Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 34: God-sis

Chapter 34: God-sis


Xing Cai was furious. Here she was, who literally jumped through a dark hole in order to follow and protect Viel. Spent the last hours confused because of the unknown and peculiar world in front of her.

And yet here was the boy she was worried for, being treated like a king, no, a god.

The soldiers that were kneeling stood up one by one and started looking at Xing Cai, who was this woman that was disrespecting their god?

"Xianying, what is the meaning of this!? Who is this woman that dares disrespect his Holiness!?"

"Uhhmm", Xianying does not know what to do. In her mind, Xing Cai was a celestial being. But this golden-haired boy also seemed to be one, and a higher celestial at that, as he had a large halo. But it didn't really matter as neither one she can afford to offend, "T-this is Master Xing Cai. Acelestial that is here to help us deal with the Drakel wave"

"W-what!?", the man that spoke almost choked on his words. What exactly is going on here? 2 higher beings visiting them at the same time? There was almost no chance of that ever happening. He slowly glanced at Xing Cai, hoping that he did not offend her.

Xing Cai, however, can care less as she just approached Viel with a frustrated pace.

'Ooh no!', the man shivered in fear. If these two celestials were to fight here, the Drakel wave would be the least of their worries. There was a chance of their whole country being destroyed. Truly, a catastrophic situation.

And as he was imagining the consequences of the battle, he once again jumped in fright as he saw Xing Cai grabbing Viel by the ears.

"I-it's starting! Nooo!", the man dived to the ground in a desperate fashion.

He covered his head as he waited for his death. But then, only the sound of a child being disciplined was heard.

"Aw aw aw aw S-sister Xing Cai."

"Do you know how worried you made me be!? I jumped through a mysterious dark hole for you and yet here you are playing with people again!"


"No buts! Fooling people is bad!"

Xing Cai continued to scold Viel, not caring about the people around them.

The man who dove to the ground earlier was perplexed. He was lying on the ground looking like a fool. It was a good thing everyone was so focused on the two higher beings to even notice his embarrassing position. He slowly got up and patted his uniform that was covered in dirt. He then joined the others at watching the display of the two celestials.

What he didn't know was that Xianying was behind him, recording everything.

"There is a war going on outside and you are he-", Xing Cai was unrelentless with her scolding. But she instantly ceased when Viel suddenly hugged her. "T..W-what are you doing now!?", Xing Cai looked down to see little Viel burying his face on her legs.

"Thank you, Sister Xing Cai"

Xing Cai breathed in as soon as she heard that. She almost forgot that the boy just lost his family. And she was right, the reason why Viel hugged her was because he remembered the times that Grandpa and Grandma Ling scolded him whenever he does something problematic. And for a moment there, their image overlapped with Xing Cai.

Xing Cai could only sigh. Anymore scolding would just seem like she is nagging.

"So tell me, Viel. What exactly happened here? And don't miss anything!"

"Uhhmm", Viel then proceeded to account the details that brought him to this wonderful scenario.

"So, it all started when Grandma Ling picked me up-"

"No! Not that far!", Xing Cai placed her palm on her face.

"Uhmm.. Okay. So, it was like this, Sister Xing Cai.

Mr. Voice told me that in order to close the black holes that appeared above Taizhou, I must go to the portal and destroy all of the hostile enemies here. So I went swoooosh and jumped through one of the black holes. Which by the way, is called a Dungeon. Did you know that? I am sure you don't know that. Hehe."

Xing Cai furrowed her eyebrows. Who was this Mr. Voice? He remembered Viel mentioning him long before as well. She was about to ask but then Viel continued to tell his story.

"Yup yup. So I entered the dungeon, and what welcomed me were a thousand of these ugly flying creatures. They attacked me all at once, and I was like swoosh woosh ray gun! kyaaa, invisible slice!", Viel exaggeratingly re-enacted the scenes as he waved his hands in the air.

Xianying clapped her hands with this amazing performance, which in turn garnered a bow from Viel,

"Thank you, thank you. And then they all died."

"T-that's it?", Xing Cai stomped her foot repeatedly.


"That doesn't explain why these people are calling you a god!"

"Ohthat Well", Viel looked to the side, "After I defeated all of the flying beasts that attacked me, they suddenly appeared", he said as he pointed towards the soldiers.

"They asked me if I have seen who did this. I told them it was me, but they didn't believe me and started pointing their guns at me. Me, a 5 year old child", Viel said, his eyes a bit teary. This caused the soldiers to look away in shame. Some were kneeling down, asking Viel to forgive them.

