Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 53: Welcome not Welcome

Chapter 53: Welcome not Welcome

Minutes before, while Charlotte was braiding Viel's hair. The tension outside the south wall was getting cloudy.

"Friends from the Azure Fist sect, forgive us for we can't welcome you. As you can see, our city is currently preoccupied"

General Diao had a smile on his face, his tone, however, was cold. He stared at the hundreds of men in blue robes. He thought the guard that reported to him were just exaggerating, but this number could really easily reach a thousand. If they were to wreak havoc, General Diao was not confident if they will be enough to stop it.

They were outnumbered almost 20 to 1. Even combined, the number of the guardsmen and the soldiers were fewer than 50. Though he had Headmaster Fu and Xing Cai guarding as well, just one single mistake and someone will definitely slip past the wall. He has the Headmaster waiting behind the wall, just in case someone slips past.

A bald man in a much more sophisticated blue robe from the Azure Fist sect stepped forward. He had a very conflicted expression on his face as he looked around the wounded soldiers that were guarding the gate.

"Greetings, you must be General Diao. I am Lu Meng, sect master of the Azure Fist", the bald man bowed towards General Diao.

"Greetings, Master Lu", General Diao replied with a bow, "and too what do we owe this visit?"

Although General Diao had a smile on his face, the tension in the air was obvious as the members of the Azure Fist sect had their fists clenched, and their breathing was becoming erratic. Some of them were fiercely staring at the Taizhou guards.

"We are here seeking for answers and justice for the death of our Patriarch", Sect Master Lu Meng had a firm tone on his voice as he stared at General Diao, as if analyzing his reaction.

"I am very sorry to hear that terrible news", General Diao sighed, "But I do not exactly see what you wish to accomplish by being here"

Sect Master Lu Meng squinted his eyes, "About 6 days ago, our Patriarch suddenly came out from his closed-door cultivation. We were ecstatic to see him once again after such a long time"

Sect Master Lu Meng released a sorrowful sigh as he continued on with his story, "I wanted to welcome him, but he suddenly flew towards the sky, shouting. He told us to hide"

General Diao could not help but furrow his eyebrows. Where exactly is this story leading to? Xing Cai, however, who was standing beside General Diao, had her new weapon ready.

"I still do not get why you are here, and why this has something to do with Taizhou, Sect Master Lu Meng", said General Diao.

Sect Master Lu Meng raised his finger, signaling that he should let him finish the story first.

"Of course, I and the Elders were confused at first, but soon after he shouted, we saw a small streak of light flashing from the distance", Sect Master Lu Meng closed his eyes, the old people behind him, presumably the elders of the Azure Fist sect, also did the same as if they were recounting the events in their mind.

"Get to the point, Sect Master Lu Meng. We still have many wounded to attend to", General Diao was starting to get impatient.

"The small streak of light continued to fly towards the direction of our sect, with no intention of stopping. But it did stop", Sect Master Lu Meng opened his eyes, "when our Patriarch caught it and blocked it with his body. The ball of light was as small as a watermelon, but we saw as it quickly disintegrated the Patriarch's arms"

Sect Master Lu Meng looked at his hands, "The ball devoured half of the Patriarch's whole torso before it disappeared. The Patriarch fell from the sky and I caught him. Surprisingly, he was still alive but died a few seconds after whispering something to my ears


General Diao could not help but take a deep breath. A ball of light? There was only one instance that General Diao could think of, the ball of light that Viel summoned when he flew above the clouds. He remembered it looking like a small moon, but it suddenly turned smaller. As small as a watermelon.

General Diao released a nervous breath, that small thing was enough to kill a sect Patriarch? Then what if Viel actually released the bigger one? General Diao could only gulp as he imagined so.

General Diao sudden shift of expression did not escape Sect Master Lu Meng's eyes. "It seems you know something?"

Hearing this, General Diao quickly turned to look at Sect Master Lu Meng, "I am afraid not. As you can see, we have problems of our own", General Diao waved his hand as he pointed towards the city wall. Behind the city wall, smokes can still be seen.

"What happened here?", Sect Master Lu Meng asked. This was why he had such a conflicted expression earlier. If Taizhou really had something to do with the death of their Patriarch, then why exactly do their city looked like it just went through war? Could it be that the one who killed their Patriarch and the one that damaged Taizhou could be connected?

