Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 111: The Cake and the Lie

Chapter 111: The Cake and the Lie

All the guests had their jaws opened as they looked at the newly arrived guest. Not one of them did not know who Mr. Voice was. He was, after all, rumored to be betrothed to Princess Sofia.

What they did not know was what he looked like. They were not aware of how handsome and beautiful he was, and most importantly, how young he actually is. Was he really engaged to Princess Sofia? Weren't their ages too far apart?

They thought Mr. Voice would have a rugged, muscular appearance, and the stature of a handsome warrior-much like the other famous gold rank adventurer that was also famous with the nobles, the Azurite Paladin.

But Mr. Voice, did he not look, quite frankly, too beautiful to be an adventurer? They all thought.

For the older ladies that were present, they could not help but be reminded of their priceless dolls. Looking at Mr. Voice, it was as if their most precious doll had come to life. They all could not wait to speak to Viel to confirm whether the rumors were true. The steward said he was, but there was still a chance he was not. So the ladies thought.

And if he was not, then might he be interested in marrying their daughters instead? So, like vultures, they waited for their opportunity.

"Lord Karl"

Everyone remained still, not daring to utter a single word as they watched as Mr. Voice slowly approaches the party's host. The ladies who were only just a bit older than Viel could not help but breathe heavily. Some of them, for the first time, felt something grow inside of them.

The people who were talking with Karl had no choice but to step to the side, as even though Viel was just an adventurer, he was a Gold Rank. But again, most importantly, he has close ties with both royal families in the United Allied Forces. So, in this hall, for the nobles and aristocrats who cared about status, he was a figure that was above them all.

The only ones that had a different expression on their faces were Emi's table, who were about to burst out in laughter, and also the group of the New Golden Pavilion.

The table of the New Golden Pavilion were looking at each other with serious expressions. The adventurer who was with them, Handsome Face, had a frown on his face as he stared at the gallant Mr. Voice. He was still not over the fact that he ranked as a Pebble during the adventurer examination.

"Mr. Voice!", Karl's face instantly lightened as soon as Viel approached him. He was getting famished with all the people constantly prying into his matters. It wasn't like this during his previous parties, but now that his city has been getting more and more investments, the other nobles wanted a piece of it.

"I thought you wouldn't make it", Karl quickly shook hands with Viel, "There's Emi and the group, I will lead you there".

"Nonsense, Lord Karl", Viel smiled, "There's cake"

"I...I see. Shall we go then?"

Karl swiftly excused himself from the other guests and guided Viel to Emi's table.

"You okay?", chuckled Emi as he saw Karl's parched lips. Karl could only sigh as he drank the wine that Emi handed to him.

"Kakaka! That was some entrance, boy", the adventurers could finally release the laugh they were holding back.

"Do I really need to wear this cape? It's kind of uncomfortable", Viel said as he flapped the cape on his back.

"Don't remove it!", Antoinette quickly waved her hand, "That's for added flair! People need to remember you!"

"Don't believe her!", Emi snickered, "That's just so the other nobles will notice the Adventurer's guild and invest in it!"



The group once again bickered with each other, with Karl finally being able to eat. Baby Zachary, surprisingly, was still sleeping peacefully with a hum as the female adventurer gently racks him, only waking up whenever he hears his mother's voice.

After a while though, Karl got up again. He needed to entertain his guests, after all. No matter how obviously sleazy they obviously were.

And seemingly taking this chance, the ladies of the aristocrats and nobles slowly approached Viel's group.

"Oh boy, here we go", commented one of the adventurers as they all left for the buffet again. Leaving Antoinette, Emi, baby Zachary, and Viel on the table.

"Greetings, Mr. Voice. I am from the Schultz house", a woman adorned in jewels curtsied towards Viel, "This is my daughter, Adele. I think you are of the same age"

"H-hello, Mr. Voice!", the daughter, who was beside the jewel-clad woman, bowed nervously. Her mother quickly pinched her side when she noticed this, whispering that she should act normally.

