Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 48: Nice to Meet Chuu

Chapter 48: Nice to Meet Chuu


Viel's eyes were full of shock as he saw the floating weapon in front of Xing Cai. It looked like a sword, except it was almost as big as Xing Cai herself. It was also wider than normal even for its size.

It was, in a sense, impractical. Or so Xing Cai thought as she looked at the golden sword. She then walked around it to inspect it. There were markings on the grip and on the cross-guard, but she had no idea what they meant or if they were in a language she couldn't understand.

After inspecting it for a few seconds, she finally grabbed by the hilt. And as soon as she did so, she felt a surge of power going through her entire body. It was as if her muscles grew twice in strength.

'W-what kind of artifact is this', Xing Cai was shocked beyond belief. An artifact that was capable of increasing one's innate strength? This kind of artifact will be a sect's most prized treasure. As a matter of fact, if she were to present this to the Nine Golden Pavilions, she was sure she would be promoted to a Grand Elder, or maybe even fight for the position of Sect Master.

"Such a big sword", Viel inspected the golden weapon with his eyes squinted, "Perhaps the gods are compensating you for not giving you bigger boobies?", said Viel as he placed both his palm towards the sky, praying.

"For the last time, mine is not that small!", Xing Cai stomped her foot in frustration. Viel has been teasing her about her bosom for quite a few days now and enough was enough. Who did he even learn these kinds of jests from, and when!?

To her surprise, her casual stomp caused a small part of the ground she was stepping on to crack. It seems that she really did grow stronger, if even by a little bit.

She then shook her head, it seems that giving this to the Golden Pavilion was something that she should reconsider. Growing in strength means that she would be able to, at least, stand toe to toe with Viel and his enemies. That was right now, for her, much more important than her status at the Golden Pavilion.

"Who goes there!?"

Xing Cai's monologue was disrupted by a demanding voice coming from behind.

Both Viel and Xing Cai turned their attention towards the voice, to find a group of Taizhou guards pointing their spears at them.

"I-it's you!"

"Elder Xing Cai, you are back!"

The guards immediately lowered their weapons as soon as they saw Xing Cai.

"We saw another hole opening in the sky and something falling from it.", one of the guards released a sigh of relief, "We really can't handle another attack. It is a good thing that it was you. H-how was itd-did something happened inside? The flying beasts suddenly stopped appearing."

"It is a long story", Xing Cai said as she tried to unsummon her new weapon, but to her dismay, it was not disappearing.

"O-okay, I figure you would need rest as well. We will guide you to the academy, all of us are gathered there"

"The academy?", Xing Cai looked around. So that was why there weren't any people even though she and Viel were making a lot of noises. Although the streets were not as chaotic as before, there were still traces of blood and drakel corpses around the area. Most of the houses were also damaged, it seems that it would be a while before Taizhou returns to normal.

"Yes. The General figured it would be best to stay in one place for now until we are sure of the situation."

Xing Cai nodded, "Very well. I would like to talk to General Diao as well about the other realm inside the portal"

"Another realm!?", the guard was mighty curious, "A-at once, I will take you to General Diao"

The guard excitedly marched towards the direction of the academy. He was, however, from time to time, looking at the little child beside Xing Cai. Trying to figure out who this little girl was with long beautiful golden hair. She has blood on her face, perhaps another civilian rescued by Xing Cai?


After a good couple of minutes, the group arrived at the academy.

"Where are the rest?", Xing Cai paused as she looked at the miserable state of the scene in front of her. There were some ragged tents scattered around, but the number were few.

The guard released a sigh before answering, "This is it. There are still people inside the academy, but last time we did a head count, there were less than 250 people", there was an obvious tone of regret in the guard's voice.

"Most of the people that were heavily wounded died the night of the attack. And the rest of them died come morning", the other guard continued recounting the tragic event, "The lack of healers and physicians really got us"

The guards gritted their teeth as they gripped their weapons as hard as they can. Protecting the city was their duty, and yet in just one night, the entire population of the city were almost eradicated, leaving only a fragment of their numbers.

"The bodies were burned. The General was afraid that they might have caught as dis-"

"That's enough", the guard was going to continue, but Xing Cai raised her hand and stopped him before he could finish. "I have heard enough. Take me to General Diao"

"Y-yes, at once!"

"Viel, stay here for now, okay? I'm just going to talk to Diao Mei' grandfather. Maybe you can go find your friends?", Xing Cai patted Viel's head, "and don't do anything stupid".

Viel pouted as he heard Xing Cai's last words, since when has he ever done something stupid?

