family running towards them while waving their hands. But oddly enough, Wei Song himself was not there.

But it would seem it was not only them, as Charlotte was following them from behind while being pushed by Diao Mei.

"Viel! Wait!"

In truth, Diao Mei heard from her mother that Viel was about leave for Golden Pavilion. So she quickly informed her friends about it.

And it just so happened that Charlotte was also there, trying to find Viel to apologize for his husband's actions.

As soon as they heard the news, they quickly rushed towards the north gates, hoping they weren't too late to say goodbye.

And luckily, Viel still has not left.

Wei Song's family tried to catch their breath when they finally arrived, as they were not really used to running around.

"Viel, you are going to leave without saying goodbye to us again?", Violet was the first to speak up, her tone clearly pissed off.

Viel, however, only stood still. With one of his foot already in the carriage.

"And why are you leaving again so soon!? You just got back! We missed you, Viel. We miss your antics it is not as fun without you here", Violet started to stutter as she got to the last of her words.

"Yeah man. I also just got back, stop making it hard for me for us and just stay here man", Xiao Pei said while waving his hand.

"Wwhere are you going, mister? I thought we were going to play?", Wei Song's sister sniffled as she held her mother's hand, obviously tearing up.

"Stay safe out there, okay?", Wei Song's mother added, "I'm sure Wei Song wishes for the same. I swear, that boy is too shy for the wrong moments"

One of General Diao's men started to choke as they watched the current scene. That was right, some of them were leaving their families behind as well.

"Viel I am really sorry for my husband's actions!", Charlotte pushed herself forward, "I will make sure he stays put so when you return, you can punish him yourself!"

Charlotte's words were sincere. If Viel really was his brother's son as she thought, then that would mean that Viel was her only family that she knows is still alive, "I will braid your hair again when you come back, okay?"

Even with all the cries, Viel still did not look towards them. There was only silence in the air as they waited for Viel to say something. However, after a few seconds, Viel started to go inside the carriage, without even a word of goodbye to his friends.

Xing Cai could only sigh as she looked at the people that cared for Viel. She shook her head as she bid her farewell to the General and got on the carriage.

Viel's friends watched on as the door to the carriage closed and it started to move away.

It was then that Diao Mei, who was quiet the whole time, started to shout.

"Viel! We will wait for you, okay!? I will wait for you!", Diao Mei screamed as loud as she can, "It does not matter if you are gone for 3 days or 3 years. Just make sure to come back, okay!? I will wait for you!"

"So please please come back to us safe", Diao Mei said as the tears started to fall from her eyes.

One might say that Viel's friends were over-reacting, but last time he disappeared, he was gone for more than 3 days in an unknown land. Who knew when he was going to return this time? The place Viel was going to was also something that no normal cultivator could survive. Even with Viel's monstrous strength, he was a child. He was bound to make mistakes.

And so, Viel's friends watched as his carriage continued to accelerate.

And, after expecting that they really will not get any reaction from Viel, it was then that a small hand that was sticking out from the window of the carriage can be seen.

The small hand had its thumbs up.

When Diao Mei and the group saw this, they could not help but be filled with joy. They once again shouted.

They shouted their goodbyes and farewells, they shouted their care until the carriage totally disappeared into the distance.

And if only they see what Xing Cai was currently seeing, then they might have tried to run for the carriage to try and chase Viel.

"Hm. This brat", Xing Cai had the warmest of smiles as she looked at Viel.

Viel was currently shaking while his hand was sticking out the window. His face was full of snot from all the tears that were bawling from his eyes.

And finally, they headed for the Golden Pavilion.


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