Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 93 Next Plan

The St. Petersburg Peace Treaty marked the end of all hostilities in the Far East where the Yamato Empire shall recall its first fleet from the Yellow Sea and stand down its army near the Manchurian border of the Kingdom of Choson in exchange for preventing a major conflict that would drag all major powers in the western hemisphere to a war.

The newspapers during the few days were snatched up as people read about it.

The political cartoon depicted anthropomorphic countries of Francois, Deutschland, and Ruthenia standing behind Han Dynasty with arms akimbo, ready to fight warmongering Yamato who is being held back by Britannia. Both sides are standing in Manchuria.

The caption reads, ” It is not worth it!”

The Ruthenia Empire shall complete its acquisition land deal with the Han Dynasty and shall not expand further to ensure peace in the region. The result of this peace treaty angered most of the citizens of the Yamato Empire as it has been side-lined and not given importance despite it being able to stand toe to toe with the Ruthenia Empire.

The Yamato public opinion was shocked by the very restrained peace terms which were negotiated at St. Petersburg. Discontent spread through the populace upon the announcement of the treaty terms making many take to the streets in protest, causing the Tokyo Riot. Riots erupted in major cities in Yamato following the incident, including demonstrations in front of the Britannia, Deutschland, Ruthenia, and Francois Legations in Tokyo.

Many businesses associated with Britannia goods and culture were vandalized in an outburst of nationalistic anger. Britannia tea was once again thrown into the sea as part of the demonstrations, mimicking the one that happened at Boston Harbor in the US.

The Yamato Emperor has to declare martial law in order to suppress the riots, and 3,000 people were arrested.

Twenty days after the ratification of the peace treaty, the Ruthenia Empire bought Manchuria from the Han Dynasty. The Han citizens living in the region were given compensation should they want to leave, or they could stay in the Ruthenia Empire, work for it, and become Ruthenian citizens through naturalization.  The choice is up to them.-.

With Alexander’s interests in the Far East fulfilled, he can now focus on the home front, where he will oversee the nationwide construction which will become a foundation for the modern world. Though he may not be as good as a civil engineer as his friends were in his original world, he still was able to contribute to the development.

Back to the story.

After finishing his usual routine, Alexander proceeded to conduct his daily exercise routine. Quitting his cigarettes to prevent them from becoming a habit as well.

By working so much in the past six months, he wasn’t able to take good care of his body due to simply not having time for it. As a result, he was getting fat and soft, which is something a young Alexander…or Thomas doesn’t want. They say appearance is a weapon that could give you leverage in negotiation; Alexander has the looks but a body? Not quite much. He was skinny and wanted to change that by building muscles, like making them ripped to match his youth.

Over time, his work gradually reduced thanks to him putting on an all-nighter most of the time. With those free time, Alexander has now time to spend with his family, a luxury that he didn’t have in the almost first year of his rule.

Speaking of his rule, Alexander began thinking of solidifying his position as the Ruthenia Empire’s next emperor. To do so, he must marry Sophie and then be crowned by the head of the Orthodox Church of the Ruthenia Empire.

However, there is one problem, during one of his many administrative reforms, Alexander, without consulting with the church, separated the church and the state. This can bar his smooth coronation to become an emperor for pissing them off.

There’s even the case where the priest, George Gabon, who led the August the 1st March was excommunicated for breaking the rules for speaking directly to the Emperor without getting permission from The Patriarch and The Holy Synod of the Ruthenia Orthodox. Imagine being exiled and shamed just because you just couldn’t mitigate the suffering of the people anymore with just spiritual guidance and simply must tell the harsh reality of Ruthenia to the Emperor in hope of changing it. Alexander didn’t understand wholly the role of the Church and he didn’t even want to as it deemed it a waste of his time. Even if somehow, it is their doing that made God place him here in this world.

Still, there’s a protocol to everything, if he wants to be crowned as the emperor, he must fix his relationship with the church. Which is what he was doing right now.

Rolan entered Alexander’s office.

“Your Majesty, the Patriarch of Moskva and all Ruthenia, His Holiness Tikhon has arrived.”

“Send him in,” Alexander replied, looking forward to getting started with the discussion.

He stood from his chair when the door opened.

A bearded man wearing an ornamental black robe slowly entered the office, taking his seat on the opposite side of Alexander’s desk. He looked like a wise man yet held an aura around himself like one from a revered family. The air he carried was strong, giving off the feeling of power within him.

Alexander stood and walked toward him until they were face to face. “Your Holiness, a pleasure. I believe this is the first time we met.”

“Indeed it is, Your Majesty,” the Patriarch replied with a smile as warm as spring. “It’s an honor.”

The patriarch bowed politely in respect.

Alexander returned the gesture and sat back down in his chair. He leaned forward with one hand resting against his chin. “Let’s get down to the order of business. You see, I’m the rightful heir to the Ruthenian throne, a symbol that makes the citizens unite unanimously. I want to solidify that symbol by formally becoming an Emperor. However, the recent dispute between the church and the government could present a problem for my ascension. I’m willing to repeal the proclamation which limits the authority of the church in the Empire. However, the nationalized church-held lands will not be returned for the purpose of using for the development of the Empire. How’s that sound?”

“Your Majesty…the church has been helping the Emperor of Ruthenia for centuries, enforcing its authority over the large numbers of the peasantry in the Empire. To think that is something we would get is saddening, Your Majesty.”

After hearing that, Alexander contemplated, reading back his memories where he read a part of the church’s role in Ruthenia. There was one.

The Church was very influential among the large peasant population. It made sure this message was conveyed regularly to them. Priests explained to their followers that Ruthenia was God’s land and that he intended for life to be as the peasants found it.

As most of the Ruthenian population was illiterate and had to rely on what they were told by the Church. It was their only source of education and they tended to believe the teachings of the priests.

‘Looks like my choice was right…’

By separating the church and the state, Alexander limited the power of the church to the peasantry. This turns out to be good for him as he would much want the young peasantry to study in schools where they learn important lessons that will be beneficial for the development of the Empire.

There was even a written account where the Church was losing the respect of the peasants, who believed they were increasingly corrupt and hypocritical.

And his reforms made the respect of the peasants for the Church plummet even further, even questioning its existence.

“It is saddening indeed…I can’t say much about the will of the people, but I believe they have a choice according to the new constitution…look why I am even bothering to beat around the bush…I’ll just state my intention. As the head of the Orthodox Church, I order you to prepare necessary arrangements for my wedding ceremony and coronation,”

His word shocked the Patriarch. Before he could protest, Alexander spoke again.

“Look, if you want the church to be relevant again, I suggest that you do as I said. God rules through me right?”

“It is indeed, correct, Your Majesty…When do you plan it to happen?”

“I’m thinking about next month…Will that do?”

“. . .Understood.”

“Great! Our meeting here is done, Rolan, show him the way out.”


As the Patriarch was escorted out, he, full name Vasily Ivanovich Bellavin, could not help but wonder what got into the Crowned Prince and future Tsar of Ruthenia.

His footsteps were deliberately smaller and slower, using the appearance of an old man to make Rolan walk at his speed. To give him time to think.

The Patriarch knows about Alexander’s past, but to see him assert power over the Church and have that look in the young prince’s eyes. One could say he is possessed by a spirit of some malevolent intent.

As he finally made it to the car, he thanked Rolan and blessed him for escorting an old man.

Once inside, the Tikhon of Moskva made a private prayer for the souls of the late Tsar and Tsarina, to God for help, and for the soul of Alexander before the vehicle departs away from the Winter Palace.


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