Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 242: Noah's Ending

Chapter 242: Noah's Ending

"I suppose you can consider me as Xanthus' father."


"Not in the truest sense, no. But he is born by my will directly, and to some extent, so are the rest of you that play a part in my Prophecy."

Noah looked at Cortana straight in the eye as he revealed himself to her.

"The Prophecy? What?" Cortana tilted her head. The demeanor that one could expect from the Demon God that was currently laying waste to the Western Continent could no longer be found.

"He's a god." Viel tapped the table with his finger, "Everything that happened to you is because of him, or something like that."



Seeing Cortana suddenly stand up from her seat, Noah could only shake his head. "Are you really planning on ruining the Prophecy I have painstakingly planning?"

"Pft. It's all out there already. Just make a new one."

"I already told you it is not that easy! Thousands and even millions of years are needed for something as sophisticated as this to be made! I was supposed to go home to the Planet a proud god!"

Even Noah's godly demeanor was gone, completely overtaken by his human side.

"They'll understand, just tell them I was here or something. I already told you I will come with you once everything is all over."


"Wait, just wait!"

Before the two gods could continue their bickering, Cortana slammed her palm on the table, "You you're the one responsible for everything!? Xanthus becoming the Demon God?"

"First thing I did," Noah answered, this time without even a slight hesitation. Since his prophecy is all but ruined now, then he might as well boast it to these humans There was also the chance that the Judge of Karma could hear him.

"What about what about me being chosen by the Circle as a Hero!?"

"I am the Circle, Cortana."

"What what about falling in love with Xanthus!?"

"I planned that as well."

"Then everything everything that I did was because of you?" If it was any other situation, Cortana would find it hard to believe that something like this was even possible. But on the way here, she already felt the almost infinite power that was oozing out from Noah. She just did not bother as the excitement of meeting Xanthus overpowered any emotion that she had.

"Well, something like that."

"My daughter's death?"

The ground suddenly trembled as the Cortana's eyes once again slowly turned red in color. However, Noah's next word completely sedated her.

"Your daughter is alive and well."


"W what!?"

Even Viel, who could not even see, had his eyes wide open from Noah's shocking revelations. Sofia was currently sipping her coffee, wherever it came from, nobody knows.

"What do you mean by that?"

Hearing the stutter in Cortana's voice, Noah could not help but once again let out a long and deep sigh.

"The current Hero is your daughter."

"W what?"

Cortana's eyes needlessly wandered as Noah's words pierced the very depths of her body. Her legs gave out, if not for the seat behind her, then she would have surely fallen to the ground.

"My My daughter is alive?"

Cortana once again stuttered, her high-pitched gasps rang in Viel's and the other's ears. Cortana only came here, expecting the false hope of meeting Xanthus. But not only did she get a chance to somewhat meet Xanthus, but she also came to the knowledge that her daughter is in fact alive.

She doesn't know whether to feel thrilled or scared that all of this is happening now. One thing she did know was that she was slowly being filled with regret.

Millions of people have died because of her. Unlike Xanthus, who already had the role of a Demon God since he was born, Cortana was the opposite. She was bred as a Hero, to save lives.

And now that her senses have returned to her, she could not help but despair. The memories of everything that she had done was now returning to her 

...Killing all of those innocent people.

...Killing children.

What if her daughter was not the current Hero? Would she have been in that town? Wouldn't that mean that she might have killed her?

"Then can we stop this war now? It has been years since I last saw my sect."


The endless thoughts that were racing in Cortana's mind were then disrupted by a familiar voice.

"Y you?"

"The lot of you seem to be discussing some interesting things." A tall woman wearing a disheveled golden robe suddenly appeared from the skies. Her long hair


Sofia, who had been quiet throughout the entire conversation, dropped her coffee on the ground as she stood up.

"It has been a long time, Sofia," Yinji slightly bowed her head as she turned her head towards Sofia, aftward, she looked at Viel, "I see you are causing all sorts of trouble again, boy."

"Hm? Is she talking about me?" Viel slightly tilted his head to the side as he heard the new arrival's words, "And why does it seem like everyone is dropping from the skies today?"

"She is someone you know, Vi." Sofia said as she gently placed her hand on Viel's shoulder, "She's Matriarch Yinji, the Matriarch of the Golden Pavilion."

"Ah! The one that my old self had a crush on?" Viel let out a small smile as he too, excitedly stood up, "Hello there, Miss Yinji. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Yinji, on the other hand, only furrowed her eyebrows from Viel's words. Seeing Viel's current state, there seemed to be something amiss with him. But alas, this was not the right time to ask.

"Cortana, do you still wish to continue this war?" Yinji placed her attention back on Cortana.

"Of course not! A lot of lives have already been lost." Cortana replied without any hesitation.

"Then make a choice Either surrender now or kill yourself. This is the only way that it could end."


"What!?" Lyanna let out a loud gasp as she stood up on her chair, "No! But she needs to reunite with her daughter!"

"The story is good and all, but it does not change the fact that you are still the Demon God." Yinji only glanced at the young girl before turning her head back to Cortana, "The people will want your head."


Cortana kept silent as she looked Yinji straight in the eyes. And finally, after a few seconds, her eyes wandered towards Viel.

"...So be it," she whispered, "It is better for our daughter not to know about us."

"Hm" Viel slightly hummed as he heard Cortana's words, but after a while, he walked towards Cortana and hugged her. "...Mister Xanthus wanted me to hug you."

"I only wish I could have heard your voice again, Xanthus," Cortana's tears once again trailed down her face. "Maybe maybe in the next life we can--"

"I am afraid I need you alive, Cortana."

The echoing melancholy that filled the air was then disrupted and ruined by Noah's monotonous voice.


"Seeing as my Prophecy had failed already, I at least need something to show for it," Noah said as he stood up,

"...You are coming with me to the Planet of the Gods."

"W what?"


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