Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 61 I Will Have You as My Dinner

Back at the winter palace, Sophie was lying on her bed, reading romance novels with her cheeks blushing and a silly grin on her face. She was in a state of euphoria and it felt nice to be this carefree for once. It’d been four months since she and Alexander were engaged and things were going pretty smoothly, but there was one problem… Well, no. Actually, may be one problem.

Sophie’s thoughts trailed off as she remembered the time when she thought to herself that she wasn’t qualified to be his woman. After all, she doesn’t have romantic experiences because of her sheltered nature. But there was one time when she took matters into her own hands by doing what couples do, making love to one another. However, after such a euphoric act, she wasn’t still feeling happy or fulfilled, because deep down, she still had doubts about her being worthy of his bride. Alexander is a slave to his duties and responsibilities and there are times when they won’t get the chance to talk to one another. She always wanted to know if he really loved her; if what they experienced or vowed at one another was real and not just fake like she believed it to be despite Alexander’s assurances.

As much as she wanted to find that out, Sophie couldn’t just barge into his office and ask silly questions. Alexander is the future emperor of the Ruthenia Empire. Though not formally crowned, Alexander is the head of state, where he works around the clock to revitalize the empire.

That’s why she’s reading a romance novel, hoping she could find tactics that could help her make a man feel loved by their woman without resorting to illicit acts. And by golly, she found a scene in the book that could make any man’s heart flutter!

After a couple pages of reading, memorizing, and studying the main heroine’s action Sophie stopped midway as she heard a voice coming from outside her room. She immediately put her book back under her pillow before she got up and headed toward the door.

Opening the door, Sophie saw Christina who was smiling adorably at her.

“Sophie…my brother has just returned from his trip. I’ve already asked the cook to prepare his favorite snack and drink. So whatever plan you’ve just concocted, this is your perfect chance!”

Sophie’s face lit up with joy, grabbing her hand and clasping it on her lips. Her expression was so pure as she looked at her beloved sister-in-law. “I knew I could count on you…Christie!”

“Well…I also want to make my brother feel at ease. He’s been working too hard. He deserved to be pampered,” Christina said as she smiled back at Sophie.

“Don’t worry Christie…I’ll do everything I can to help him relax and unwind,” Sophie assured.

Sophie walked carefully along the gilded hallway with a tray of food in her hands. She had made sure to dress nicely today; wearing one of her white silk dresses with that goes above her knee that highlights her slender legs. This is one thing she learned after reading the romance novel.

She finally reached the door to Alexander’s office and opened it softly. She peeked inside before entering.-.

As usual, the first thing that she saw was a mountain of paperwork. In between the mountain of paper, which looked as though it was going to fall over, was Alexander, who was on the telephone, talking to someone.

She can hear his voice from the door.

“Yes, King Licht, this is a historic moment…Our trade delegation is looking forward to meeting with you in Vienna to discuss ways of improving our bilateral relations…Yeah…We all hope for that, sir. Okay, thank you.”

Alexander hung up his phone and sighed as he looked over the stack of papers with droopy eyes. It will be a lot of work but nevertheless, he proceeded.

Just outside his office was Sophie, who began to rethink her approach. This might not be a good time for her to intrude.

“Maybe next time…I guess,” Sophie said somberly.

But as she decided to give up on her plan, her name was suddenly called out.

“Sophie…is that you?” Alexander had noticed her presence in a slightly ajar door as he was trying to sort through some documents.

“Hey, Alex!” Sophie let out an embarrassed chuckle. “I came to bring you your dinner…” Sophie replied as she held the tray with food and entered his room.

Alexander looked at the tray and his face lightened up instantly. “Really? Thanks…I could really use some. Just placed it over that table.”

Alexander pointed toward the desk. As soon as Sophie placed the tray down, Alexander grabbed one cookie immediately, stuffing half of it into his mouth. “This tastes great!” he exclaimed happily.

Sophie smiled at his response. “You’re welcome.” Sophie giggled lightly and then the room went silent…or rather…awkward.

Alexander returned to his work, engrossed in whatever he was writing. It seems like he was trying to finish as soon as possible.

“Uhm…you notice something different about me?” Sophie said, twirling a strand of her long golden hair in between her fingers.

Alexander’s head shot up and noticed her outfit, it was a rather fitting white silk dress that accentuates her curves and reaches down slightly above her knees. The dress was sleeveless and the hemline barely covers her legs. Her makeup was minimal yet still looks elegant.

