Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 39 Everlasting Mark

[Kirov reporting, mature content detected, proceed with caution.]

Alexander arrived at the special dining hall exclusively prepared for the royal couple.

Upon gracing the imperial guard with his presence to serve as his entrance, Alexander adjusted his three-piece suit and sauntered further into the glamorous hall lit by extravagant lights iced with crystals that shone radiantly, making the hall glowed.

Stepping further, the gentle melodic jazz produced by the musicians at the far back corner of the hall.

He spotted his fiancée alone in the middle of the room, sitting by a table.

The blonde Bavarian beauty is currently enjoying the jazz music with a glass of wine, sipping it and tapping her feet along the tune. She wore a white silk dress that was made by the best fashion designer in the world, the Sardegna Empire. It’s very thin, thin enough to be transparent if she moves in the right direction. She wore a white necklace in the center, making her look more elegant and refined.

His breath caught in his throat.

She looks every bit like a princess out of a storybook.

She looks perfect.

Her beauty and grace can be compared to that of a goddess.

She spotted him from afar and waved at him with a welcoming smile.

Alexander walked slowly toward her and handed him the bouquet of roses.

Sophie accepted them happily and sniffed the petals of the flower. Her face flushed a light shade of pink.

“Thank you…” she said softly.

“You’re welcome.”

They sat together at the edge of the table and enjoyed the warm and lovely scenery around them.

Food has already been served on the table, Alexander looked at it and saw a perfectly grilled steak slathered with sauce. The aroma wafting from it filled his nostrils and he could feel a tingle running through his spine.

There was a bottle of wine and a crystal decanter beside it.

“So, how’s work, Alexander?”

Alexander’s eyes flickered to Sophie as he got asked a question. However, instead of looking at her face, he was distracted by the great bosom revealed by her silk dress. Isn’t her dress too revealing?-.


He cleared his throat. “Work is fine,” he replied nonchalantly as he averted his gaze away from her alluring chest.

She’s been wearing thick dresses and outfits since he met her. He has no idea that it was that great. He gulped inwardly, hoping that she didn’t notice that.


Alexander cocked his head to the side as he can’t help but be bothered by her melancholic expression. This day should be a moment to celebrate, it’s Christmas yet, she didn’t look happy.

“Is something the matter?” Alexander asked, noticing the long face in her with concern.

Sophie looked away for a moment and sighed.

Alexander could only feel his worry grow at the sound of Sophie’s sigh.

Did something happen when she’s alone? What could it be perhaps? He asked himself.

“You see…I’ve been watching over you…since the time…we…we…” she stammered bashfully, her face flushed red. “We kissed…” she finally let it out.

Alexander’s brows furrowed, confounded by her words.

“What do you mean?”

She continued. “Alexander…aren’t you working too much?”

Alexander finally understood where she is getting into.

“Every morning, you have a daily meeting with your ministers and in the afternoon you sort documents and papers and beyond that, you were either in your drafting room or having a meeting with some businessman. Earlier it was the former. I saw you drawing things I can’t understand and even though I can see a hint of frustration in your face, you were still engrossed in finishing it,” She added.

Alexander’s eyes widened. She’s watching him the whole time?

“Why do you have to work yourself too much that you don’t have time for yourself?”

Alexander smiled. “I’m fine.”

Sophie turned her eyes to him. “You’re not fine. You’re working way too much, it seems like you’re taking the burden of the whole world on your shoulders. Alexander, what you have to realize is that you can’t take everything on yourself. You have to delegate the tasks to others. You’re the king, after all, you cannot shoulder everything. You’re working like a machine.”

“Do I work like that?” Alexander let out a forced chuckle. It may be the case. The thing is he can’t delegate the task to others simply because they don’t know what to do with it. What he is doing is introducing a new concept that this world considered revolutionary. So he has no choice but to work thrice as hard.

“Could you imagine how worried I was when I saw you work late at night? Alexander…please, you don’t have to push yourself too far. Take it slow.”

Alexander sighed. She has a point, maybe he is doing things too fast and is working himself to death. Well, this is the only option he can see for the Ruthenia Empire to grow, but if he died before it was realized, then it will be all wasted efforts.

Alexander nodded. “Fine, I’ll take care of myself from this day forward,” he assured yet Sophie didn’t look entirely convinced.

“No, after our dinner, I want you to come with me.”

The dinner ended in a way he didn’t expect. Making him unable to give her the diamond ring he bought for her this Christmas, he’ll wait once things settled down.

“Where are you taking me?” Alexander can’t help but asked as they walked along the hallway.

Sophie didn’t respond to him and Alexander continued following her until they reached a certain door.

Alexander took a quick glance at it. It was very familiar.

“Isn’t this your bedroom?”

Sophie gazes down as she opened the doorknob, obviously giving him a cold shoulder.

The door creaked as it opens.

Sophie grabbed his arm and tugged him inside the room.

Alexander let out a startled gasp as he was taken into her room, Sophie locked the door behind them.

This is the first time he’s in her bedroom.

She released her grip from his arm and turned her body to face him.

“Uhm…Sophie? Why are we in your room?” Alexander asked, glancing around the room, avoiding eye contact.

Sophie ignored it and walked forward. Seeing that, Alexander walked a step back. However, she didn’t stop, she continued onwards until Alexander’s back hit the wall.

“Sophie…?” Alexander asked, feeling a little nervous.

