Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 31: I Will Keep You Safe

Chapter 31: I Will Keep You Safe

"P-please not my child you can take me but please not my child!"

In one of the houses near Taizhou's central marketplace, a woman can be seen cradling a little girl. There was a large gash on her right arm, her bones could almost be seen with how deep the wound is.

But still, the woman hugged the child as if it was the most precious thing in the world, trying to protect it from the beast that was slowly approaching them.

The beast had warped wings on his back and elongated arms, its long and sharp claws slowly slithered its way to the scared individuals.


The woman cried as she felt one of the beast claws slowly piercing her leg. The beast let out a disgusting sound, as if it was laughing and enjoying the misery that the woman was feeling.

After the beast completely pierced the woman's leg, it quickly waved its claws, completely dismembering the woman's leg.

The woman shrieked in pain as her arms tightened, completely securing the child in her embrace.

"Mommy mommy loves you? Okay?"

The woman caressed the crying girl's face as she looked at her with the warmest of eyes.

"Cclose your eyes, sweetie.. mommy is here mommy is here.."

The woman's whole body shook as she tried her best to smile. She did not want to scare her child any longer. As soon as she has confirmed then her daughter had her eyes closed, her tears that she has been trying to prevent from falling finally let itself out.

'Anyoneplease, just anyone Just my daughter please'

She whispered, pleading to the gods that her daughter lives.

The beast cackled even louder at the sight of the woman crying. Indeed, it was truly enjoying the sight that was offering itself in front of him. The beast revealed its long tongue as it licked the blood that was on its claws.

The beast howled as it enjoyed the taste of the woman's blood. And as if being entranced by it, the beast's whole body vibrated as it quickly rushed towards the woman, pouncing its long claws.

The woman held her breath as she awaited the claws to take her life.


But then, she exhaled heavily as she could no longer hold her breath. She immediately got confused, how was she alive?

She slowly opened her eyes, she looked at her daughter who was shriveling in her embrace. The woman laughed in joy as she saw that life was still clinging to her daughter, and also to her. She slowly looked back, and the sight before her almost made her back away.

The beast was still standing, but there was something amiss. Its ugly and grotesque head can no longer be seen. Instead, it was replaced by what seems to be a small human head, its golden hair was filled with the blue blood of the beast.

Lines of blood can be seen on the human head's face. It was truly, a terrifying sight. The woman stared at the human head, and suddenly, the head's pitch-black eyes looked at her.

"KYAAAA!", the woman screamed in fear as she saw the bloody head staring back at her.

"HAHAHAHAHA!", the head laughed.

The woman backed away carrying her child, however, as she was about to run away, the beast's body fell down, revealing the source of the mysterious head revealed itself to her.

It was a little child. Hugging the beast on its back with his tiny arms. The woman became even more confused, she no longer knew what was happening.

Where was the beast's head? And who was this freaky little child with golden hair?

Then, the little child slowly got up. His body all bloody from the beast's blood. The little child casually approached the stupefied mother.

"Were you scared? Hehehe", the little child covered his mouth as he tried to hide his chuckle. However, as soon as the child realized that he had blood on his hands, he quickly waved it in the air.


"E..excuse excuse me W-who are you?", a cute and hushed voice can be heard. The little girl being carried by the woman spoke. The woman recovered from her stupor and immediately covered her daughter's mouth.

The woman stared in anticipation as to what this mysterious child wants from them. However, the child only smiled as he reached out his now clean hands towards them. The woman tightened her embrace, afraid of what this bloody little child will do.

"It is alright now. Here, have some candy"

The woman once again became even more confused. Her daughter, however, reached out her hand and grabbed the candy that the little child was offering.

"Tthank you Mister", the daughter blushed as she received the candy.

The little child nodded. And then, he walked towards the beheaded beast and grabbed it by its legs. The little child then dragged the body outside of the house.

And just like that, the beast and the little child was gone. Leaving a confused mother and a blushing daughter.

After a while, the woman recovered from her stupor. It finally came to her that the little child saved them. Yes, they were alive.

The woman hugged her daughter tight as tears once again fell down from her face, but this time, it was due to hope.

But this was no time to cry, they were still not safe from the beasts that suddenly appeared in their city and started killing everyone.

She quickly resolved herself. She must follow the little child that saved them, that was her only hope of surviving this calamity. She quickly limped towards the exit, hugging the walls to support her, however, the sight that she found outside almost made her puke right there and then, she did not forget to cover her daughter's eyes once again.

Corpses, corpses of people filled the streets. She could even recognize some of them as her friends, mangled and in pieces. The skies were still dark as the dark holes that suddenly appeared above them were still there, summoning the vile winged creatures.

She breathed heavily as she tried to find the little child that helped them. However, she did not have to search long. Right in the middle of the plaza, a mountain erected itself.

A mountain of beasts. Completely lifeless, as their headless body makes it evident.

And right in front of the mountain, was the little child that saved them, casually adding the beast that almost killed them earlier on the pile of corpses.

The little child was whispering something as he clapped his hands together. And then, he turned his back and looked towards the woman.

The boy then raised his thumbs and smiled, "I will keep you safe".

After saying that, the boy kneeled down, and then, a loud explosion can be heard. The woman closed her eyes as dust flew towards her.

She shook her head to try and clear the dirt that was on her face. She opened her eyes, and the little child was no longer there.

"Wwhat is happening?", the woman turned her head left and right to search for the little child, but she could not find him.

And then, she jumped back in fright as something suddenly fell in front of her. It was another winged beast, she was about to run away before she noticed that the beast was missing a head.

The woman quickly looked up and there, she saw the little child. Flying his way through one of the holes that appeared in the sky. She continued to look up until the little child disappeared, completely entering one of the black holes.

"Quick! There's still a civilian here!", footsteps can suddenly be heard from behind her.

The woman looked back to find several guards and a beautiful woman in golden robes approaching her.

"Are you alright? You are safe now, ma'am. We will take you to the shel- what the hell is that!?"

The guard that approached him suddenly jumped back as he pointed towards the mountain of beasts.

"These are dead beasts!?", one of the guards approached the pile of corpses, "D-did you see who did this!?"

The woman nodded, "Iit was a little child?", the woman hesitated. Would the guards actually believe them that a little child did all of this?

And she was right, as the guard wore a stupefied expression on his face as he could not believe the woman's words.

"W-what, do you expect us to beli-", before the guard can finish his words, he was interrupted by the woman in golden robes that was with them, "M-miss Xing Cai?".

"Did this little child have golden hair?"


"Did you see where he went, miss?", Xing Cai continued with her questions.

With this question, the tired woman could only point her fingers up.

Xing Cai was confused at the woman's action at first, but then, it dawned on her. She quickly looked up towards the dark sky that was filled with black holes.


A pissed off Xing Cai flew towards the sky. Leaving the woman and her daughter, the guards, utterly confused.


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