Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 95 Before she Departs

Before the departure of Princess Diana, the royal family of the Ruthenia Empire went to the Peterhof Palace for dinner.

They exited the car and the brightly lit palace loomed ahead of them. The grounds surrounding the palaces were lush and full of greenery in every direction—with little to no people around. They passed a row of gardens as they walked towards the front doors.

As the door opened, they were received by Diana’s trusted butler, Lancelot.

“Good evening, It’s an honor to see the whole imperial family on an occasion such as this…please enter,”

Alexander held his little sister’s hand and glanced at the three, which are Sophie, Tiffania, and Christina.

“Let’s go,”

They proceeded into the gilded halls of the Peterhof palace with a frescoed ceiling. The floors were covered with plush carpets and the walls had golden embellishments everywhere—from the ceilings to the windows that gave way to a stunning view.

Diana greeted them with her usual grace. She was wearing a light purple gown decorated with jewels. A thin silver necklace draped down her chest. Her long dark gray hair was tied up in its usual bun on top of her head and pinned in place with an elegant pin decorated with rubies.

She looked beautiful as always, as expected of the “Treasure of Edinburgh”.

“I’m glad that you all came before my departure,” she placed a hand on her chest and performed a bow.

Sophie smiled at her and curtsied as well, followed by Alex and his siblings.

Once they rose again, Diana continued “Now, if you all could please follow me…” she began walking off through the hall and they followed close behind.

She led them to the dining hall where the food was already prepared for them to eat. After all, Diana doesn’t have much time to stay in Ruthenia any longer as she had finished her treatment here.

In the dining hall, extravagant floral arrangements adorned both ends, and a centerpiece rested at one end of it. There were six places set, and each held its respective dishes.-.

They took their seats and waited patiently while Lancelot made sure everything was going smoothly and served everyone their preferred meal.

Lancelot then moved to serve Alexander and Sophie. After serving them, he bowed with respect and took his position at the corner of the dining hall.

“So, how was your stay here in Ruthenia?” Alexander started as he dug into the rich steak on his plate.

“Well…to be honest, I wasn’t able to enjoy what St. Petersburg has to offer because of my condition. But this is definitely one of the many cities I’ve visited that I would love to return to,” Diana said, sipping her wine and glancing at his siblings.

“So, these are your siblings huh Alexander? They are all beautiful,” Diana praised, making Anastasia and Tiffania blush in embarrassment.

“Of course, they are,” Alexander simply nodded.

Anastasia and Tiffania then sat there, silent, with flushed cheeks, avoiding eye contact with their older brother or the princess.

Christina chuckled heartily at their reactions. It was beyond cute simply because they weren’t accustomed to receiving praise from someone they’d just met. After all, they never got much chance to leave the Winter Palace.

As for Christina, she was unaffected by the praise. After all, she’s getting it a lot whenever she attends a charity or hosts one.

“They are indeed…” Christina joined. “I apologize for not visiting you often, Your Royal Highness…I was swamped with invitations from various formal occasions,” Christina said, bowing her head slightly.

“It’s fine. I understand why you have to attend such events as it’ll benefit the Ruthenia Empire. I guess this is all just bad timing huh?”

“No not at all,” Sophie chimed in. “Of course, we are happy to have you here, Princess Diana. If only you’d come at a peaceful time, we would visit you every day….”

“Sophie…you don’t have to make an excuse. As I said, I understand…It’s not like you can visit me because of my contagious disease. The purpose of my visitation is primarily to make my disease go away with Alexander’s medicine. But rest assured, I would definitely go back here so that we can get along…” Diana chuckled lightly and glanced at Alexander who was looking at her.

She averted her face when she noticed their eyes meeting and smiled softly while fiddling with the hem of her dress as an unusual feeling pounded in her chest.

“So Tiffania, do you like the food?” Alexander asked.

“Ngh…” Tiffania was startled by the sudden question. “W… Why are you asking me so suddenly?”

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry,” Alexander laughed softly. “I’m just wondering since you’ve been silent during our trip,”

“It’s fine, I like it,” Tiffania simply replied.

There was silence for a while as they ate their meals.

After dessert, Diana stood up and walked over to where Alexander is seated.

“Can I borrow you for a minute?” Diana asked.

“Uhm…” Alexander glanced at Sophie, then at his three siblings before standing up and following Diana out of the dining hall. They walked further until they were outside the dining room. “What did you want to talk about Princess Diana?” Alexander asked.

Diana walked to the window and glanced up to the sky where countless stars shimmered brightly. She felt the cool wind blowing against her skin as the sky seemed endless and blue.

