Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 60: Thoughts

Chapter 60: Thoughts

"Those men were innocent of the crimes committed by his imbecile of a father!"

Deep inside a vast darkness, Lord God Lu Yi and Demon God Xanthus were currently arguing. The Judge of Karma could also be seen on the side, just watching the screen and totally ignoring the two.

"Everyone is guilty of something, Lu Yi", Xanthus chuckled, "And I am pretty sure those fools were far from innocent"

"But baby Viel does not know that!", Lu Yi could not help but click her tongue, "This is different, Xanthus! Baby Viel killed a hundred people just to punish one man, without even batting an eye!"

Xanthus gritted his teeth as he recalled Viel's nonchalant onslaught. The Viel skill used to impale the Azure Fist disciples were his. So, in a way, he felt responsible for Viel's actions. And it was not helping that Lu Yi was currently taking it out on him.

"If this continues, he will become like you, Xanth-"

"And what is wrong with that!?", before Lu Yi could finish her sentence, Xanthus' loud shout reverberated in the darkness.

"Maybe this is what my world needs, another Demon God. Another punisher. Maybe that's why the boy was born in the first place, to replace me!"

Lu Yi forcefully grabbed Xanthus' shoulder horns as soon as she heard his last words, "Is that what you want!? For baby Viel to be hated and feared by your world!?"

"At least no one will be able to harm him!"

"But he will be alone!"

This time, it was Lu Yi's shout that penetrated the darkness, as her shout was followed by silence. The expression on her eyes were piercing, as if what she said was the only true thing in the world. Even Jack, who had his eyes glued on the screen could not help but release a small sigh as he heard Lu Yi's words.

Of course, Xanthus knew this. Everyone of them knew this. They were the strongest beings in their respective domains, and with true strength, came the price- loneliness.

With Xanthus, it was being ostracized by the whole world for more almost a millenium. Being abhorred by the world for his deeds, for his justice.

With Lu Yi, it was the passage of time. A million years spent in isolation. Every time she walks out of the door, a different era welcomes her. She was, in the truest sense, a stranger.

And for the Judge of Karma- existence. He was born already with a hammer in hand. Duty was the only thing he has ever known. Billions of years watching the circle of life without he himself truly experiencing it. It was, in a way, ironic.

The silence continued on for a long time, without the three of them seeming to want to break the quiet. It wasn't until the screen in front of them showed Viel being hugged by the woman named Charlotte, did they begin to release huge breaths.

Viel was currently being approached by his friends as well, asking him if anything was wrong, and also asking who the woman that was hugging him was.

"You're right, Lu Yi. Viel must not become like us", Xanthus looked at the screen with eager eyes as he chuckled, "Heck, the boy seems to be doing better than us already, he has friends that care for him"

"Speak for yourself, Xanthus. I had friends when I was young", Lu Yi said as she closed her eyes with a smile on her face, as if she was reminiscing a time lost past.

Xanthus could not help but click his tongue with Lu Yi's statement. How is it that she always gets to say the last word whenever they argue with each other? Xanthus thought. But after a while, he smiled. He also remembered the moments he had shared with the only person that truly understood him, Cortana the Hero of Freiden. One day, he was sure of it. Viel will meet her.

And maybe, just maybe. When that time comes, he would be able to properly say what he truly feels- That he wanted to stay and live with her for the rest of time.

But for now, it was a pipe dream. For now, they had to ensure that Viel does not take the same path as them.

Out of the three of them, Xanthus' feels the most guilty and responsible for the actions that Viel takes. In the span of Viel's life, the most prevalent emotions that comes out of Viel was from him.

RageAngerThe urge to punish.

It may have to do with Viel's young age, but even then, he knew that Viel's negative emotions were being amplified because he was here.

Xanthus sighed as he continued to watch the scenes that were happening in the screen. How the westerner called Charlotte tried her best to comfort Viel, and how Viel's friends surround him with care.

But as soon as Charlotte's face once again came into full view, a sudden rage filled Xanthus' body.


"Aagain!?", Xanthus' whole body began to tremble as he could not contain the mysterious rage inside of him, "Why is this happening!?"

Xanthus gritted his teeth as he kneeled down, trying his best to suppress the killing intent that was oozing inside of him.


But he was not alone. Even Lu Yi carried an ugly expression on her face.

"I do not like this feeling", Lu Yi grunted as she held chest tightly, "Why is the Voice emitting such killing intent towards that woman!?"

As a cultivator that reached godhood, true rage was something that Lu Yi did not allow herself to feel throughout her life. It was sealed deep inside of her.

But for unknown reasons, whenever the woman named Charlotte shows herself, the hidden rage inside of her gushes out like a waterfall. And no matter how hard she tries to resist it, it was to no avail.

"Do you know who she is, Judge of Karma?"

Jack was currently seating with his legs crossed and eyes closed. There was a certain pattern in the way he released his breath.

