Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 43 Good Mood

On their way back to the Winter Palace, Alexander was tapping at the windowsill of his car as his mind wander beyond the life of the original Alexander.

The way the girl reacted the moment he saw his face was something that piqued his interest. It was a reaction that told him that the two were acquaintances. Though Alexander couldn’t remember clearly how, where, and when they contacted one another.

As he continue tapping his fingers on the windowsill, Rolan, who was driving the state car, couldn’t help but ask about this current predicament.

“Is something troubling your mind sir?” He asked with his eyes fixed on the road.

“The girl that we saved earlier, she looked familiar but I can’t remember any details resembling her in my mind…” Alexander replied, his eyes gazing through the window, watching the snowy scenery passing by.

“Do you want me to look up her identity when I arrive at the police station?”

“No it’s fine…don’t bother. It’s just me rambling out my thoughts.”

“Okay, then sir.”

“You know what…a name would do…maybe I can remember her once I remember her name.”


The two remained silent as they continue their journey toward the Winter Palace.

As they arrived at the Winter Palace, Rolan exited the vehicle, walk around the car, and opened the door for Alexander.

Alexander straightened up his coat as he stepped out of the vehicle. He faced Rolan who closed the door as he leave.

“Thank you, Rolan, I think I’ll be safe here,” Alexander said, returning the revolver to Rolan.-.

“I’ll be back once I give my report to the police,” Rolan said, grabbing the gun from Alexander.

“Okay be careful on your way there.”

“Thank you, sir.” Rolan

Alexander nodded his head and Rolan walked back to the driver’s seat and drove away.

Alexander stopped in front of the main door, found two imperial guards, and opened the door for him. A moment after, a young lady with a height of 149 centimeters and a tall blonde-haired woman appeared from the other side.

“Welcome home dear brother!”

“Welcome home dear.”

It was Anastasia and Sophie. Are they perhaps waiting for him all along?

Alexander smiled as he knelt down to receive Ana’s embrace, receiving her warm welcome affectionately.

Sophie was the next one to give her a nice welcome…however, the two don’t know whether they are going to kiss or hug. They haven’t set up a lover’s greeting yet so it went awkward.

Alexander was going for the kiss on the cheek while Sophie for the hug.

After a brief stare down between the two, they went for a kiss on the cheek.

“Welcome home Alexander. How was your trip?”

“Hmm…it was productive, I guess.”

After exchanging brief words at one another, Alexander’s eyes flickered to Ana, who was watching them since.

“Where are your sisters Ana?”

“Sister Christina is having her portrait drawn while sister Tiffania is at her tutor session,” Ana enthusiastically answered.

So both of them are occupied huh? Alexander thought to himself.

“Very well…”

“Uhm…Alexander…” Sophie called, tugging his sleeves gently.

“Hmm?” Alexander hummed as his eyes flickered back to Sophie.

“Ah…there’s someone who wants to meet you. They say they have an appointment with you. They also said they are the prospectors that you called.”

“Ah! I remember them. Thank you for notifying me, Soph…I mean dear.”

Sophie’s cheeks blushed, her eyes twinkled and her lips slightly pursed. “I-it’s n-no p-problem.”

“Let’s go meet them…”

As Alexander was about to head to his office, Ana grabbed him by the hand, stopping him from his track.

“No, you can’t brother! Doctor Dmitri said he has something to tell to you!”

“Dmitri? Your royal doctor?”

“Yes, brother! He said he has some good news!” Ana’s eyes lit up with excitement. It’s probably about her condition getting good from the medicine his brother created for her.

“Fine fine…I’ll meet with your doctor first,”

“Mind if I tag alone…Alex?” Sophie asked.

“I see no problem with it.”

Alexander slowly began walking as Sophie quickly followed behind, trailed by Ana.

Arriving at the door of the royal doctor’s office. Alexander knocked.

Alexander could hear hurried footsteps pacing across the floor.

The door was opened where the doctor stood before him.

“Ah! Your Majesty! I’ve been waiting for you.”

