Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 131: Father

Chapter 131: Father

[13 Hours until portal closes]

2 days after the portal had appeared, any traces of the New Golden Pavilion were all but gone. Their tower was destroyed by the people of the kingdom, perhaps serving as a candle for the children and the people they have lost.

All that was left of the Golden Pavilion in this world were the footprints they have left as they entered the portal.

Viel could only sigh as he looked at the footprints of almost a thousand people. It would seem that the Golden Pavilion was successful in bringing other people in the world. Then if so, the woman behind him really was going with him.

"Are you sure about this?", Viel asked as he looked at Sofia, who was following her from behind, "There is no going back after this, at least for now"

"I have already packed my things, Vi", Sofia said with a blank face as she carried 2 bags on each hand. "So, yes. I am sure"

"...Are you sure?", Viel once again repeated as he squinted his eyes.

"Yes", Sofia replied with a serious expression as she dropped her bags near the portal, "As much as you say you are not meant to be here, then the more it applies to me, too"

"I", Sofia continued with a sigh, "If I stay here, the elves will always be reminded of the horrible things I have done to their people. If anything, I am the one who is not meant to be here"

"Hm", Viel nodded and he stared at the portal.

"Also, did you not bring anything?"

"I did, they are all in my item box"

"Item box?", Sofia then remembered when the Treant Flower suddenly appeared out of nowhere, "Wait, then why did you let me carry my bags!?"

"You didn't ask", Viel scoffed as he covered his mouth, his cheeks bloated.

Sofia twitched her eyes in annoyance. Just 2 days ago, Viel felt like a totally different person, and now she was playing tricks on her and gloating like nothing happened.

How unstable is this kid, really?

But alas, she could only sigh until she unveils the mysteries surrounding Viel. And speaking of mystery

"Why did you ask father to evacuate the people within 200 kilometers from the portal?"

Yes. This is what Viel requested from the King before he left. He also requested the same thing from the Elf Queen, whose people were nearer from the portal.

Hearing this question, Viel only looked above, towards the skies.

He then sat in front of the portal, without saying anything to Sofia.


Sofia was perplexed, why did Viel suddenly sit down on the ground. "Are we not going?", Sofia asked.

"Can you protect the portal?"

But her question was answered by another question.

"What?", furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "What for?"

"Just tell me, are you confident in protecting the portal?"

Although Sofia had no idea why Viel asked that question, she still nodded her head when she saw Viel's weighty gaze.

After that, they sat in silence for hours.

[9 Hours until Portal Closes]

4 hours had passed, and Viel still remained sitting in front of the portal, his gaze not leaving the skies.

Sofia has already made fire and roasted a meal from a boar that unfortunately wandered near them.

She handed a juicy roasted leg to Viel, and Viel only said his thanks as he returned to looking above the skies, while chewing, of course.

[6 Hours until the Portal Closes]

Darkness was slowly encroaching the fields as the night slowly waves. Sofia was already starting to doze off. But Viel

Viel still remained stagnant as he remained staring towards the sky.

"Are we... still not going, Vi?", Sofia said in a whisper as she was slowly starting to fall asleep.

"Just a bit longer, reserve your strength, Sofi", Viel said without taking his eyes away from the skies.


And soon, Sofia's vision turned dark as she fell into unconsciousness.

[3 Hours until Portal Closes]

Sofia woke up from the sound of her own vomiting. She quickly turned sideways as she coughed vehemently, tears uncontrollably falling from her face.

"W...what the that", Sofia looked towards the empty sky, her eyes shaking and her jaw trembling.

Sofia felt as if a thousand needles were crawling on her bones. All of her hair stood up on ends as her mana seemed to also be running out of control.

"Viel what is happening!?", she screamed as she turned her eyes towards Viel.

Viel then stood up as he glanced at Sofia, "He is here", he whispered.

"What? Who!?"

"Protect the portal, Sofie", Viel said as slowly stepped away from the portal.

And then, a dome of golden suddenly surrounded them.

Sofia did not really know why Viel requested her to do so, but feeling the disgusting aura getting closer and closer to them, she released almost all of her mana and barricaded them with a thick layer of concentrated mana, adding it towards the golden dome of light that Viel just casted.

And as soon as she did so, a thunderous explosion resounded in the air.

The golden dome that Viel summoned suddenly rippled as a spear appeared to be stabbed on it. The spear was vibrating violently as sparks started to appear on the golden dome. But soon, it calmed down and dropped towards the ground.

"Viel who is that?"

With the skies splitting, a man suddenly fell to the ground at great speed, causing numerous thunders as he landed.

His red hair, waving in the air as the dust and smoke surrounding him started to settle.

And then, the red-haired man smiled at Viel,

"Thank you for waiting for me


[Side Quest: Defeat the Usurper!]


This is the end of Volume 3!

Volume 4: Dungeons is next. Volume 4, as the title suggests, will focus on the Dungeons that have appeared and been appearing in Viel's world for about 7 years more or less now. What will he find there? How much has it changed because of the effects of the dungeon? Well, let's go discover it together.

For those who have read until this point. All I can really say is thank you. Even though we have failed to reach top 100 even once, or even top 150. I appreciate you following and staying with me. I don't know if I still have the strength and motivation to do the next volumes after failing to reach our goal this time... But I will persevere :)

Thank you.

Thank you very much :)


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