Yes, even him, a being that judges life and death, was trying his best to suppress the rage that was trying to come out of him.

And perhaps out of the three of them, the Judge of Karma was the one that was having the hardest time. Rage that was something that did not exist inside of him until now. He did not even know that he was capable of feeling this kind of emotion.

He was, afterall, created to be impartial. That was something that was definite and certain. Any emotions that would hinder his judgement did not and should not exist until now.

Jack tried his best to open his eyes to look at the woman that was being shown on the screen. He could not help but release a heavy sigh as he garnered the strength to speak.

"This woman is the boy's biological mother", Jack stuttered and closed his eyes once again as soon as he finished what he was saying.


Both Lu Yi and Xanthus could not help but bellow in pain.

"What!? You're telling this to us just now, Jack!?", Xanthus turned his head to look at Jack. Even though Jack was still sitting with his legs crossed, Xanthus was sure that he was already currently unconscious.

"Judge of Karma, are you alright!?"

Lu Yi also tried to call on Jack, but it was to no avail. There was not even a slither of response from Jack.

"Damn it! You don't say something like that and just get quiet on us!", Xanthus could not help but furrow his eyebrows in frustration, "What are we even supposed to do with this information!?"

It took a while, but the feeling of rage started to dissipate, which allowed them to collect themselves and catch their breath. But for some reason, Jack was still unconscious.

"Hmm", with her strength returning to her, Lu Yi could not help but squint her eyes as she looked at the woman on the screen, "If this woman really is Viel's mother then why does the Voice seem to want to kill her?"

"Isn't she supposed to be dead?", Xanthus added.

The two of them looked at each other, as if trying to find the answers from one another. But it only took a second until they grunted in frustration. The both of them knew that none of them can answer each other's question.

The two looked at the only one who can, the Judge of Karma. It seemed they had no choice but to wait for him to wake up.


"Viel, I am really sorry for shouting at you!"

Charlotte was currently hugging Viel as soon as she saw him in the refugee camp. After General Diao assured her that they will rescue her husband, she immediately rushed towards the school grounds in order to find Viel.

But to her surprise, Viel was nowhere to be found. It wasn't until a few hours before Viel suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of one of the people that were providing food. When Charlotte saw Viel, she was initially surprised by his sudden appearance, but the guilt of shouting to a small child quickly overshadowed the surprise as she rushed towards Viel and hugged him.

This sudden commotion quickly pulled the attention of the masses. It wasn't every day that you see two westerners together. Even more so crying and hugging each other.

But Charlotte did not seem to mind, as she continued to apologize to Viel. It took a few apologies before Viel returned the hug and started to embrace her as well.

"Viel", the feeling of being embraced warmed Charlotte's mind. Maybe if she did not lose the ability to have children, she could have had this feeling every day. To be loved and hugged by your child.

However, the warm thoughts on her mind disappeared as soon as she felt a tingling pain on her back, where Viel was hugging her.

"Vviel?", Charlotte tried to push Viel away from her body, but it was as if Viel was glued to her. No matter how much strength she puts into it, Viel didn't have any signs of budging. Charlotte did not continue her struggle as she was on the verge of falling from her wheelchair.

"KV-viel..", the only thing she could do was tighten her embrace, "I... I'm sorry".

The grip on her back grew stronger by the second. She felt her skin slowly being torn, but before it could do so, the grip on her back loosened followed by the sound of a tiny voice.

"Mmiss Charlotte?"

Viel quickly backed away from her, removing him from her embrace. She could not help but look at Viel straight in the eye to see what he was thinking.

But to her surprise, there was not even a hint of anger on the boy's face, there was only confusion.

"Wwhy were you hugging me, Miss Charlotte?", Viel squinted his eyes and tilted his head, "*Gasp* C-could it be What about your husband!?", Viel's eyes widened as he covered his mouth.

Charlotte could not help but be filled with confusion. It would seem that the boy did not even know that he hugged her back. Could it be that the pain on her back was just her imagination? But no, she was still feeling it.

Maybe that was the case. The stress of seeing her husband being strangled was probably getting to her. Charlotte sighed as she looked at the seemingly dramatic boy in front of her.

"No", Charlotte shook her head as she chuckled, "I am here to apologize for shouting at you". Even though there was still a slight discomfort on her back, she did not forget to smile as she spoke to Viel.

"Isee", Viel cleared his throat in response as he puffed his chest, "Buy me sweets and I will forgive you!"

Charlotte could not help but laugh as she heard Viel's words. "Okay then. As soon as the shops open again, I will buy you candy, okay?"

Viel smiled as soon as he heard this. He then reached out his hand, "T-then that's a deal?"

"Hmhm", Charlotte nodded her head as she shook Viel's hand. The two of them smiled at each other as they held hands.

"V-viel w-who is this!?"

In the midst of them shaking hands, a cute stutter could be heard behind Viel.


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