Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 125: No

Chapter 125: No

"Viel boy, is there any truth in the Sect Master's words?

...Have you seen him before?"

All the Elders looked in despair, if the Matriarch finds out that they hid the fact that they knew of the existence of Xing Cai's sworn brother being here, they would all face the wrath of their Matriarch. Forget about returning to their original realm, the only place they would be returning to was the after life.

And now, their verdict lies on the hand of a single boy. It's not like they could kill him in front of the Matriarch. Well, it was not like they could kill him at all. Something was definitely wrong with this golden-haired kid, his strength was just different all together.

All of them gulped as they waited for their sentence.


But the golden-haired kid answered so casually.

"Aha!", one of the Elders said, "Your lies are uncovered, Li Xue!"

"Matriarch! We have told you, the Sect Master's mind has been poisoned by all the mead that drowned his body!"

"T-this is why we locked him up, because he was a danger not only to himself, but to the sect!"

"We should lock the respected Sect Master again until he recovered!"

The Elders clamored, but they were also confused. They really thought that Sect Master Li Xue have met with Elder Xing Cai's brother, but what was going on now?

But the most confused of all, was sect master Li Xue.

"W-What?", Li Xue stuttered, but then he remembered his hair was all over the place, and so, he pulled it back and showed his face fully to the boy, "It's me, kid. The examiner from the Adventurer's Guild"

But still, Viel squinted his eyes, trying his best to look at Li Xue, "Eehhh"

"You!", Li Xue could not help but twitch his eye, "I called you ladyboy, remember?"

"AAAH!", as soon as Li Xue said that, Viel quickly pointed at him, "You're the weak drunk man that has a lot of debt from the guild!"

"...", Li Xue one again twitched his eyes, was that really how the members of the Adventurer's Guild remember him?

"You met Li Xue before?", the Matriarch asked.

"Y-yes!", Viel once again stood upright, completely different from when he was talking to Li Xue.

"Then", the Matriarch paused, "Do you know of a way for us to return to our old realm?"

"I", hearing the question again, Viel looked to the side with a complicated expression. He furrowed his eyebrows as he bit his teeth. And finally, after a few seconds, he opened his mouth.

But before any sound came out of it, Emi, who was behind Princess Sofia, marched in front of the Matriarch.

"My son...", she looked the Matriarch straight in the eyes, "Where is my son?"

Matriarch Yinji also looked at Emi's eyes. Emi did not let up even with the pressure that the Matriarch was emitting. Emi felt like a thousand needles were shredding her body into pieces, but still, her gaze did not falter as she once again repeated, "My son. Please, give me back my son"

And after what seemed like eternity, Matriarch Yinji sighed, "You heard the girl, give her her child back. We are done here"

The Elders heard the Matriarch's orders, but no one moved. It was only after a few seconds that Dao Ming Zhu, the Elder who fought Azurite earlier, stepped in.

"Follow m-"

But before he could say his words, the senior Elder, Wei Yuan, interrupted him.

"No!", he shouted.

Hearing this, the Matriarch summoned nine golden swords that circled her body. "You hid vital information from me, and now you disobey me, boy?", all the nine swords then pointed at Wei Yuan.

"Please, Matriarch", Wei Yuan kneeled, "What our Elders say, it is true. There really is nothing left for us there. I saw my own disciples kill each other and I could do nothing to stop them. Please, Matriarch, do not ask us to go home where no one is waiting for us. You may punish us all you want, but please, do not ask us to go back there"

The other Elders also kneeled towards the Matriarch, pleading for their stay, "Please, Matriarch!"

Viel's eyes widened as he heard the Elder's pleas. To go home where no one is waiting for them

What about him? Was there anyone waiting for him?

Sister Xing Cai? His friends?

But no, maybe they were the same, they have already forgotten about him. With only fragments of sorry memories to pick up.

...What will he even say when he gets back? That he killed Wei Song? If anything, the only thing that will welcome him in Taizhou were torches and pitchforks. He will return the way he left, being shunned by the citizens, covered in dirt, tomatoes and eggs.

"But we do have our people", the Matriarch spoke, this time softly.

All the Elders could not help but look at her with a confused face, how can the Matriarch be so sure that anyone was left alive?

When they left, they were surrounded by their disciples, lifeless puppets that did not even recognize them.

Was she talking about Elder Xing Cai? But she was only one person. Was it really worth it to leave everything behind they have here for only one single person? Or does the Matriarch have a family that she left behind? But that was impossible, it was common knowledge among them that Matriarch Yinji held her chastity with great strictness.

The other senior Elder, Sima Fu, tried to court the Matriarch once, but he was blatantly rejected the minute he made knew of his intentions. And so, they all waited for the Matriarch to continue her words.

"Them", Matriarch Yinji said as she approached the hole that was created from her battle with Sofia earlier.

She then looked at the curious people that were loitering outside. And when the people noticed her, they instantly started to chant.

"I-it's the Matriarch!"

"Matriarch! Matriarch! Matriarch!"

Their loud cheers reaching the top of the tower, enough to pierce the ears of the kneeling Elders.

"We will bring them in our realm"


Hearing this, the Elders all looked at each other, their mouths slightly open.

Was that even possible? Could they really bring their new-found followers here to their world? But even if it were

"They no nothing of the dao", Elder Sima Fu reasoned, "Even if we bring them there, they would only be useful for rebuilding our towers!"

"It seems that all of you have forgotten what we really are", the Matriarch spoke coldly, "We are not conquerors, we are teachers"

"Wei Yuan, you were just a little beggar when I met you. No trace of qi and all your dantians were completely closed. I could even say that you were in worse state than most of them", the Matriarch continued,

"But you learned and they will too", the Matriarch once again looked at the people below.

"This will be the birth of the true New Golden Pavilion"

Once again, the moonlight reflected on the Matriarch's robes as her dignified stature shadowed over the kneeling Elders.

But soon, all the Elders stood up, once again bathing in the light that was behind the Matriarch. They all looked at the Matriarch with eyes full of resolution and perseverance. Like how their eyes were when took on their first disciples.

Princess Sofia, could not help but release a faltered breath as she too, was slightly bathed in the moonlight. A new culture, new discoveries, a new world She then looked at Viel with a curious expression. If she comes with Viel, will it be possible for her to discover new worlds?

But she quickly shook her head with these thoughts, she was Princess Sofia. She had a responsibility to this world as part of the Royal Family.

"We will only take those who wish to come with us", the Matriarch continued her speech,

"So, let us all go home, together

and if I wasn't being clear, that was an order", the Matriarch's voice then turned cold.

All the Elders released a slight chuckle as they kneeled again all at the same time, "Yes, Matriarch!"

They then all looked at Viel, no longer looking with faces of anxiety and hostility, but expectation.

"So, child. I ask again, do you know of a way home?", the Matriarch once again placed all of her attention towards Viel.

Seeing all the expectant eyes that were looking at him, Viel could not help but take a step back. Their eyes felt like they were drowning him.

Does he know a way home?

Viel could only a tight gulp as he opened up his palm, and on top of it, were letters only he could see.

[Objective: Kill the Mother of Treants!

Identified: Treant Flower]

A way home? A way out of this dungeon this world?

Of course, he has one. But the only thing that came out of his breath was,


no, I don't"


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