Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 231: Start of War

Chapter 231: Start of War

"T Teacher Viel, why are we outside?"

"It's a bit noisy inside the school. I could hear the screams of the class next door."

Viel let out a light chuckle as he pushed himself to the school's training yard. It would seem that it has not been used for a long time, as there were already vines and other sorts of foliage growing on the ground. Not to mention the grass was already almost reaching Viel's knees, making it difficult for the wheel of his chair to advance.

"Next door? Isn't that the other new teacher's class?" Andrew, the babyfaced student, had a curious expression on his face as he helped Viel get over the tall grass, "We still have not taken our magic arts class yet, but I heard she is brutal!"

"Hm." Tina nodded her head as she heard Andrew's words, her long red hair flowing through the wind even as it was bundled into a ponytail.

"Hm? What's that, brother? You want to know if teacher Viel knows her?" Gary, the taller one of the twins, started relaying his brother's thoughts,

"Do you know her, teacher Viel?"


"The teacher in the next class."

"Ah, of course," Viel could not help but let out a chuckle as he heard Gary, or rather Barry's question,

"She's my wife."

"I see."

"She's your wife!? You have a wife, teacher Viel!?"

Viel's four students jumped in shock as they heard Viel's sudden revelation. Andrew even almost pushed Viel off of his chair as he moved while still holding the handle.

"Yes. Is it that surprising that I have a wife?"

"But you look so young! How old are you, teacher Viel?"

"I am I suppose I am about 17 now?"

"Are you a noble? Why did you marry so young? How long have you been married!?"

The students bombarded Viel with questions, even Tina, who was the quietest of the group, held a curious expression on his face. But Viel did not seem to mind the questions, in fact, he seemed happy to answer them. 

When he got into this job, Sofia told him that one of the things he had to do was to answer all of his students' questions. And so, he did. Maybe Sofia should have told him not to answer everything, though.

It took almost an hour before the students calmed down. And as soon as they did so, Viel started his lesson.

"Being outside also helps in the earlier stages of your cultivation as well. It helps you hear the life of every living being that surrounds you, and it helps you in differentiating your own. Finding your individuality, that is the first step in order for you to reach the peak of what you can achieve."


The four students nodded before closing their eyes, their breaths becoming quiet by the second. Seeing this, Viel could not help but squint his eyes in truth, he had no idea of the meaning of what he just said.

All of those were Lu Yi's words, and Viel was as much a student as the four children in front of him. Maybe even lower as he himself did not even have a foundation for his cultivation, as for some reason, it did not really make a difference for him.

He had actually already broken through the Earthen Core realm and stepped through the Soul Realm the other day, but he did not feel any different. And so, he just nonchalantly destroyed his cultivation once more and restarted back to the Earthen Core realm to properly follow his students' progress.

And speaking of students one of his ex-students was currently staring at them from afar, Edward.

It has been a week since the incident in the classroom with his brother. He pleaded to get back in Viel's class, but alas, even when he pleaded and apologized, Viel was adamant in not letting him come back to class.

His brother told him to leave it to him, but even now, he still waited for whatever it was that his brother was going to do. In fact, that was the last time he had seen him, even missing his own lectures according to his students.

With how Viel easily disposed of his brother when they fought the other day, Edward was sure that Viel was some kind of hidden master. He was sure of it.

And so, with that thought, he once again wanted to try his luck to get back to Viel's good graces. But before he could even take a single step from his position, a resounding "No" echoed through his ears.


"I heard you only have 4 students?"

"Yes, the two left during the first day."

"Wait, so you only had 6 students originally? Why aren't you accepting more? I have also seen a student kneeling outside of your class for a few days now, why aren't you accepting him in your class?"

"Ah, that's Edward. He was one of the two students who left during the first day."

After the classes were over, Viel and Sofia decided to stroll around the town instead of going home immediately. With Sofia busy with class and examining the still alive, but barely, minion of the new Demon God, she barely had any time to cook.

And so, the two just decided to eat outside in the different restaurants and bars the town had to offer from now on.

What they did not know, however, was that someone was following them. No, not someone, but a group.

A group of familiar children, led by a boy with a babyface.

"Teacher Viel he really is married to the other teacher!"

"Sshhh. Be quiet, they might hear us!"

"We should not be doing this."

"Then why did you come!?"

"Hm" Tina could only squint her eyes as she watched as Viel was being gently pushed by a tall and bespectacled woman around the town. She was against following their new teacher at first, but alas, her curiosity got the best of her.

Even though Viel would always happily answer their questions without even the slightest of hesitation, he still remained a mystery to them.

His powers and where he came from, their young minds could not help but wonder and wander. Is their new teacher some kind of hidden expert? Was he a spy of the Demon God as Edward's brother claimed? It was also possible that he is a spirit, seeing as he was one of the most beautiful people they had ever met.

And so, with their thoughts racing, they continued to follow their teacher and his wife.

"What are the four of you doing here?"

However, before they could even exit the corner of their hiding spot, they heard a familiar voice from behind them.

"W wha!?"

"How are you here!?"

"T teacher Viel, please do not misunderstand, I am only here to stop the three of them from following you around because they were curious about your identity! I swear I am not here to find out whether you are a spirit or not!"

The four students could not help but look back and forth towards the direction of where Viel should be, and where he is now. His wife was also behind her looking at them with her eyebrows furrowed as she adjusted her spectacles.

Were they going to get scolded? They were, weren't they!? Their teacher's wife was known to be brutal and without mercy, after all.

The four children closed their eyes, waiting for the onslaught of words that were about to pierce their ears. However, contrary to their expectations, the only thing that entered their ears was a gentle whisper.

"What are you students still doing outside?"

Sofia let out a slight sigh as she looked at the cowering students.

"The sun is almost down and it will get colder soon. You should be with your families, it's not safe at this time of the night."

"E eh?"

The four students slowly opened their eyes in unison and turned their eyes towards their teacher's wife. And unlike the rumors, she had a very kind face.


"We just wanted to eat something before we go home, ma'am!"

Tina raised her hand, not letting the other speak any more words that would incriminate them.

"Then would you like to dine with us?"


"It should be alright, a teacher does not stop being a teacher once he or she is outside the school." Viel lightly clapped his hands as he looked at his students.

"Where did you even hear that from?"

"From Miss Lu--"

"Why did I even ask. I suppose it doesn't matter, a change in companions every now and then wouldn't be so bad."

Sofia could only sigh once again. She wanted to spend some time alone with Viel around the town like a normal co citizen, but alas, it was not meant to be.

And so, the Viel and Sofia, plus the students, made their way to the nearest restaurant they could find, which is also one of the only restaurants they could find that was still open because of the impending war.

A war that they had no idea was already nearer than they thought.


"Retreat! We will hold them back!"

"Report to the nearest stronghold! Undead Champions have emerged from the shore!"

"We will not be able to hold back the undead much longer!"

"Signal all the cities! War war is upon us!"

On the border, the undead have already climbed their way up through the walls. Their numbers, growing larger and larger. With every life that perishes, another evil springs up.

And evil that was on its way to the cities of the Northern Continent.

The first snow has also fallen from the sky, and with it, the signal of the war for the North's survival.


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