Sophie leaned forward, her eyes fixed on his.

She shuffled a bit closer to him and he can feel his heart almost leaping out of his throat.

She’s so close! Close enough that she could kiss him if she stood on her tiptoes. He can feel her breath, her perfume, her warmth. His brain slowly processed what was happening before him.

“Say, Alexander…” She finally spoke, “Why don’t we sleep in the same room together for now?”

Alexander’s eyes widened, he stood dumbfounded at her proposal. Who knew that this girl would ask him that directly?

Her face was beet red and her eyes started to flicker away like a flame. Maybe it took a toll on her for saying that.


“Why? Aren’t we a couple? We are a couple yet we don’t act like one,” she said and continued. “So for this day…why don’t we do what couples do?”

“Huh?” Alexander couldn’t follow.

Having enough of his dense reaction, Sophie grabbed his right wrist and opened his hand, then pushed his palm up against her soft breast.

“What are you doing?” Alexander asked. He tried to pull away, but she pushed on the back of his hand.

“Just this once…Alexander. Let me comfort you…as your wife.”

Alexander could feel his face warming up and his heart beating faster. The thought of having sex made his shaft twitch.

“Are you sure about this?”

Sophie nodded bashfully, “This is my first time…so please be gentle.

She placed her hands on his shoulders and found his lips with hers.

She moaned softly as he breathed into her mouth. Alexander stood frozen as her tongue brushed against his lips, he opened his mouth and their tongues twirled around, exploring each other and sharing their saliva with each other.

He wrapped his arms around her waist as he felt his knees go weak.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed her soft kiss as he nibbled on her lower lip.

“Mmm…” He groaned. He gave in to the temptation and was tempted to do more as his eyes fell upon her slender neck.

She smelled so good, making him crave even more. His lips traced her neck from her soft flesh to her delicate, pale ear. He closed his eyes as he enjoyed her scent, making him feel more stimulated.

She gasped when he sucked on her earlobes.

“Ah…” She moaned. He sucked harder, making her bite her lower lip, her moan becoming louder and every time she let out that adorable sound, it made Alexander addicted to

While his lips is having her way, his hand slid down to the hem of her dress and crawled his finger inch by inch, tracing along the lines between her thighs. Sophie started to tremble, even more, her sweet moans turning deeper and more sensuous, sending a cold shiver down Alexander’s back.

Noticing that Sophie is squirming more and more, making her dress slide down her shoulders and having her breasts spill out from her dress, Alexander finally decided to spread the fabric away from her body.

She gasped when he cupped her breast and massaged it, each squeeze of his hand made her moan.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

“Ah…ah…” He heard her moan every time he sucked on her breasts.

Without hesitation, Alexander lifted her up and carried her to her bed. He gently lay her down, her hourglass figure splayed out on the bed was enough to set his mind ablaze.

Under the bright chandelier, her naked body, flushed in faintly cherry blossom pink, was revealed. The delicate line of her neck. Her slender, feminine arms. And, the part of her that seemed the most contrasting – her breasts was too tempting, enough to make his mind ablaze. He forgot to breathe at the wonderful sight.

“You really are beautiful.”

Sophie smiled shyly and lay down on the bed, her arms stretched toward him.

“Come closer…”

He dropped down beside her on the bed and kissed her vigorously, his hand went back to massaging her breasts.

He lowered his head and sucked on her chest, making her moan even louder than her head tilted up, her tongue lolling out of her mouth.

His hand slid down to her abdomen, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties and slid them down her hips.

“Ah…” She gasped when he slid her panties down her legs, exposing her womanhood to him.

This was it, a few more steps and they are going to do it. But is it okay to do it? Is it okay to go further than sensual kissing?

Alexander crawled atop of her, his eyes fixed firmly on hers.

“Sophie…” He breathed heavily, “I can’t hold it anymore…can we do it?”

“Yes.” She said as she nodded. “Please be gentle on me…this is my first time.”

With those words, he was triggered. He didn’t hesitate anymore he spread her legs wide and had his way with her. His lips locked on hers again, their tongues tangled to and fro, his hands stroking her body, her small moans spurring him on. They embraced each other strongly and deeply that nothing seemed clear anymore. Alexander lost all of his rationality as his carnal desire took over his body. Nothing is important to him now but to make her happy.

In the midst of their loving caresses, Alexander vowed to himself that he would not make her regret her decision of becoming his Queen.

In the morning, Alexander woke up to the sound of an alarm clock. His arm was wrapped around Sophie’s waist, and her smooth back felt soft and warm against his hands. She snuggled up closer to him.

He smiled as he leaned closer to her ear and whispered, “Good morning.”

Sophie smiled sleepily and whispered. “Good morning.”

“Is your body okay?”

“It still quite hurts. It might be hard to walk without feeling the pain. Alexander…you’re surprisingly brute. Even though I told you to be gentle…,”

“But…you could’ve told me to stop…right? I even asked you if you want me to stop but you shook your head,”

“W-Well…that’s partly true.”

She averted her eyes and looked embarrassed.

“Anyways, I’ll have to prepare for work now. Today is an important meeting with my ministers.”

As Alexander was about to stand up, Sophie grabbed him by the arm, stopping him.

“Wait,” she said, pulling him close and without hesitation, sucking his neck like a vampire.

Moments later, she pulled her lips away after planting a mark on his neck. She licked her lips and said. “There…a proof of our love…” she giggled.


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