Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 221: Children

Chapter 221: Children

"Wear this, it's your favorite cape."

"My favorite cape?"

"Hm. Since it's getting a bit cold now since winter is coming."

"Oh, so that's what that feeling was. I don't really feel it that much."

"Just wear it, it's your favorite cape!"

Sofia forcefully wrapped Viel with the red cape that he bought years back when he was still in Sofia's world. And although it was a cape, Sofia used it more like a blanket as he wrapped Viel like a potato.

"Won't I look ridiculous? It's my first time visiting the city after we settled here, I at least want to look decent."

"Trust me, no one in that city is as good looking as you are." Sofia slightly chuckled as she continued to push Viel. The rocky road in front of them quaked as Sofia lightly waved her fingers in the air, turning the unpaved road flat until one could see a reflection on it.

"...Really? Do I really look nice?"

"Don't get cheeky now, boy." Sofia gently pinched Viel on the cheek, almost lifting him up from the chair.

"...Do you like how I look, then?"

"...Of course."

"...Do you love me, then?"

"...I just told you not to get cheeky!"

Viel quickly covered his head, waiting for the impending doom that was Sofia's pinches. But it didn't come, Sofia just continued to push his wheelchair as she slightly let out a hum. Viel could not help but slightly smile, closing his eyes even though there really wasn't any difference for him-- he just felt comfortable.

Ever since he lost all of his memories, the only person he has really ever talked to was Sofia. Well, there's also Lu Yi. But he's inside Viel's mind so it doesn't really count, he thought.

It turns out that it was he who made that arrangement. She told Sofia that once he completely loses all of his memories, it would be best for him to stay away from people. Apparently, his old self was afraid that he would hurt people. Is that why he also sealed his legs and eyes?

Viel couldn't really understand how he was able to do that. He is strong, he could feel it with each of his movements. But spending years immobilized, pushing himself with his wheelchair, he has learned how to control his strength better.

Maybe that's one of the reasons his old self made himself this way? To train him like those in the movies he has seen Right, movies don't exist in this world.

'My memories, my identity Sofia said that it was merged with someone called Rain, also one of the tenants in my mind' Viel could not help but sigh as he felt the cape on his cheek.

But it would seem that since only half of Rain's soul was inside me, it didn't work out like how Mr. Voice wanted it to.

'The merging it shattered my mind.'

"Oh, Miss Sofia, you're with Sir Viel today?"

Viel's thoughts were disrupted as soon as he heard a familiar voice. It was Ted, the one who assisted Sofia in their house the other day.

"Yes. He was insistent on coming today.", Sofia chuckled, nodding to Ted before passing through the gates and proceeding to town. "I'll see you around."

"Please enjoy your stroll in the city, sir Viel," Ted said as he saluted, even knowing that Viel could not see.

"Thank you, Mister Ted."

Ted watched Sofia's back as she pushed Viel into the town. Since he's here, it would probably stop the baseless rumors about Sofia, right?

'Oh, so that's her husband?"


Ted almost jumped in shock as a whisper suddenly vibrated into his ears. With the helmet he was wearing, it felt like the breaths covered his entire head.

"S sir!" He then saluted as he realized who it was. It was his superior, who seemed to be popping out of nowhere again.

"Yeah, I could see why you gave up on the woman. With a husband like that, you don't even stand a chance." Ted's superior burst out in laughter. Causing a clanging sound to echo in the air as he patted Ted's armor-clad shoulder. "You don't even stand a chance against his toenail."

"..." Ted already knew that he lost in the looks department, his superior didn't have to weigh in on him.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I don't think anyone in this city could win against sir Viel." He then let out an awkward chuckle.

"I wasn't even talking about his looks." Ted's superior once again burst out in laughter as he walked away. "So his name is Viel, is it?" He whispered before completely disappearing from Ted's sight.

Ted could not help but shake his head. Even though he doesn't really know what his superior meant by his words, it was probably just nonsense again. Ted rarely meets this superior of him, he just comes and goes whenever and wherever he pleases.