"But then Mr. Voice talked to me again, saying that Miss Lu Yi wants me to use Halo of Sovereignty. I wasn't going to do it, but is seems that Miss Lu Yi was adamant. So I did it.

I was like singing ~wooohooohuuuuhoooo~, as I slowly floated in the air and used the Halo of Sovereignty. Then they all suddenly kneeled down, calling me Lord and I forgot the other things. They gave me free food so I just continued to use the skill.

And here we are. Whew. That was long.", Viel wiped his imaginary sweat as he let out a deep sigh. One of the soldiers respectfully handed him a cloth.

Xing Cai closed her eyes to take it all in. She didnt want to admit it, but Viel really was too much to handle by her own. Now she earned new respect for Grandma and Grandpa Ling for taking care of Viel these 5 years.

"Viel, you should not swindle people. Even more so letting them think you are some kind of deity, religion is not something you should meddle yourself into.", Xing Cai gave another lecture but this time, she was a lot calmer and carrying a more serious tone.

"Ehh.. But they are the ones who did it on their own"

"Even so, you have to remember. Religion makes people do a lot of things, most of them are stupid But some can be incredibly dangerous. It is not something to take lightly.", Xing Cai said as she touched her belly.

Viel noticed the somewhat sorrowful expression on Xing Cai's face, "Ookay, sister Xing Cai"

Xing Cai nodded as she patted Viel's golden hair. For the people watching, it was a very serene moment. An older sister imparting knowledge to his younger brother.

"She She's the sister! The sister of our god! A god-sis!", but suddenly, one of the soldiers shouted.

"W-wait what!? N-no! That does not even make sense!", Xing Cai was in disbelief. How exactly did these soldiers come to this kind of ridiculous conclusion?

But, it was as if they were not hearing Xing Cai's disapproval as they once again kneeled to the ground one by one, chanting the word "god-sis" repeatedly.

"Ggod-sis? What kind of nonsense is tha-"

Before Xing Cai can retort, loud shrieking sounds suddenly reverberated through the air.

"A-another wave is here! Quick to your positions! Protect the god-sis!"

Xing Cai did not even get the chance to explain that they were not who they think they were. The soldiers swiftly went outside the tent and readied their weapons. Leaving them and Xianying inside the tent.

"See? I told you they are doing it themselves!", Viel nodded with satisfaction.

"Ugh", Xing Cai once again gave up as she shook her head. There is something seriously wrong with this place.

"M-master Xing Cai, you did not tell me your brother w-was a god?", Xianying said. Her voice full of reverence.

"WE ARE NOT GODS!", Xing Cai shouted in frustration as she exited the tent and immediately started slaughtering the drakels within her vision.

Xing Cai made quick work of the attacking drakels. It was a way for her to relieve all the pent-up stress that she's been feeling ever since she came to this mysterious place.

But this was the wrong move. As soon as she landed on the ground, the soldiers were kneeling towards him.

"Oh, merciful god-sis. You did not need to help us, your kindness knows no bounds! You truly are deserving of being a god-sis!"

"All hail the god-sis!"

Xing Cai was no longer showing any expression. Her face was just stoic and blank, she was predominantly done with this charade.

"Viel, let's go home.", she said as she grabbed Viel by the hands. But Viel did not budge.

"Uhm We can't. Mr. Voice said we need to defeat all the enemies before we can go home."

There it is again, Mr. Voice. Who exactly is he?

"M-master Xing Cai, i-it seems that Lord Viel does not want to go home until every drakel is dead", Xianying suddenly commented on the side, "M-may I suggest killing the Drakel Queen? Surely, with your strength it can be done. You will be able to go home earlier!"

Xing Cai furrowed her brows. This Xianying seemed subservient, but Xing Cai realized that her goal was to let Xing Cai deal with the Drakel Queen right from the start.

"I am afraid we have our own problems to deal with. Viel, let's go home."

Viel, however, shook his head. "Defeating all the enemies here will close the dark holes that appeared in Taizhou. That's what Mr. Voice said"

"Who is this Mr. Voice that you keep on mentioning!?"

"Uhmm, a voice?"


Xing Cai knew better than to ask. But it seems that Viel really had no intention of going home until all these beings called Drakels are defeated. So she really did not have a choice either way, she can't just leave Viel here.

"Do you know where this Drakel Queen is?", finally giving in, Xing Cai looked towards Xianying.

"Y-yes! We already have pinned its location, Master. We were just waiting for our reinforcements to arrive with our weapon to deal with the Queen, but it is with such good luck that Master is here to help us!"