“I just want to tell you personally…that I appreciate your kindness despite myself showing unjustified behavior back then…” Diana confessed bashfully.

“I don’t mind it to be honest. In fact, I should be the one thanking you since I can now tell the world that there is a cure for tuberculosis. We are manufacturing them now as we speak, and I have yet to receive my Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in Oslo next month…ah Norway…I guess I can meet my elder sister huh?”

“Natalya Romanoff,” Diana muttered under her breath.

“Is that all? If there’s nothing, we should return now.”

As Alexander turned around to make his way back to the dining hall, he felt a tug on his sleeve. He looked to his side and saw Diana with her gaze cast down.

“Uhm…is there something?” Alexander asked, smiling stiffly as he rubbed his cheek with a finger.

“Can we talk…a little.. a bit longer?”  Diana murmured, biting the bottom of her lip nervously.

“Sure, Diana, what is it?”

Diana inhaled sharply before blurting her thoughts, “What does it feel like when you’re leading a country?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Because I’m the future Queen of the Britannia Empire. I must know for research purposes…” she said, stammering.

“Well, truth be told, it was a hassle and an arduous task…with heavy responsibility and lots of expectations. At first, there was a mixed reaction to my rise to power after my parent’s assassination. Well, it’s understandable since I’m just your lowkey average prince whose only special about him is his surname…” Alexander said bitterly.

“But you were not…” Diana interjected.  “I was wrong for letting my prejudice cloud my judgment. That’s why I wanted to apologize…After witnessing the huge progress of the Ruthenia Empire…I must say, they are lucky to have you as their ruler…” she sincerely said.

“Thanks…” Alexander said, chuckling lightly. “Though you didn’t have to apologize to Diana. You didn’t do anything wrong…”

“Still though I couldn’t help but feel guilty…I knew that there’s more to you than meets the eye, but I still tried to push your good points aside…” Diana sighed, shaking her head in disappointment.

“Diana…I’m okay really, there’s no need to push yourself. It’s not a big deal,” Alexander reassured her with a smile and ruffled her hair gently.

Diana grabbed his rubbing hand on instinct. She bit her lips in embarrassment when she noticed that she had done so out of habit without realizing it. The tips of her ears heat up and her whole body went stiff as she quickly removed her hand.

“Oh my god! I am so sorry!!!” Diana exclaimed in embarrassment as she hid her face in her hands. She peeked between her fingers to see that he was laughing silently. Diana sighed in relief once she realized that he hadn’t taken offense to her behavior. Though now she wondered why she had been acting so strangely.

“Let’s return…Diana, the others are waiting…”

“Last question…” Diana suddenly asked, making Alexander pause briefly as her words finally registered with him. “Do you love Sophie?”

“Where did that question come from?”

“I’m just curious! That’s all…since she’s my friend…”

“Well…I love her…In fact, I couldn’t wait for us to get married,” Alexander said as if it was the natural thing to answer her.

“I see…” Diana slumped her shoulders. “It’s good to know…I can now assure Sophie that you care for her,” she said, sounding defeated.

Alexander noticed the change in her mood, she couldn’t have fallen in love with him, could it?

“If you need to know,” Alexander leans by the side of the window.

“I truly love Sophie, she and I…..already eloped.”

Diana perked up at the words and gave him a sour look

“Looks like you never changed in some respects. Already bedding her before your wedding.”

Alexander chuckles before looking up at the stars, the heavenly bodies the only audience to see this play of mortals.

“I’m sure you know about Sophie’s father being extremely harsh on her because of her love for art.”, Alexander reveals

“When I first met her, her father was destroying a nice picture she drew of the night sky above Hofburg Palace in Vienna during the coronation of Emperor Licht von Hapsburg of Austrea.”

Diana widens her eyes at that, she knew her distant cousin’s family affairs weren’t a pleasant one from her last visits and corresponding letters later. But an outright abusive and demanding father? Diana felt glad her own father did not force such measures upon her.

“I think it is time to get back before they clear the plates and the tea gets cold,” Alexander pushes himself from the wall and tidies his clothes.

Diana nodded in agreement as both head back to the dining room.

Thirty minutes later…Diana stopped as she got close to the car. She glanced back to see the Royal Family of the Ruthenian Empire waving their hands at her.

Diana waved her arm weakly back. She smiled sadly as she returned her hand to her sides. As she was about to enter the car, a voice stopped her.

“Diana!” Alexander called.

Diana immediately turned around, facing Alexander. “What is it?”

“Don’t forget the trade deal, okay?”

Diana sighed…it was indeed hopeless.


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