Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 87 Trying Diplomacy

Thirty minutes later, at the General Staff Building, Alexander was walking back and forth in the hallway as he waited for Diana to arrive. Sergei, who was watching from the corner, apprehensively watched Alexander’s anxious pacing.

Never he had seen Alexander be this nervous, though when it came to important meetings, he always seemed calm. Well, it was his fault, if only he had told him sooner that he had changed the plan, this could’ve been averted. Because of him, a war may break out in the Far East that could implicate the Ruthenia Empire.

Now, Sergei doesn’t know what the future holds for him. Will he get fire or exile, it’s up to His Majesty’s decision.

Alex, unaware that Sergei was observing him closely, continued his movements until his feet suddenly stopped. He stared straight ahead as if someone had just appeared. And indeed someone had.

“Diana…thank God, you’re here,” Alexander whispered with relief, walking towards Diana, who was standing beside a man whom he recognized as Lancelot, his butler.

“What happened? You looked pale,” Diana said concerned, noticing that Alex had never looked this anxious in front of her before. Earlier, they were having a discussion about the terms of her successful treatment and he looked confident and laid back. But now, he looks so worried and nervous.

“I’m in the greatest pinch of my life, Diana. Remember what we discussed earlier about us taking Manchuria? The Yamato Empire has found that out and is now taking positions in the Yellow Sea and mobilizing its army stationed in the Kingdom of Choson. For now, we are watching closely on the situation. They’ll brief me until they know more,”

“Wait…is this intel of yours validated? How certain are you that the Yamato Empire will invade the Han Dynasty?”-.

Alexander took a deep breath, closing his eyes and then exhaling deeply, “75 percent.”

“75 percent?” Diana repeated.

“We have actionable intelligence as to why the invasion of the Han Dynasty is likely. What time is it in Yamato? four o’clock in the morning? Why is the Yamato Empire flexing their muscles in the Yellow Sea so early that one wouldn’t be able to see a goddamn whale in the water around 50 meters from their surface ships? What’s with the sudden movement of the troops? Do you know what I think about this scenario? I think they are preparing for a pre-emptive strike against the Han Dynasty.”

Diana pursed her lips as she thought about Alex’s hypothesis. From a strategic perspective, Alexander’s logic made sense. There is just reason for the Yamato fleet to be in the Yellow Sea not unless it’s planning something that could disrupt the peace in the area. Now, truth be told, this doesn’t concern the Britannia Empire since the Far East has not been their interest except for Ruthenia expanding in the region.

If the Yamato Empire were to invade the Han Dynasty, this would reduce the amount of influence Ruthenia had on the region, thus completing the imperative goals of the Britannia Empire, making the Yamato Empire a regional power in the process. In short, this is beneficial to the Britannia Empire.

However, with the prospect of Ruthenia becoming a great power in the coming years, losing the confidence of Ruthenia is something she, as the future Queen, couldn’t afford. So, the only best option for her is to maintain peace in the region.

“How do you plan to deal with this matter, Alexander?” Diana asked, looking up to Alexander with an expectant face.

“My main priority here is to de-escalate the situation. The Han Dynasty has deemed the presence of the Yamato’s fleet and troops near their borders a threat and they’ll be within their right to respond accordingly. The Han Dynasty and the Yamato Empire fought against each other 27 years ago. The odds of the Han Dynasty winning against the Yamato Empire who have technological superiority is overwhelmingly slim,” Alexander said and continued. “War is a signifier…Diana. It creates expectations of protracted involvement and loss of life, innocent lives are at stake because of something we’ve done. I need your help.”

With Alexander’s sincere and pleading gaze, Diana knew there wasn’t much else to say. She nodded slowly, “Alright. When is the Yamato ambassador due to arrive?” she asked.

“Fifteen minutes, Diana,” Alexander answered.

“Okay, let’s prepare then.”

Two minutes before the meeting with the Yamato ambassador started, Alexander made a quick sidebar and contacted the Winter Palace.

“Brother…where are you? I thought you’re coming back home today?” Christina said through the phone.

Alexander rubbed the temples of his head and his eyes before answering “There was an emergency situation that required my immediate attention. But don’t worry, I’ll go home as soon as my meeting here ends. What are they doing?”

“Sophie and Anastasia are at the palace’s garden drinking tea and stargazing while Tiffa is at her room, studying,”

“Is that so?” Alexander felt a relief wash over him after knowing what was happening and his stress eased slightly. “That’s great, I would love to see that…”

As Alexander was having a conversation with Christina, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Alexander turned to see none other than the Minister of Foreign Affairs himself.

“Your Majesty, the ambassador of the Yamato Empire has arrived,” notified Sergei.

Alexander nodded in acknowledgment before returning to his telephone conversation with Christina.

“I gotta go, Christina. I’m going to see you four later, okay?” Alexander promised.

“Sure thing. Take care, brother!” Christina softly replied as she heard the line disconnected and Alexander went silent.

He put the telephone down on the table before turning to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“Sergei, if you want to make up for your mistake, I’m gonna need you to do something for me in case a diplomatic approach fails,” Alexander said with a serious expression on his face.

“Of course, Your Majesty. Anything. Anything in my power to assist you,” said Sergei, relieved that Alexander was willing to give him another chance.

Alexander beckoned him to come closer so that no unwanted ears could hear them…He then proceeded to lay out his contingency plan to Sergei whose eyes widened at his plan.

“Your Majesty…are you sure about this?”

“I’m afraid this is the only thing that could derail the Yamato Empire. They say if you want peace, prepare for war. But to me, if you want peace, be ready to pay a price,” Alexander said as he adjusted his necktie and headed to the meeting room where Diana and the Yamato ambassador were waiting.

“Sorry for keeping you waiting,” said Alexander once he entered the room.

The ambassador to Yamato is a short middle-aged man dressed in a dark western suit with a tie, wearing a pair of round glasses made with tortoiseshell. His combed slick black hair contrasted with Alexander’s brunette and Diana’s dark grey.

The man stood up and offers his hand to shake as per the protocol of diplomatic manners.

Alexander gets to his side of the negotiation with Diana who proceeds to be shaken first.

And then Alexander did something the Yamato didn’t quite expect.

Alexander, honed from the experience of many business meetings with Japanese investors, clients, and CEO’s as Thomas back on earth, gave a proper Yamato Keirei bow at 30 degrees.

This gesture caused Diana to raise an eyebrow, but it completely throws off the expectations of the Yamato man. The ambassador recovers quickly and returns the bow to Alexander, who then offers his hand to shake.

With the handshake done, both parties took their seats.

Settled in, Alexander spoke.

“Why don’t we get started?”


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