Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 41 Withdrawing Money for a New Business

The snowflakes outside the Winter Palace gradually slow down in their descent to the ground, falling on Alexander’s shoulders and atop his Ushanka fur hat.

The Winter Palace and the surrounding area were covered in silence. The only source of the noise was the engine of his state care that stopped in front of him.

One of the imperial guards opened the door for him. Alexander stepped forward, entering the vehicle as a small smile graced his face. Once he was seated inside, the car began moving towards the St. Petersburg Central Bank.

Rolan, who was in the driver’s seat, asked Alexander who was peering through the window, enjoying the white scenery.

“Sir, may I ask the reason why you want to visit the Central Bank?”

“It’s a personal business that I’ve been thinking of months ago.”

“Personal business huh? Well sir a piece of advice, when you are planning to visit a place, please tell me in advance. I can’t have my men scout the roads we’ll be taking in just short notice. Especially when the trip is covert.”

“I can’t afford to draw unwanted attention, Rolan, specifically for this trip. As I’ve just said, it’s personal. We go to the bank and leave the bank. Easy as that.”

Rolan let a white misty smoke out of his mouth as he sighed. Alexander could never understand the danger he was in, especially when the Black Hand terrorist group are still active.

“Okay sir, but please promise me that in the future, you’ll tell me in advance,”

Alexander simply nodded as he acknowledged Rolan’s reminder. He understands why he has to take this seriously as it is his job to protect him from any unwanted threats lurking around the capital.

Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at the Central Bank. Before stepping out of the vehicle, Rolan turned around and face Alexander and handed him something.

Alexander arched a brow upon seeing the item in his hand. It was a revolver.-.

“This is a precautionary measure, sir,” Rolan said, motioning Alexander to grab the revolver from his hand.

Alexander slowly reached out to the gun and grabbed it.

“Why do I need this?” Alexander asked while looking at the revolver.

“Because sir there’s only the two of us. I believe that you know how to use it right? The shooting skill that you displayed during our visit to the naval base shows that I can trust you carrying that.”

“I understand,” Alexander nodded, putting the gun inside his trench coat.

“And also stay close to me sir. Who knows what danger is lurking around here. I didn’t have the time to scout the perimeter to assess for a potential threat. You know the drill, sir.”

“I know, I know…I’ll keep myself close to you at all times,” Alexander said.

“Okay then, let’s go inside sir,”

Alexander nodded in agreement and got out of the vehicle after the short brief.

Looming over them was a neoclassical building, this was the Central Bank of St. Petersburg. Underneath it was a vault that contains the riches of the Romanoff family.

Alexander and Rolan walked inside the bank.

There weren’t a lot of people inside the bank, making it a convenient time for the both of them knowing that they won’t spend more time waiting in line.

“Welcome gentleman to the St. Petersburg Central Bank. How may I help you?” The receptionist immediately stood up from his seat and greeted him.

“I want to speak to the bank manager. Is he available?”

“Yes sir…may I know the purpose of your visitation?”

Alexander grabbed something from his pocket and slid it over to his desk.

The receptionist glanced at the paper and upon looking at it, his eyes widened in shock.

It was the royal seal of the Romanoff Family. The receptionist rubbed his eyes and look once again at the paper and at the man in front of him.

It was the imperial prince, the new Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire.

Realizing his identity, the receptionist immediately bowed.

“Yo-Your Majesty! Please forgive me for not recognizing your presence immediately. I’m deeply sorry for my rudeness Your Majesty.”

“It’s alright, I just want to speak with the bank manager,” Alexander said.

“Your Majesty, please follow me.”

The receptionist led Alexander and Rolan to one of the elevators that were near their position. The three of them entered it and went up to the top floor where the bank manager’s office is located.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the entrance of the bank manager’s office. The receptionist told the two to wait outside before entering the office.

“Sir, the Imperial Prince of Ruthenia Empire wished for an audience with you,”

“The Imperial Prince?!” The bank manager, who was sitting in his office, stood up from his seat as he heard the receptionist’s statement. “Then why are you keeping them outside? Let them in.”

“Ye…yes sir!” The receptionist stammered out a response and notified the two that they can enter.

Alexander and Rolan entered his office and removed their ushanka.

The bank manager bowed his head and speak. “Your Imperial Highness, I’m honored by your presence here in my bank. How can I help you?”

“I would like to make a withdrawal,” Alexander answered.

“Do you have the keys, sire?”

“I do…” Alexander pulled three gilded keys out of his pocket and showed them to the bank manager.

Seeing that, the bank manager nodded. “Please follow me, sir.”

The bank manager led them to the underground floor of the Central Bank, where a thick metal vault is located.

“May I borrow the keys, sir?” The bank manager asked.

Alexander took out the key that he showed to him earlier and handed it to him.

The banker carefully inserted the keys into the three keyholes in one of the hundreds of steel boxes, which made a slight clicking sound.

Inside those metal, the box was a piece of paper containing a combination number that will open the vault.

The manager then proceeded to open the vault using the numbers shown on the paper. Seconds later, the vault made a loud sound as it was unlocked and the thick metal door opened.

Alexander and Rolan looked on in awe as they saw the amount of gold in the vault that stretches further inside as if there was no end.

The three entered the vault and walked further inside. On every side, there’s a pallet of gold bullions, glimmering brightly against the dim light of the room.

Alexander couldn’t help but admire the magnificent sight in front of him. His heartbeat was faster with each passing moment. With these assets, Alexander could build factories and materials needed for his future inventions.

“How many tons of gold do I have here?” Alexander glanced at the manager.

“All in all, 3,000 tons, sir,” the manager answered.

“3,000 tons of gold?!” Alexander’s jaw dropped, surprised at the overwhelming wealth of the Romanoff family.

He quickly performed a mental calculation to figure out its worth. It would be 162 billion dollars in today’s money, an enormous sum of money for this time. This is only the gold of the Romanoff family and is different from the Ruthenia’s Empire gold reserves.

But he knew better that he can’t just withdraw all of that. He’ll just take the amount he needs to commence his long-term plan.

“What’s your name, sir? It’ll be weird if I call you bank manager.” Alexander glanced at the bank manager.

“My name is Pavel, sir.”

“Well Pavel, it seems like you’re going to work twice as hard as I’ll be withdrawing 30 percent of it…for now.”

“I will prepare the necessary documents right away sir, and shall have the account manager here to sign them within the next hour or so,” Pavel said, bowing.

“I appreciate that,” Alexander responded smilingly. The moment Pavel stepped out of the vault to carry out his work, Rolan walked up to Alexander.

“Sir…just curious. What will you do with that enormous amount of money?”

“I’ll be starting company, Rolan. It’s a waste to keep them in here and not use it, don’t you think?”

“A company? What kind of company do you have in mind? Is this something that you’ve planned before?” Rolan asked, intrigued.

Alexander thought about it for a second before answering. “Hmm…yes. I’m planning on entering the electronics, automobiles, and oil industry. They generate a lot of money.”

Rolan let out a gasp and added another question. “Do you already have a name for your company sir?”

Alexander hummed in thought. He haven’t thought of a name yet for his company yet. It’ll be stupid to name his company similar to his company from his past life. So he thinks of a new one.

A name came up in his mind.

“The name of my company will be…Dynamic Systems.”


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