"Enough sucking up, tell us where it is so we can kill it and go home"

"I-I will take you there!"

Xianying then pressed something on her wrist. Suddenly, something big fell down from the sky. It was the same as the flying steel box that got overwhelmed by drakels that Xing Cai saw when she just arrived in this place.

The steel box then split open as soon as it landed on the ground, revealing a colorful set of lights inside of it.

"Please masters, after you.", Xianying bowed respectfully towards Xing Cai and Viel, signaling them to go inside.

"Y-you want us to go inside there?", Xing Cai hesitated. But Viel happily climbed inside the steel box, curiously touching everything he sees.

"W-wait, Lord Viel! P-please don't press that!", Xianying immediately stopped Viel. It was a good thing that she was near the steel box, if not, she did not know what could have happened.

"M-master Xing Cai, p-please, after you"

Xing Cai nodded. She was still hesitant to go inside, but her curiosity got the best of her as she sat down inside the chair inside the steel box. There was nothing inside of it but some lights with weird images on it.

But as soon as Xianying climbed aboard, the steel box closed. Xing Cai immediately grabbed Xianying's neck.

"What are you trying to do?", Xing Cai said with a threatening tone.

"Ughkk. M-master Xing Cai t-this is normal, i-it won't fly if the door is open"

"I-is that so, *cough* I apologize

"N-no, it was my fault for suddenly closing the door"

"Pffft. Sister Xing Cai, you're so old you don't even know what a flying car is", Viel shook his head, chuckling while two of his fingers were on his brow.

"Wait, Viel. You know what this is?"

"Of course, I have even rode one, the brothers earlier taught me how to use it. But I doubt you can learn this, sister Xing Cai. It's not for old people", Viel was oozing with superiority. Not mentioning that he also crashed it.

"Stop calling me old!", Xing Cai's eyes twitched. In terms of looks, she was only in her early 30s and a beauty at that. This was the first time someone called her old.

Viel only sighed as he patted Xing Cai on the shoulder. Looking at her with pity. Xing Cai could only click her tongue in response. Truly, Grandma and Grandpa Ling were saints to have tolerated years of this.

The car slowly floated in the air. The view inside changed, the once empty walls became transparent as it showed the view outside.

This made Xing Cai very impress, but now she was trying to hide her curiosity, as she saw Viel looking intensely at her with an eager expression on his face. He was surely waiting for her to ask about it so he can tease Xing Cai again.

And soon, they arrived near the Drakel's nest and exited the car stealthily. The whole trip was awkwardly quiet because Xing Cai was trying her best not to react to anything.

"Master, that's the nest. The queen should be in the middle of it", Xianying pointed at a colossal sphere-shaped tree. It looked like it was abundant of leaves, but one closer look and one could clearly tell that those weren't actually leaves. They were Drakels, hundreds of thousands of them.

Xing Cai breathed heavily at the sight. She imagined what would have happened if this number was the one that attacked Taizhou. Truly, none would have survived.

And these people have a weapon that can kill all of these at once? Xing Cai thought as she looked at Xianying.

"Okay, time to kill all of them!", Viel stepped forward as he raised his hand.

"Eh?", Xianying was confused.

"Viel, stop. We don't know how many are still inside"

"Eeehh.. but"

"One who relies in brute strength will suffer once he loses his hands. Marching head on without knowing the enemy can lead to death, Viel. Remember this.", Xing Cai said as she pulled Viel back, "Lieutenant Xianying, are you sure the drakels will disappear once the queen dies?"

"Y-yes, master! The drakels will kill themselves because they could not protect their queen."

"I see. I will try to scout and go inside. Llet me borrow this radio thing of yours", Xing Cai slightly coughed as she reached out her hand.

"Ookay, master"

Xianying, however, only handed Xing Cai a piece of what seemed to be a small pebble.

"What's this?"

"It's a small radio, Master. You just place it in your ear."

"W-what!? This small thing!?", Xing Cai stared at the little thing in her hands. She then placed it inside her ear. Her face was so shocked when she heard Xianying's voice on her ear. It was as if she was just beside her.

But then

"Pft", Viel deeply sighed as he shook his head, "Old people aresigh.."

Xing Cai's eyes twitched in annoyance once again. She did not retort this time, however. It wasn't the time and place to bicker with Viel.

"So, I just talk and you can hear me right?"

"Yes, master!"

"Very well, both of you stay here. I will try to find the location of the queen. Kill it if I have the chance.", Xing Cai said as she quickly disappeared. Xianying could not see where Xing Cai disappeared to, but Viel was looking at a certain direction as he scratched his head.