But before Viel can even retort, Xing Cai already took her leave while staring at Viel with her eyes squinted, as if telling him she was still watching him even from afar.

Left alone, Viel had no idea what to do, but it seems that he didn't have to wait too long, as a girl's voice soon called for her.

"Vielis that you!?"

Viel quickly looked behind him to see who was calling him.

"Ah! Miss Viole-"

It was Violet, with her black hair tied, only leaving the strands of silver hanging out. She was also wearing a white robe, covered in blood.

"M-Miss Violet are you no please don't kill me! I I have a wife and kids!", Viel backed away, as his shaking hand was pointed to the scissors Violet was holding.

"I will really cut you if you don't stop", Violet said in a cold tone, her eyes dead as she opened the scissors menacingly towards Viel.

"Ookay", Viel quickly stood up straight as he chuckled nervously, "So where ar-"

"Viel it really is you", before Viel can finish his words, Violet hugged him, "You suddenly disappeared 3 days ago, we thought we thought you were..", Violet was trying to stop the tears that were falling from her face.

"Miss Violet I.. I'm sorry", Viel was sincere in his apology. Some people could not even say their good byes to their loved ones, him suddenly leaving surely made his friends worried. "I won't do it again"

"Good. As long as you know", Violet nodded as she wiped her damped eyes. She then stared at Viel's hair, "I didn't recognize you at first because of your long hair how exactly did it grow like that in 3 days?"

"Hm? Oh it's because of-"

"Violet! What are you still doing there!? I still need you here!"

Before Viel can tell Violet the events that lead to his sudden hair growth, a woman's voice resounded from afar.

"C-coming, mom!", Violet shouted, "T-this tell it to me later. We're still tending to the wounded people", Violet once again hugged Viel before finally running towards her mother. "And you should clean your face!"

Viel watched Violet from the distance as she frantically rushed to help the wounded people. Bowing several times to her mother and apologizing to her.

Once again, he was left alone. He shrugged his shoulders and released a sigh. He might as well find Diao Mei and the others while waiting for Xing Cai.

Roaming around, Viel saw the familiar faces of the people.

He saw the lady that was selling bread on the corner of the 4th street.

He saw the old man that was selling trinkets outside the gate.

He saw the beautiful lady that was always standing in front of a colorful tavern.

They usually smile at Viel whenever he passes them by. But right now, it seems that even lifting their lips will cause them to run out of breath.

Viel looked around him. Why exactly did this happen? In a blink of an eye, these people that were just living their lives, were devastated.

Viel then remembered the stories of his Grandpa Ling, about the war of the west against the Evil Monarch. People, forced to move out of their homes, with nothing left to carry but their dead.

Was this what war looked like? How does one exactly escape from this fate?

Viel touched his chin, trying to think, only to feel something sticky on it. Viel slowly looked at his hand.

Blood. This was Xianying's blood. Viel then remembered Xianying's horrid state, impaled by a spear without even having the chance to fight back or even dodge.

'She was weak', Viel thought as he looked coldly at his hands, 'They are all weak. A punishment for being weak'. Viel once again looked at the people around him, this was the reason why they were in this state, miserab-

Viel quickly stopped his thoughts and shook his head, 'No! Grandma Ling was not weak!', Viel remembered his Grandma Ling. How she did her best to smile even though Viel could clearly tell she was in pain. How he comforted him even as she struggled to get up from the bed.

' me.. I am weak', Viel once again stared at the blood on his hand. If he was faster, then he could have pushed Xianying out of the way. Maybe if he was stronger, then maybe he could have heard Grandpa Ling's cries.

Viel nodded, that's right. He needed to be stronge-

"Food is ready! Please fall in line!"

Hearing the word 'food', Viel's internal monologue was easily disrupted. Viel quickly looked towards the direction of the shout and saw the previously tired people quickly lining up.

He was about to rush and fall in line, but then he felt someone tapping him from behind.

"Little boy. Are you looking for your parents?"

Viel looked back, only to see what he presumed to be a woman, sitting on a chair with wheels attached to it. The woman's head was almost fully covered in a hood, only her blue eyes and streaks of golden hair could be seen in it.

"Are you alright? Why do you have blood on your face?", the woman, however, was speaking in a language that Viel could not understand. The words that the woman was saying was still somewhat familiar though, as Viel squinted his eyes trying to search his mind.

Viel clicked his fingers as he finally realized what the language was, this was the common language of the western people.

Viel cleared his throat, it was a good thing he still remembered some of the phrases taught by Grandpa Ling.

"H-h-ello", Viel stuttered as he tried his best to imitate Grandpa Ling, "N-nice meet chuu..




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