Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 32 Introduction to Grand Scale Reforms

After the speech at the Imperial Council Headquarters, Alexander promptly returned to the Winter Palace along with his ministers.

Upon arrival, they were welcomed by his sisters, waiting by the door.

“Good afternoon, dear brother, has everything turned out well?” Christina stepped forward as he greeted his brother.

“Yeah, I was glad it did. Anyways, I have an urgent business to conduct, I’ll meet you all three at dinner. Where is Sophie by the way?”

“Ah…Miss Sophie is in her room, painting. She said she’ll come by your office when she’s done.” Christina replied.

“Is that so? Well tell her that I cannot be interrupted during work, we have a really important matter to discuss. Tell her that I’ll come by her room when I’m done…is that understood?”

“Understood, brother.”

“Okay…” Alexander patted them in the head lovingly one by one. Christina and Ana received them warmly, but when it was Tiffania’s turn, she flippantly swatted his hand away.

“I told you I don’t like you stroking my head…” Tiffania complained.

“You’re as prickly as ever Tiffania…” Alexander chuckled, giving up on the idea of patting her head.-.

Tiffania truly hated her brother for his past behavior, even though he has changed considerably, she still believes that he still got it inside him. She expected her brother to act more like a prince, not just some friendly guy in the neighborhood who doesn’t take his position too seriously.

To her, it is still hard to believe that her brother is the one who rules Ruthenia Empire, the whole thing seems too unreal to her. For her, he’s not ready. Her father hasn’t taught him how to act like one.

“Okay, see you my beautiful sisters later!”

Alexander proceeded to his office, and after closing the door behind him, he immediately went to his desk and pulled out one of the drawers. He grabbed a pile of documents and handed it to his council of ministers.

“Prime Minister Sergei, our lost in the Yamato Empire has lost us influence over the Kingdom of Choson.”

“I’m afraid so sire, while the other western power tightens their grip in the Kingdom of Choson, our influence over them is losing by the day…we had to pull out all our forces stationed in Busan and Hanseong and have them retreat back to Vladivostok.”

Alexander clicked his tongue as he glanced at each and one of his ministers. “Well, we underestimated the Yamato people for thinking they are barbarians and uncivilized. My father is to blame for pushing forward the war, even against the advice of our generals and the minister of war…”

“I believe we can still push our agenda in the Kingdom of Choson, Your Majesty. The Yamato Empire still fears us…”

Sergei might have a point on that. Though a lot of factors contributed to why the Ruthenia Empire lost to the Yamato Empire, it doesn’t mean they are weak militarily. If the conflict had occurred in the Europa continent, they would surely win, because most of the industrialized and modernized armies are stationed in the west. The Far East is not yet as modernized as the home front, the odds were against them. However, the Kingdom of Choson is still a strategic region nonetheless. Their neighbors from the north, the Han Dynasty has access to a lot of raw materials he can use to fuel the industry of the Ruthenia Empire, losing them is a blow to the face.

“Are you perhaps sir…regretting that we pulled off the Baltic Fleet?” Sergei trod carefully as he uttered those words. “There was a chance that we can win them but our Minister of War has gone soft…cowering from an uncertain future…”

Sergei’s words earned a disapproving look from the Minister of War.

“I’m not regretting anything Sergei,” Alexander said. “In fact, we should be grateful it’s not too late. I have received words that the Baltic Fleet is full of inexperienced sailors who haven’t seen actual combat. Risking that fleet would cause our position of power in Europa to collapse. It’s the reason why I ordered them to recall. I have plans for those ships but it will be on our next agenda, for now, open the documents I have handed to you.”

The ministers nodded and opened the document. In the paper, a letter reads “Infrastructure Bill Draft.”

They arched a brow after reading the first line. Before one of them raised their hands to clarify something, Alexander continued.

“It’s a bill that I wished to propose to the Imperial Council. This bill will help modernize the Ruthenia Empire…” Alexander explained and continued. “However, according to the constitution, I can’t propose laws so I was wondering if any one of you has a connection to some officials in the Imperial Council.”

“I do sir…don’t worry about it,” Sergei assured, raising his hand.

“Very well then. So let’s discuss this bill. I will explain the bill, if you have questions please keep them to yourself, I’ll answer once I conclude my presentation.”

The ministers nodded.