He asked the other guards about him, but the only thing they said was that Gabriel, his superior, had always been here, even before their fathers. Of course, Ted just laughed at them, Gabriel didn't even look that old. Middle-aged, at best.

Well, except if he is a cultivator. But seeing that Gabriel seemed to have a lot of time in his hands and Ted had never seen him train even once, he just once again laughed at the notion.

And so, taking in a deep breath, Ted once again looked over to the horizon, hoping that the war would never reach their town.


The usually empty streets of Taucher city have become filled with the noise of chatter and whispers. And this noise, no matter how much Sofia tried to escape, still managed to pierce her ears.

Alas, the gossips were and are too powerful.

"T that's her husband?"

"Who was it that said that he was abusive!? How could someone who looked so pure be violent!?"

"Poor man, he probably lost everything in the war."

"That's it. I will go and visit Sofia's house to help her take care of her husband!"


"It would seem you are quite popular, Sofi." Viel could not help but let out a chuckle. Sofia, however, just slightly scoffed as she continued to shop for their daily necessities. But alas, she was not able to concentrate as the gossipers even followed them inside the bakery.

An hour had passed, and there were still people following them. This was Viel's first-ever tour of the city, so Sofia wanted to reprimand them. But before she could do so, Viel stopped him. Saying that it was alright, and if this was a part of the city, he wanted to experience it as well.

"...Suit yourself," was Sofia's only answer as she carelessly placed the things she bought on Viel's lap.

The two then continued on in the market. Even though Sofia said that there wasn't really anything in it, Viel still insisted that he wanted to go. Ever since the war once again started in the Western Continent, the people that explored the Dungeons have become scarce. That in itself became a problem.

With the majority of fighters and experts defending the borders, no one was there to close the Portals. And so, not just them, but every country in the world had to deal with the influx of otherworldly monsters, not to mention Drifters as well.

"Maybe you can find me an electric wheelchair here, Sofie." Viel chuckled.

"No one would bother to bring something like that from a Dungeon, Vi." Sofia let out a long sigh as she slightly shook her head, "Why not just walk now?"

"...I don't really know. I want to, but at the same time, something inside me says that I shouldn't. It's not Miss Lu Yi, okay."

"Hm" Sofia knew the reason, but it would be best if Viel finds out about it himself, she thought as she continued to push him throughout the town. Followed still, by their entourage of gossipers.

In the end, they weren't really able to buy anything in the market. Viel wanted a sword for some reason, but of course, Sofia refused.

"Ah! It's Miss Sofia!"

"Miss Sofia is back!"

"Food, please food!"

"I can trade this gold I found!"

Once again, Sofia reached the part of the town where the orphaned children were gathering. And as soon as they saw her, they immediately circled her, jumping in joy.

"Sofie?" Viel tilted his head as heard the voices of children.

"Everyone, line up! This one here is my husband, he will be the one distributing your food today!"

"What?" Viel could not help but flinch in his chair as he heard Sofia's words. He still had no idea what was going on, and now he was going to feed a bunch of random children?

"Do you do this every day?" He asked.

"Hm these are children orphaned by the war. The town can't really take care of them, so they just leave them be."

"...I see."

"Here, you hand this"

Sofia then started guiding Viel's hand towards one of the bags that they have, giving a piece of bread to every child.

"So you do this every day, huh. Could it be that you want children of your own, Sofi?"

"Ye-- Wait, what? No, of course not!"

"Then let's make one."


The children who were still in the line could not help but let out a hum as they heard Viel's words.

"What what are you saying!? You're too young for that!"

"I am already of age, am I not?"

If only Viel could see, the first thing that would welcome his sight would be a flustered Sofia, whose cheeks have almost turned cherry.

"Just just hand out the food and let's leave!"

"Oh, already? I thought you didn't want to make a baby?"

"What!? That's not what I--"


Before Sofia could even voice out her defense, a loud shout bellowed in their ears from behind.

"Are you the ones always feeding these little runts? These pests don't leave the town because you keep on feeding them!"


This was probably not the best time to interrupt Sofia.


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