"We were attacked 3 days ago by flying beasts that we have never seen before", General Diao clenched his fist. "It was too sudden. Most of the people in the city died"

"You expect us to believe that!?", suddenly, a throaty voice shouted from behind Sect Master Lu Meng.

It was Li Zhao. "Sect Master Lu Meng, I assure you. These people are lying!"

Li Zhao waved his finger as he continued to shout. His finger then settled towards the only woman in the vicinity.

"That woman is from the Nine Golden Pavilion! She hit me once in the face!", Li Zhao looked at Xing Cai with a very accusing face, "They are probably colluding with Taizhou to wipe us out!"

Xing Cai could not help but furrow her brows. Wasn't this tactful man Li Zhao?

"It is you. It may not occur to you, but you are a wanted man in Taizhou", there was a hint of anger in Xing Cai's tone.


"A cowardly weak man suspected of colluding with thugs to kill an innocent senior citizen", Xing Cai said as she gripped her new weapon.

"What are you even saying!? Sect Master, do you see this!? They are clearly changing the topic!", Li Zhao stuttered.

"Disciple Li Zhao, you overstep your boundaries", Sect Master Lu Meng did not even look at Li Zhao as he signaled him to move back, "Flying beasts? How can flying beasts even do this to your city?"

"They suddenly appeared from the sky. No warning, no indication. There were thousands of them", General Diao gritted his teeth, "They killed whatever and whoever was in front of them"

General Diao released a sigh, "And we have reason to believe that it is happening all of the continent. It would be best for you and your people to go home"

Hearing this, Sect Master Lu Meng scoffed, "We did not see any flying creatures on our way here, General Diao

"Be that as it may, I am afraid that you still may not enter the city. Go home", this time, there was a hint of authority and force in General Diao's tone.

Sect Master Lu Meng shook his head.

"The Patriarch's last word were clear. The ball of light that killed him has something to do with your city. Just let a few of us in, we will do our own investigation", Sect Master Lu Meng said as he and the 3 elders behind him stepped forward.

General Diao raised his hand. The guards that were on top of the wall quickly drew their bows and aimed it towards the Azure Fist members.

"What is the meaning of this, General Diao?"

"If it were any other time, I would have let you in. But right now, we are vulnerable", there was no longer any respect in the General's tone, "I hope you can understand"

"It does not have to be this way, General", Sect Master Lu Meng said as he curled his fist.

"Oh, is that why you brought an army?"

Army? These are just disciples seeking justice for the death of their Patriarch. You have my word, once we are done with our investigation. We will leave immediately."

"Words are not what we need right now. I am not going to ask again, take your people and leave.", General Diao released a deep breath. His eyes stared at the disciples of the Azure Fist, completely intimidating them with his towering stature.

Hearing General Diao's domineering words, Sect Master Lu Meng turned his head towards one of the Azure Fist Elder.

The Elder nodded, before quickly rushing towards the gate. But before he can even reach halfway, he felt like he hit a wall.

His vision shifted as he felt a force throwing him back. He only stopped when Sect Master Lu Meng caught him.

He quickly shook his head and looked at the direction to see who hit him.

The first thing he saw was a huge gleaming golden slab, which seemed to be in a shape of a sword. And then he looked at the woman holding.

Xing Cai had a very exhilarating smile on her face. She only casually waved her new weapon towards the Azure Fist elder. And although there were no visible damage on the elder, it was enough to make the elder fly with force.

General Diao could not help but curiously exclaim. Was Elder Xing Cai initially this strong? But he quickly pushed the thought behind as he once again looked at the Azure Fist sect master.

"Do something like that again, and we will see this as an act of war"

"We are already at war!", Sect Master Lu Meng spread his arms, summoning a steel caestus that was wrapped in his hand. The hundreds of Azure Fist disciple and the elders also did the same simultaneously.

General Diao gritted his teeth. It seems that there was no escaping this. Once again, he let out a deep breath, but this time, steam came out of his mouth.

He waved his left hand, also summoning his weapon.

It was a simple looking halberdexcept it was 3 times the height of Xing Cai. But in General Diao's huge hand, it looked like a normal halberd.

"Men! Do not let anyone pass this wall!"


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