Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 115: Envoy, Once Again

Chapter 115: Envoy, Once Again

The next morning, the city was on high alert. News of the New Golden Pavilion creating trouble and also the news of the Lord's son being abducted has already spread through every inch of the city.

Even the commoners and peasants were doing their best to look for the Lord's child, not only because of the reward, but Lord Karl really was a generous lord that was fair to all. They wanted to repay him for that.

The city's gates were barricaded, only those with proper identification and can present them were allowed to go in and out the city.

Antoinette was also moving around full of energy, as if she wasn't dying just last night. Emi and the others told her to rest, but no, Antoinette's eyes were seething with anger.

And once she was able to, she immediately posted an urgent guild quest, ripping all the other pamphlets that were on the quest board.

To dare abduct her best friend's son? And also attempt to kill her?

A son of a former adventurer, and then the current leader of the Burgerstatter's adventurer's guild?

They might as well have waged war against the whole adventurer's guild itself. So, without haste, Antoinette also planned to put up requests on the other branches.

If it was war they wanted, then Antoinette will gladly give it to them- with the full force of the Adventurer's guild.

But Lord Karl quickly asked her not to do so, and to also take down the quests. Antoinette was furious at first of Karl's decision, calling him a coward and all sorts of names. But when he showed her a letter, she quickly heeded Karl's orders.

There was a letter that came by in Karl's office as soon as the break of day came. Karl hesitated to open it at first, with his hands trembling as he held the paper that was on his hand. He already knew the contents of the letter, and he was right.

The New Golden Pavilion has their son.

The letter requested that they will only safely return Zachary if they submit to their sect. And so, with no other other choice, he stopped all search and rescue operations for his son. Him and Emi had been fighting ever since he did so.

"So we're just going to sit down and not do anything!?"

A flock of papers flew around the room as Emi frantically pushed away all the paper that was on Karl's desk, "They have our son, Karl!"

"That's why I am not doing anything!", Karl slammed his desk, "If we do anything they think is hostile, they might harm him!"

"So, we just wait!?", Emi grabbed Karl's collars, "If they want us to submit, then we will submit!"

"That is treason to the crown!"

"Then so be it!", Emi continued, "The King might as well be in another continent! He doesn't know anything about our situation!"


Karl could not even say a word, when a rapid knock suddenly came from the door. The door then opened, revealing a heavy-eyed Viel. With everything that happened last night, Emi and Karl asked Viel to sleep in one of the guest rooms, as he looked terribly tired.

"W-what is it, Mr. Voice?"

Emi and Karl immediately stopped fighting and arranged themselves, with Emi wiping the tears that were on her face.

"The King probably already knows", Viel said drowsily.


"About your little human being abducted"

"What!?", Karl once again slammed his table, "How!?"

Karl was confused. Did Viel somehow manage to contact the King? But how!? He knew every movement that was happening in his city right now, even if an unfamiliar mosquito entered the city, it would be reported to him.

Hearing this, Viel sighed as he looked at the corner of the room, "You can come out now"

"V-viel? Who are you talking to?", Emi could not help but furrow her eyebrows in confusion.

"Come out or I will pull you out", Viel once again said, but this time with more force.

As soon as he said that, a black shadow suddenly loomed over the corner of the room.


And slowly, the shadow built itself up. Like ink that was spilling from the tip of a pen, the shadow floated from the wall. And with a crack of its cloak, the shadow fully materialized- revealing itself to be a man.

He was hidden in a cloak, with his whole face covered in a black mask. Only the blue color of his eyes could be seen through it.

"These shadows work for the King", Viel nonchalantly said as he sat down on one of the sofas, "I have been seeing more of them since morning, couldn't sleep"

"H-how long has he been here!?", Karl immediately pulled Emi to his back as he stared at the shadowy figure.

"Since the King sat on the throne", the shadow calmly replied.


Not this morning, but since the King was crowned!? That was almost 30 years ago. If so, then Karl was just a boy back then! Could it be he has been watching him ever since!? Emi was also creeped out, as 30 years ago, she also spent time in the castle playing with Karl, and sometimes even bathing in the castle. Does that mean this shadow has been watching them since?

"Yes, I watched you grow up", the shadow once again spoke.

"T-that", Karl was at a loss as to what to reply. But he quickly shook his head. This was not the time for inquiring about such trivial matters.

"Does his Majesty know about our situation?", Karl said inquisitively.

"Yes", quickly replied the cloaked man, "And as we speak, someone is coming here now to help. An envoy"

"W-what!?", Karl almost choked when he heard that, "No! The Golden Pavilion might do something to my child if they knew we were moving!"

"Do not worry, Lord Karl", the cloaked man raised his palm, "If the New Golden Pavilion has people in your city we also have eyes in theirs"

"!!!", if the King already has people inside the New Golden Pavilion, then that would mean...

"T-then, do you know how my son is!?", Emi intruded in their conversation as she jumped in front of the shadow.

"Yes. One of ours is tasked with guarding your child", the shadow said, "You will be glad to know that they have not harmed your baby in any way. Maybe uncomfortable, but definitely not in any physical pain"


Hearing this, Emi could not help but gasp, her feet instantly giving out on her as she dropped on the floor. She has not slept even a wink since the events last night. In fact, none of them did.

And to finally hear a fragment of good news, Emi's heart lightened, even if a little bit.

She knew that ultimately, Karl was right. If they did something to aggravate the New Golden Pavilion, they might do something to their son. 

But she just couldn't calm herself down.

She thought of the things that could be happening to his son. Were they feeding him? If so, what could they even be feeding him!? Were they covering him in blankets?

Emi could just imagine her son's cries, she imagined him drowning in his own tears, choking on his own saliva. What if he couldn't breathe because he was lying on his stomach!?

And weren't there also demons on the New Golden Pavilion? Don't they eat children!?

These thoughts raced in Emi's mind all night. And to finally hear that their son was safe, the darkness that clouded her visions finally dissipated. A slight chuckle was released from her mouth as tears of relief fell from her face.

Of course, Karl was also the same, but he always knew that his son would be safe, he was a bargaining chip, after all. So, after calming himself down with a heavy breath. With a complicated expression, he looked at the cloaked shadow.

"You said an... envoy?", Karl muffled. Why does he have a bad feeling about this. The last time that an envoy came, it was

"Yes. Lord Viel's fiance, Princess Sofia, will be coming personally", the shadow said, as if he could read Karl's mind, "She will also be bringing companions"

"I see. Reinforcements from the Kingdom itself", Karl placed his hand on his chin. He then widened his eyes as he realized something.

"Vie Mr. Voice are you really the Princess' fiance?"

He has been hearing it spreading around the city, and even outside. It was even announced during Mr. Voice's arrival during the party last night. But Karl thought that it was just Antoinette's way of increasing the rapport and fame of Mr. Voice and the Burgerstatter's Adventurer's Guild. But could it really be true?

"...Yes?", Viel, who was slowly drowsing on the sofa, answered nonchalantly, " many times does it need to be repeated?", he then groaned as he frustratingly fixed his position on the couch, trying to find a comfortable position so he can doze off.



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