"You see, my daughter is an adventurous girl, maybe you can give her-"

Before the woman could finish her words, she was interrupted by a slight cough.

"Maybe we should leave them on their own?"

It was Antoinette, who had a very professional smile on her face, "Come, Lady Schultz. Let me tell you all about Mr. Voice... and perhaps also talk about a business proposition?"


"Princess Sofia has also put money in the adventurer's guild", Antoinette softly whispered, "I know all about her and the rumors between her and"

"Oh my, shall we talk?"

Antoinette and the woman quickly excused themselves to the corner of the hall to discuss about business.

Emi could not help but sigh, it would seem the vultures have met their match. But finally, something entertaining to watch, Emi thought as she looked at the flustered young lady that was trying to talk to Viel, who was casually eating cake already.

"I heard all about your adventures", the young lady tried her best to come up with a conversation to start with, "You are the youngest Gold Rank adventurer in the country uhmm"

But seeing as Mr. Voice seemed to be more interested in the cake he was eating, the young lady's face quickly reddened in embarrassment. She was about to leave, but a snarking voice stopped her from doing so.

"Ah, Adele", another young lady approached Viel's table, "Why are you boring Mr. Voice with your dull-witted questions"

The young lady was holding an embroidered fan, swaying it across her face as she walked coquettishly towards Viel. And, like with the young lady called Adele, her mother was also now having a fruitful conversation with Antoinette.

"Great evenings to you, Mr. Voice. My name is Gina", she curtsied elegantly, "I am from House Pracht"

Her greetings, however, were also ignored by Viel who was adamant in devouring the cake in front of him. The young lady called Gina also could not help but twitch her eyes as she too, was casually ignored.

"Hello, which one do you prefer, the fruitcake or the chocolate one?"

It was then that another young lady's voice could be heard. She was holding a plate as she sat down on the empty seat beside Viel.

"I, personally, prefer the fruitcake", she said as she elegantly ate a forkful of cake, "My name is Kaitlin, by the way"

"My name is Viel", Viel casually said as he curiously stared at the cake on the young lady's plate, "HmCan I taste it?"

"Sure!", said the newly arrived young lady as she slid her near to Viel's, "Can I have some of yours as well?"

Viel nodded in response as he casually tasted the fruitcake that was brought by the young lady called Kaitlin.

"!!!", the two young ladies that introduced themselves first could not help but be shocked as Mr. Voice finally talked.

He even introduced himself with his real name! And what's more, eating at the same plate!? They blushed in awe at the boldness of the newly arrived competitor.

But even so, they must not lose. The honor of their house depends on it.

And so, the two of them also grabbed a slice of cake and re-introduced themselves to Viel. Suffice to say, Viel finally talked to them.

Emi, who was watching on the side, was trying her best not to laugh 'les she wake up baby Zachary. 

Emi watched on as another group of young ladies approached Viel, all elegantly holding plates of food. Emi swears, if someone brings a whole roasted pig, she would lose it. So, this is how they gain honor? By talking about cake? Emi tried to calm herself down as much as possible.

She then looked at Antoinette, who was also surrounded by gossiping mothers, her eyes almost shining coins.

Antoinette seems to be having a fruitful conversation. Emi only wished she could say the same to her husband, who was now at the table of the New Golden Pavilion.

Even from afar, she could see the uncomfortable look on her husband's face. Maybe it's time for her to help him escape? Emi thought as she carefully stood up.

But even with her gentle movements, baby Zachary woke up.

Not because of her, but because of a shout. His father's shout.

"Enough with the lies, Hans!"

Karl's shout echoed in the hall, instantly silencing and garnering the attention of all the guests. 

Emi was about to rush towards her husband to calm him down, but before she could do so, she saw him flying through the hall, hitting the tables as he rolled like a ragdoll all the way to the buffet stand.


Emi's shout also echoed. Silencing the people even further, leaving only the cries of baby Zachary to resound in the hall.


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