Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 224: I am Viel

Chapter 224: I am Viel

"Vi. You're writing in your diary again?"

"Hm. It's my first time going into town after a very long time. I must write it down. Also, my body felt like it almost exploded into pieces due to how hot it was earlier, so I really must write that down."

"I I see."

Viel had his head turned towards the ceiling as he tried to recall if there was anything he missed. But after a few seconds, he nodded to himself and wrote the finishing touches of today's entry.

"Wait is it just a town or a city?"

"I honestly have no idea."

"...I will just put it as a town, then. It feels too small and quiet to be a city."

Quiet? Sure. But small? Far from it. Although Sofia has only really repeated her routes inside the town, she was aware of how big it actually is. It was only because of the mood that the impending war showered upon them that the town remained seemingly silent.

"...And done!"

"Oh? Can I see?"


"Oh impressive, Vi. You've managed to get all of the ink on the book this time. But I'll still rewrite it for you later." Sofia could not help but slightly chuckle as she could barely understand anything of what Viel wrote. But still, this was already a major improvement and it was only his 2nd entry.

"Thank you, Sofie. How is the monster in the basement, by the way?"

"It truly is an undead, the Demon God's minion. Such a fascinating creature. It doesn't even need to breathe. There's no heartbeat, no blood flowing through its veins. It is basically just moving because of its brain. And how its brain is still working is still a mystery to me."


"...And with the skull I have extracted, it's a hundred percent human. But its bones, ribs, flesh, and skin have mutated and shifted. Flattening itself and turning into wings. It's so grotesque but yet so mesmerizing."

"Why do you always seem to be having fun when you're dissecting bodies, Sofie?"

"I've always been like this, Vi."

"Makes me wonder why I love you."

"Y-- What?"

"Nothing." Viel let out a light chuckle as he slightly rolled his chair back, "So the war it's been going on for hundreds of years?"


Sofia knew what she heard. But since Viel had already quickly changed the topic, she didn't really want to push the matter maybe some other time, she thought as she answered Viel's question.

"According to history, the old war ended the same year you were born."

"Ah, right! Makes sense, Xanthus is inside me."

"Hm." Sofia nodded her head, "And this new war started 4 years ago, just after we started exploring this world."

"Ha I really wish I could remember our adventure together. Were we able to go to a lot of places?"

"Not really since the war was already brewing. The first one we went to was in the Southern Regions, but it was too hot and humid so we left. And then we went back to the Eastern Continent."

"Eh? We did!?"

"Oh, I thought I told you about it? You wanted to fully say your goodbyes to Miss Xing Cai."

"...Who was that again?"

"She's your sister, Vi. Well, not really. But something like that."


"And then we spend some time inside a Dungeon, and after that, we explored this world again."

"Wow." Hearing Sofia's words, Viel could not help but be in awe, "We we really did travel to a lot of places, didn't we?"

"You wanted to see the world, Vi, and we did."

"Agh! Why can't I remember those things!? They should have at least left that part! Instead, I can only remember from 2 years ago. I also have a bunch of useless things inside my head because Rain's memories are too messy."

"Vi don't force yourself."

"I know. I know. It's just I want to have a memory I could call my own."

Hearing Viel's words, Sofia could not help but let out a long and deep sigh.

"It's alright if Viel no longer exists, whatever and whoever comes after me, tell him to make his own story."


"Those were your words... before the old you completely faded, Vi."

"...Was I really that poetic?"

"Oh, you love your speeches, Vi. Even with the smallest of things, you had something to say about it" Sofia let out a slight chuckle. "Still, the old Viel has a point. Stop clinging to your past, Vi. Start living here now start living your own story."


Viel quickly rolled his chair back to the desk, feeling for his diary. And as soon as his hand made contact with it, he quickly opened it and once again started writing on it.

"...What are you doing?"

"I'm writing everything you said just now. Maybe my old self is right, Sofie. Maybe it's time to say goodbye to my past and start a new story. The story

...of God and the Devil."

"...What? I am pretty sure your old self didn't mean like a literal story." Sofia could not help but let out a groan of frustration, "And where did you even get that idea!?"

"Well, Lu Yi is considered a god, and Xanthus was called the devil in this world so"

"Isn't that a bit inappropriate?"

"Ah, you're right! Something is missing!" Van raised the pen in the air before the sound of paper being scratched once again whispered throughout the room, "The Story of God and the Devil plus Jack along with Sofia."


Viel wasn't making any sense again. Was it really the right decision to tell him that? Sofia once again let out a sigh as he looked at Viel. Well, at the very least, he looked satisfied.

"Okay, from now on it is the start of a brand new story!" Van shouted as he raised the pen in the air once more.



"Now what?"


A few weeks later, inside a moderately sized room, there were children of different ages arguing with each other.

"Why do we even need to cultivate when we can just train our bodies instead!? Push it to the limits!"

"Psh, unsophisticated. A perfect balance of magical arts, body strength, and cultivation is the way to the peak!"

"No! Mr. Jacobs said that being perfectly balanced is inferior!"

"Cultivation is still the strongest! Hero Violet and her companions are cultivators!"

"No, no. Cultivation would take too long before it can become useful. We can't afford to take our time when we're already at war! We must focus on what we can do now!"

The children, who were probably aged 9 to 12, seemed to be discussing some pretty important topics despite their young age. The eyes of some of the children were already moist, wanting to cry as they were losing the conversation.

But after a few more minutes, their arguments finally died down like every one of them took in a deep breath.

"I heard we are going to have a new cultivation teacher today."

"No one can beat Mr. Jacobs!"

"What happened to Mr. Jacobs, anyway?"

"Psh. Didn't you hear? He was eaten by the undead!"



"Of cou-- Wah!"

As the children were trying to scare themselves, the door of the room suddenly opened. Seeing the door open, the children quickly rushed to their seats without even a slight pause, a testament to how many times they have done this action.

The children, however, could not help but look at each other as they saw a man in a wheelchair entering the room. The stranger's eyes were completely closed, but even then, he seemed like he knew where he was going.

"Hello, is this Mr. Jacobs' class?" The handsome stranger then spoke.


"Ah! Good. I finally found it."

"Who are you, mister!?"

"Me? I am Viel." The handsome stranger then neatly placed the things that were on his lap to the desk.

"What are you doing here!?"


...I will be teaching your class from now on."



Meanwhile, Noah was currently on top of a mountain, staring over the horizons with a dignified gleam in his eyes. He was carrying Lyanna in his left arm, who was also looking at the horizon.

The light of the sun basked their body with warmth. A welcome feeling, as the howls of winter were already singing in their ears.

"...Father," Lyanna whispered, her voice almost fleeting.


"We're lost again, aren't we?"


"I thought you knew where we were going!? You even refused Mr. Eddard's map!"

"I do well, I did." Noah squinted his eyes as he continued to stare at the horizon, "But the anomaly's aura has weakened to the point that I could only see glimpse and whispers, not enough for me to know where exactly he could be at this very moment."

"Do we really need to find this abalone, father!? There's a lot of those at home! We should just enjoy and explore the other big cities! I have never been to a big city before!"

What Noah said was the truth, however. When they left the settlement, Viel's aura was enough to fill the entire skies, louder than thunder as they howled directly in Noah's ears.

But after a few days, the aura slowly dissipated, causing Noah to lose his way. But Noah was sure, that if he was meant to find the anomaly, then fate would surely guide him.

Because fate...

...Fate is in his side.

"...Let's go. I think I can sense him somewhere in that direction."


"Are you even listening to me, father!?"


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