The bill was composed of seven hundred pages, Alexander started explaining to them about the bill. Since it’s long, let me summarize it for you.

The Infrastructure bill’s purpose is to modernize Ruthenia’s infrastructure nationwide through a series of construction projects. Fixing and rehabilitating roads, bridges, and railways, constructing new roads, bridges, railways, and its necessary facilities for facilitation, fixing and rehabilitating ports and developing adequate port facilities, and constructing and improving water supply, electric power, and oil supply. Construct dams, power stations, power lines, and oil and water pipelines nationwide, construct or improve municipalities via urban renewal, introduce sanitary measures, and invest in local industries to increase production.

The initial proposed budget calculated by Alexander is 58,110,570,130 USD, (one trillion in today’s money) twelve percent of the Ruthenia’s gross domestic product.

Though this is just a rough draft, everything can still change.

This bill would be a huge leap in Ruthenia’s current infrastructure. These projects will be done all over the country, and also will be a great boost for the economy as they will create a lot of jobs for the people across Ruthenia. The approximate time for the project to be realized if it were to pass in Imperial Council is ten years to fifteen years.

It’s a very long time. Alexander hoped that no conflict would arise as his project will definitely require a lot of peacetimes.

Is there a region in Europa to be worried about? Alexander pondered to himself while explaining the bill. There was one region, the Balkan region. The rise of nationalism there is rampant.

World War 1 happened because of a certain prince from Austro-Hungarian who visited Sarajevo and got killed by a Slav nationalist Gavrilo Princip. Since this is not the same world as his, what could be the spark of a major conflict that will drag all the powers of Europa? Will it be the same as the Balkans? Whatever may that be, he just hopes that it won’t happen between the state’s reconstruction.

After three hours of deliberation and multi-tasking with his thoughts, Alexander concluded his presentation.

“Your work is to identify errors, mistakes, or flaws in my bill. Once you identify them, I want you to fix it. And then propose them to the Imperial Council. This is urgent so prioritize it…you can finish it in your office, you may all leave except for the minister of internal affairs, war, and your prime minister.

The ministers who weren’t called stood and left the office…Those who remained approached Alexander.

“Your Majesty, what is it you need?” Dmitri Kaniv, the Minister of Internal Affairs, asked.

“Sir Dmitri, can I ask for an update about the Black Hand?”

Dmitri shied down and answered. “Unfortunately, sir, we don’t have lead yet…”

“So are you telling me that after four months of investigation you haven’t had a single clue? Is that what you’re telling me, Dmitri?”

Alexander’s voice may be calm but Dmitri is not stupid enough to notice that the prince is angry.

“No sir, we have a lead but it seems to be a dead-end…we’re sorry to report this to you but we can’t locate him yet. “

“Why can’t you locate them? They killed the father and mother of Ruthenia Empire, my mother, and father!” Alexander yelled. “They killed them and yet…and yet…they are able to get away from it…” Alexander scoffed infuriatingly. “The government has been funding the Ministry of Internal Affairs to produce results, not to tell me that you don’t have what I ask for. Heck what happened on the first of August when you warned me of an impending attack? Where did you get that info?”

“It’s an anonymous sender…Your Majesty, but we’re working hard…”

“Stop telling me you’re working hard because the way I see it…you’re not working hard enough!” Alexander slammed his fist on the table, startling everyone into silence. “I have been hearing similar excuses from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I will give you one last chance. If you don’t have information about the Black Hand by the end of the year, I’ll relieve you of your duty and find someone who can do better…is that understood?”

Dmitri could only nod, “Yes sir…”

“Now, get out of my office.”

Dmitri bowed and left the office…

Alexander sighed as his eyes flickered to the two. “As for the two of you, arrange me a schedule to one of our military and naval base…I’d like to visit them to know why our military failed in The Far East. Along with the infrastructure bill, I’ll modernize our military as well.”

“Understood Your Majesty. Is that all?”

“Yes, I want a list of names and contact of the arms manufacturer of Ruthenia, I would like to consult something with them.”

Alexander’s gaze fell off his table. In one of those drawers were a series of blueprints of the military’s new standard armament. He’d been drafting and drawing blueprints whenever he has free time. It’s time to introduce them.

“Understood sir, you’ll have it on your table in the evening.”

“You may now leave.”


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