Yeah…she looked wonderful in that dress…unfortunately, he has a lot of work to do.

“It’s nice…” Alexander commented simply, returning back to his work.

It wasn’t the response Sophie was expecting but it’s okay. This is just the first phase.

“Uhm…mind if I stay in your office for a little bit?” Sophie asked.

“You sure?… You might get bored watching me work…”

“It’s okay…It’s the reason why I came here anyway,” Sophie said softly.

“Well…suit yourself,” Alexander responded casually.

Sophie nodded in appreciation before sitting comfortably on one of the leather chairs. A minute later she called out to Alexander.

“That seems like a lot of papers to work on…why don’t you take a little break? You shouldn’t push yourself too hard,” Sophie suggested.

If Alexander were to accept her suggestion, she would surely have the chance to pamper him. However…

“Sorry…but this can’t be delayed,” Alexander said.

“Eh? What are you working on perhaps…” Sophie stammered bashfully.

“Well…I have to look over the military spending bill and domestic and foreign policy initiatives. Not to mention I have reorganized the Ruthenian Armed Forces so I’ll have to draft new training standards for maximum efficiency and not to mention, sifting through hundreds of potential judicial nominees for the Supreme Court to look into the unresolved case in a current docket. Without a court to adjudicate the new laws of the Empire we are a broken government…”

Sophie was dumbfounded as she listened to Alexander’s explanation. What’s worse, she didn’t even understand half of what he was saying. Still…Alex is amazing! He’s brilliant and knowledgeable. However…a little break won’t hurt, right? Well, it doesn’t matter, she can still pamper him while working.

Sophie walked over behind him and began playing with his hair, gently caressing it.

“What are you doing Sophie?” Alexander asked.

“Don’t mind me…just focus on your job,” Sophie said.

She tapped Alexander’s right shoulder, causing him to glance over his right, only to see nothing.

“Hehehe…” Sophie grinned, she was on the other side.

Alexander sighed “Sophie…I’m in the middle of something…stop messing with me.”

“…” Sophie pouted and decided to take rather bold action.


Sophie suddenly sat on his lap.

“Sophie…what are you…?”

“Don’t mind me…” Sophie whispered as she snuggled her nose against Alexander’s neck.

“I can’t work like this…”

Alexander placed his arm under her shoulder and knee and lifted her up like a princess. But Sophie didn’t seem to mind. Instead, she wrapped her arms tightly around Alexander’s neck as he carried her across the room.

She pressed her face against the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent. Then she leaned back and smiled, gazing at him adoringly.

“…You smell nice…” Sophie said quietly.

But…Alexander ignored her sweet words as he placed her down on a sofa and returned to his desk.

“Look, Sophie, I don’t know if you understand my situation here. I’m in the middle of my work right now. If you bother me again…I will ignore you,” His words were like a dagger to her heart.

Sophie pouted. How could he say such mean things when she did nothing to provoke him? He’s treating her like a nuisance. Of course, Sophie knows his work is important and that’s precisely why she’s trying to help him relax.

Well…if that’s the case…there’s no turning back now. She’s going to do it.

Sophie stood and walked over to him again and embraced him from behind. And then she planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

Just as Alexander told her earlier, he was going to ignore her, and so he did. As a result, Sophie ended up watching him work until he was done.

One hour later.

“Phew! I’m done…I’m ready now, Sophie.” Alexander announced, stretching his arms.

“No…I’m done!” Sophie averted her gaze away from him as she heard his words.

“Huh?” Alexander said confused. “Why?”

“Because,” Sophie muttered bitterly. “…it is obvious that you hate me. I don’t want to disturb you any further.”

“Huh? You think you can get away with bothering someone while they are working, and then just blow them off after they’re done?”

Sophie jolted as she noticed Alexander was standing behind her.

Alexander pushed her down on the sofa and straddled her, trapping her between him and the backrest as he continued staring at her, his face was close that Sophie could feel his warm breath kissing her cheeks.

“I won’t let you go unpunished…I know the reason why you came here…Dressed in that outfit, it’s obvious that we both know where this is going…” Alexander murmured seductively as his lips moved closer to her lips.

“…Ngh…what are…saying…Alex?” Sophie chuckled nervously.

“Don’t make me say it…you know what it is…In fact, you’re imagining it right now,” Alexander replied teasingly. “I will have you as my dinner.”


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