“My lovely sister here said that you have good news for me?”

Alexander asked as he stepped into the office. Ana followed while Sophie stood outside the door for a moment as her eyes wandered around the room. Then entered.

“I do…I do.”

Dmitri walked over to the table and pulled out the chair. “Please sit down.”

Alexander take his seat and went straight to business.

“So what do you want to tell me.”

“It’s kind of short…Your Majesty…what I want to tell you is…your sister is cured!” Dmitri announced with a jovial smile.

Alexander’s eyes widened and his eyes began shining. His fists clenched tightly as a smile emerged on his face.

“Oh…That’s amazing…” Alexander doesn’t know what is the appropriate way to react. He just saves Ana, one of the wishes of the original Alexander. “I’m glad.”

“It was quite indeed, sir. She tested negative in tuberculin skin test and blood test for tuberculosis. She’s cured sir…with the medicine you created.”

Sophie gasped softly from behind. So Christina is telling her the truth that Alexander was the one who created a cure for Ana. A smile appeared on her face as she finds it endearing.

“That’s amazing brother! You’ve done it!” Ana shouted proudly as she hugged her brother.

Alexander hugged her back, his eyes were glistening with tears of joy, but he was confident that he can control himself and he won’t shed them.

“The streptomycin and isoniazid you synthesized are truly effective against tuberculosis! Your Majesty, this could potentially save hundreds of lives…you just gave hope to those people…”

Alexander was humbled by his words. It was indeed one of his plans in the first place, that if the cure was effective, he’ll share it with the world. He wanted the people who are suffering from the disease they considered a death sentence a chance.

“I know…I know…That’s why I’m now giving you permission to publish the paper about streptomycin, let the world know that the prince of the Ruthenia Empire just created a cure for a deadly disease.” He haughtily declared. Of course, this cure could also be used for political purposes, his image and reputation would skyrocket if the Ruthenian populace find out that their new emperor is a prodigy.

“Of course sir! With these discoveries sir…you can even win a Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology.”

Alexander chuckled at the thought. Him? Getting a Nobel Prize in this world? Good thing that this happened in another world different from him or else he’ll be ashamed of himself since he just used the process and manufacturing created by Doctor Selman Walksman.

After a short talk about the good news, Sophie guided Alexander to his office where the prospectors are waiting for him.

Along the way, Sophie initiated a conversation.

“You were amazing, Alex.”

Alexander scoffed proudly. “Didn’t I tell you that I’m an excellent engineer?”

“Huh?” Sophie was lost there. “How did an engineer create a medicine that no doctor in the world could achieve?”

“Well, I’m a very versatile engineer.”

“Hmm…” Sophie pouted.

Alexander could hear her cute humming noise coming out of her mouth. He chuckled softly.

“I’m serious, I’m really impressed by what you did, Alex.” Sophie complimented again.

Alexander halted his step and looked at her. “Thank you, dear…”

Silent fell between them.

“Oh…looks like I’ve arrived in my office,” Alexander breaks the ice. “Thank you, I’ll take it from here.”

After saying that, Alexander entered his office, leaving Sophie outside who muttered. “You really are a mysterious person…Alex.”

At his office, Alexander strode over to his desk, ignoring the prospectors who were standing and bowing.

“Let’s get down to business. I’m quite in a happy mood today so let’s this quick.” Alexander took a grip of a drawing tube under his desk. He opened it and unfurled it over his table.

The prospectors looked at the table, it was a world map with red marks on some specific regions.

“I want your team to prospect oil in this region,” Alexander pointed at the map, it was the Timan Ridge, West Siberian Region, the Caucasus Region, North Caspian Basin, Middle Caspian Basin, Azov-Kuban Basin, Dnieper Donets Basin, Volga Ural Region, Baltic Depression, Pripyat Basin, and North Sakhalin Basin.

The part that he just pointed out on the map is the well-known oil reserves in his world, assuming that the geography is the same as here, the prospectors would find oil there. He’s certain of it.


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