Viel and Xianying were left alone. Things were awkwardly quiet between the two as Xianying did not really know what to say. But soon enough, she could not bare the silence.

"S-so, Lord Viel. M-may I ask why you and master Xing Cai came here?", although Xianying's tone was still full of respect, she still felt like she could ask Viel things as he was still younger than her and felt that he was friendly.

"Oh, I came here to clear this dungeon"

"A dungeon?... L-like a cave? But there aren't any caves near here"

"No, this whole place is a dungeon. I need to defeat all of the enemies inside here. That's what Mr. Voice is saying"

"Idon't quite understand what you are saying"

"It is okay. At least you have big boobs"


Xianying was visibly confused. The statement came out of nowhere.

Viel sighed, "Grandpa Ling said that a woman can live comfortably as long as she has big boobs even if they are stupid"

"W-what!? I will have you know that I am anything but stupid! I raised to the ranks with my own power and intelligence! I topped the exam and on my way to a promotion!"

"That is probably also because of your boobs"

"Y-you", she finally met her match. She was usually the one shutting people up and interrupting them because of her quick-wittedness. Not adding to the fact that this little child could be a deity, there was no way she could retort.

"Viel, apologize to the Lieutenant. I will teach you how to respect people when we get back to Taizhou", Xing Cai, who was hearing the whole conversation through the radio, said with a reprimanding tone.

"Ehbut Grandpa Ling said.. I I am sorry, Miss Xianying. I was disrespectful", Viel bowed towards Xianying, his face sincere.

"I-it's alright", Xianying could only scratch her chin. This little boy's behavior seems to be oddly erratic.

"S-so, how exactly would you know when you have cleared this dungeon you speak of, Lord Viel?"

"Oh, if the red dots disappear"

"Red dots?"

"Yes. Well, you probably can't see it. But there are dots floating right around here", Viel pointed in the empty air. "This green dot is you. The red dots are enemies. That's what Mr. Voice told me"

Xianying looked at where Viel was pointing at, and true to his words, she really could not see what Viel was pointing at. But then she got curious,

"So What happens when I become a red dot, Lord Viel?", Xianying nervously asked.

With this question, Viel could only stare at her. Xianying gulped as she anticipated Viel's answer. But just before Viel could say his answer, Xing Cai's voice could be heard on the radio.

"Chicken Dinner 69, Chicken Dinner 69 This is Young Beauty. Do you hear me? Over"

"Y-yes L-loud and clear", Xianying stuttered as she responded. She was trying her best not to laugh. She was not expecting Xing Cai to copy their way of speaking through a radio.




"I think I am in the presence of the Drakel Queen. But it is being guarded by a golden drakel, over."

"W-what!? Did you say a golden drakel!? Abort. Abort, Young Beauty. Do not attempt to engage the target, over"

"Negative, it seemed to have already sensed me. No choice but to fight, over."

"No, master Xing Cai! Run! That's a Drakel Champion. Once you fight, the surrounding drakels will fly out within a certain radius to ensure that no one interrupts their Champion's battle. They would surely go to the nearest city!"

As soon as Xianying said this, all the drakels that were hanging from the colossal tree started to flap their wings.

"N-no, we're too late!", Xianying started to panic. Their weapon was not here yet, the nearby city would surely perish. The worst-case scenario has happened.

"Lord Viel, we need to get out of here! I am afraid that even with your strength, you will not be able to handle this many drakels. We will surely be the first ones to be attacked if they see us!"

Xianying tried to carry Viel. But to her surprise, he did not even budge even a single bit no matter how much she tried.

"It's alright. Sister Xing Cai will win", Viel said confidently.

"That doesn't matter! We need get out of here!"

She shouted as she looked at the hundreds of thousands of drakels flying in the air. In response, Viel just shook his head.

"It will be alright. I will keep your people safe", Viel then raised his hand.

[Lu Yi: Light of Eternal Imprisonment]

Suddenly, a dome of light surrounded the nest. It was a much smaller size compared to when he covered the whole city of Taizhou.

"This will make sure that none of these ugly flying creatures can approach the city. I used it before, it is very strong. Nothing to worry about, Miss Xianying"

Xianying was shocked beyond belief. She stared as the dome of light killed the drakels that dared to pass it. This kind of power could only be used by a god. So this boy really is a god? Xianying thought.

But then she realized something, "W-wait b-but why are we also i-inside, Lord Viel!?"

"Hm? Of course, Sister Xing Cai is fighting here. She might need our help."

Yes. They were trapped inside the dome along with the drakels.



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