Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 66 A Request

Alexander’s office.

“Christina, Sophie. Does Princess Diana Rosemary Edinburgh, the heir apparent of the Britannia Empire ring a bell?” Alexander asked, glancing at Christina and Sophie who were sitting on a chair across his desk.

“I know her!” Sophie raised her hand excitedly. The moment she got Alexander’s attention, she placed her raised hand on her chest and then continued. “She’s my childhood friend. My family often visits Brittania. Why do you ask, Alex?” Sophie tilted her head to the side slightly with a curious look.

Alexander didn’t answer, instead, he shifted his gaze to Christina. “Christina, do you know her?”

“Well, I met her ten years ago at King Charles IV of Britannia Empire’s birthday celebration. I can say with full confidence that we’re close friends. I assume that you know her as well, Alexander because you picked on her with your silly tricks when we were there,” Christina said, smirking. She knew Alexander wasn’t going to lie about this.

Alexander scoffed but didn’t deny it. He clearly remembers that Alexander and Diana had a feud with each other.

“Why do you ask, Alex?” Sophie reiterated her question.

“I had a call earlier from the ambassador of the Britannia Empire. They say that Princess Diana has tuberculosis and is begging for me to treat her with the streptomycin I synthesized to cure Anastasia,” Alexander explained.-.

His explanation was met with a worried gasp from the two of them.

“I never knew about this,” Sophie said, biting her nails. While Christina nodded somberly.

Alexander can clearly see that they are both concerned, so he decided to explain some things.

“I was asked to come to the Britannia Empire to cure her.  But I rejected,” Alexander said.

“Why?!” Sophie exclaimed, raising her voice in shock.

“Because I have tons of work to do,  which requires my attention. I can’t afford another state visit right now. That’s why I rejected it. But it doesn’t mean that I’m not going to treat her,”

“Uhm…brother…can you please get to the point?” Christina said while tapping her foot impatiently.

“Sorry I’ll tell you now…” Alexander cleared his throat before continuing. “I told the ambassador that I’m willing to treat her if Princess Diana is to come here instead. But I don’t have a lot of free time to entertain a guest right now so I’m kinda hoping that you two should be the ones to accommodate her during her stay here in St. Petersburg. She’ll arrive in five days,” Alexander concluded.

Sophie and Christina nodded in understanding.

“I understand, Alex,” Sophie placed a hand on her ample bosom as she bowed her head with a lovely smile.

“Is she going to stay in the Winter Palace?” Christina inquired.

“No, she’ll stay at Peterhof Palace. I’ve already notified the maids and the manservants working there. Doctor Dmitri Semenov, Ana’s royal doctor, will be staying there as well to monitor Princess Diana. Also…you can bring Tiffania and Anastasia with you to travel around the Capital. If you plan to do so, let me know, I’ll notify the Imperial Guards and the police to ensure your safety,” Alexander finished.

Both girls nodded their heads in response. After he finished briefing the two of them, Alexander stood up and pat Christina on the head, caressing it affectionately. While Sophie received a peck on the cheek, making them blush adoringly.

“I have to return to work now. You may go now. I’ll see you at dinner,” Alexander said, gesturing the both of them out of his office.

Sophie gave him one last hug, whispering a “thank you” in his ear. After giving her fiance a hug goodbye, the two left. Alexander watched over them as they made their way to the exit. The moment the door closed, Alexander returned to his work.

He grabbed a pen and started writing on paper. The work he is doing right now is not a matter of national security or administrative work, it’s a personal work that will transform Ruthenian’s manufacturing industry.

Yesterday, he had just finished the code for his CNC machine that he’ll introduce to all manufacturing industries of the Ruthenia Empire. Alexander believed that with this machine, more units could be produced with great precision without human intervention. He planned to introduce robotic arms as well to speed up the production of goods.

The first CNC machine he created in this world will be different from the first one that was introduced in his past world. It’ll be digital, efficient, reliable, and faster thanks to the utilization of a semiconductor. He also planned to create more variants for different purposes and the great thing about it is that they are run by one programming language, which is the program he coded. He calls it T-code and A-code. “T” stands for Thomas, which is the equivalent of a G-code. while A-code stands for Alexander, which is the equivalent of M-code.

Although the machine can’t be mass produced yet because there was no factory in Ruthenia designed to create it. So another thing to add on his list.

The silicon that he used to make the first integrated circuit through semiconductor fabrication and its individual components via the planar process is extracted by the reduction process. Although small, it was still enough for him to create a prototype.

Now to introduce it to the world, Alexander will have to design a factory that is compatible with producing it. There was a software called “factory design” in his original world. Normally, he’ll design the environment, the hardware moving in it, and the assembly lines but in this world, he’ll have to draw it by hand. After all, desktop computers haven’t been invented yet.

Engrossed in his work, the telephone on his desk rang, snapping him out of his thoughts.

With a slight frown, Alexander took his phone in his hands and answered it.

“Your Majesty!” A voice rang from the other end of the line.

The voice is from Philip Ainsworth. Alexander’s director for the Imperial Dynamic Systems Electronics Division.

“Philip…how have you been, enjoying Moskva yet?”

“Before I continue, Your Majesty. I would like to express my heartfelt joy of hearing your voice again. I was worried when I heard the news but it seems that you’re fine now,”

Alexander chuckled “Thanks, Philip. Anyways why did you call, I’m kind of busy here at the moment,”

“Is that so, Your Majesty? Well, then I’ll make this quick. We’ve acquired the factory that will serve as the manufacturing plant for the television. It’ll take 4 months of refurbishments and another 4 months to train the employees and the broadcasting team. In summary, the date for the television debut will be in 10 months,” Philip reported.

“10 months?” Alexander repeated as he pursed his lips. “That will do, thank you Philip for notifying me. Keep up the good work,”

“You’re welcome, Your Majesty. I’ll contact you if something comes up.” Philip ended the conversation and then hung up the phone.

Ending the call, Alexander grabbed another file from his table. It was for the Imperial Ruthenia Armed Forces, their new training regimen. He also grabbed another, it was the procurement program for the Army, Navy, and the Air Force.

Picking up this file, Alexander remembered something important.

“Shit…” Alexander muttered, looking at his wristwatch.

He has an appointment in the General Staff Building to discuss these new systems. In addition, Alexander will present a new design for their new battle tanks, aircraft, and warships he painstakingly designed during one of his free time.

“I need to go…”


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