Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 30 Epilogue: A Promise Made and a Mysterious Dream

One week later.

In his hotel room, Alexander was getting ready for their departure. Ana was bathing while he was taking care of their luggage. Rolan, as always, is on guard, watching over them in case something dark would happen.

“Can you pass me my uniform there, Rolan?”

Rolan bowed as he carry out the prince’s order. He grabbed the uniform and handed it to Alexander.

Alexander nodded in thanks and began folding it. Normally, it would be the servant’s job to take care of their belongings but he didn’t bring any as he believes he can do it by himself, especially from taking care of his things.

They’ll be leaving in a few minutes, the car is ready, parked just right outside of the hotel. The security division already cleared the path and arranged everything rationally according to their needs.

Since this is the last day of their trip to Vienna, it’s also the time when Sophie is going along with them back to Ruthenia. They’ll be meeting them in Vienna Central Station, where their train is on standby.

Alexander looked at his wristwatch. There’s only one hour left. He hailed at Ana who was still washing in the bathroom.

“Ana, faster, we’re going to be late!”

“I know, I’m almost finished,” Ana replied back as she turned off the faucet.

She stepped out of the bathroom, her body wrapped in a towel. Alexander tilted his head momentarily, signaling Rolan to help her get dressed.

Rolan casually nodded and head over to Ana and helped her don her dress.

After fifteen minutes of preparation, they were ready to leave.

Thirty minutes later, they arrived at Vienna Central Station. For the safety of the imperial family of the Ruthenia Empire, the king of the Austrean Empire temporarily closed the station and will lift it once the imperial prince leaves.

The king couldn’t come by to the station as he has pressing matters to deal with. Alexander simply understood the reason as he also experienced dealing with hellish paperwork that required, if not days, weeks to take care of.

In the station, they saw Sophie garbed in an elegant black dress standing at the center of the platform. To her right, Louise can be seen with a bright smile on her face, and to her left, their father, the King of Bavaria.

Sauntering towards them, Alexander bowed his head slightly, greeting them formally.-.

“I apologize for making you wait, Ana has taken a lot of time in the bath earlier so…Ow ow!”

Alexander winced, feeling a sharp pinch on his arm. He looked down and saw Ana with a piercing look. She probably got mad at his remarks.

“It’s okay, we just got here anyways,” Sophie answered, easing his worries.

“I see,” Alexander rubbed the part of his arm where Ana pinched him. “In that case, may I assume that you three have said goodbyes to one another?” Alexander glanced at the three, watching as their expression fell somber.

“Yes, please take care of my daughter,” the King of Bavaria said.

“If you do anything bad or hurt my sister, I’ll make sure you pay for it,” Louise threatened.

“Louise, who do you think you’re talking to?” the king reprimanded her behavior to which Alexander didn’t pay no heed.

“It’s okay, Your Highness, I don’t mind at all,” Alexander’s eyes flickered to Louise. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your sister, I promise you that,”

Louise managed to calm down after hearing what the prince said, she then bowed and gave him a courteous nod.

“I’ll be looking forward to it.”

The king’s gaze soften as he witnessed Louise. “Take care of her, Alexander,” he spoke in a firm tone. “She’s not just the daughter of an empire’s royal family, but my dear daughter. You must take good care of her.”

The prince nodded and waved. “I know, I’ve accepted this marriage with Sophie, I’m aware of my responsibilities,” he reassured.

The king nodded and with that, they parted ways.

Alexander signaled to the imperial guards of the Ruthenia Empire to take the bags and everything to the train.

Sophie waved at her family, as the three of them boarded the train.

On the train, Rolan was on guard in his usual routine. Making rounds to each car, making sure that there’ll be no mishaps.

Fortunately, there weren’t any suspicious elements around. The security division has done a good job in making sure that there are no bombs or any unwanted devices planted on the train

The train whistled and began moving. Sophie glanced out of the window and saw her family waving at her, smiling. She smiled back at them.

“I’ll miss everyone,” she whispered to herself as the train moved faster.

Since it’ll take two days to get back to Ruthenia, Alexander passes the time by simply having a conversation with Sophie and Ana.

At night, Alexander jumped down to his bed, pulled the bedsheet, and lay down.

As his consciousness drifts away, Alexander slowly falls to slumber.

Moments later, something mysterious occurred in his sleep. He opened his eyes and saw a different scenery. It wasn’t the luxurious interior of the train, rather it was an interior of something closely familiar to him.

His eyes widened after a thorough sweep around the room. He’s in a personal office with a size way too big for just one man. Floor-to-ceiling windows with a view of the New York skyline and a huge neat modern dark-wood desk laid with paperwork. Everything else is white, from the ceiling, floors, and walls.

There’s no mistaking it, this was his office in his past life. Why is he here?

He touched his body here and there, checking if this was a dream. He can feel every touch he made, it felt genuinely vivid. Like it was the real deal.

On the desk, there was a smartphone. Alexander hurriedly grabbed it and used it as a mirror to check himself.

Surprisingly, it was not the face of Alexander anymore, it was from Thomas Harrier.

This new sudden event momentarily paralyzed him. Does this mean he is back to his original world?

Abruptly, the answer to his question came to mind. No, that’s not possible. From the crash alone, there was simply no way for any human being to survive that fall.

This leads him to question, what is this place?

Confused by his new circumstances, a voice rang inside the office.

“So you’re the Thomas Harrier, huh?”

Thomas jolted at the unexpected voice. It sounded familiar. He turned around and saw the figure of Alexander Romanoff.

Thomas reflexively took a step back, taken aback by Alexander’s sudden appearance.

“It’s perfectly normal to feel confused. After all this, I don’t think there’ll be any rational people would remain sane,” Alexander said casually, walking over towards the window slowly.

“What is happening?! Why am I here?” Thomas demanded, his eyes fixed on Alexander.

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m the real Alexander Romanoff.”

“I know that, but how is this possible?”

Alexander didn’t answer instead he peered through the window. He was mesmerized by the sight of the modern skyscrapers, the brightly lit night, and the height of the building he was in.

“Impressive, so this is what the future looks like huh? It’s a shame that I never get to be born here.”

“Answer my damn question.”

Alexander paused and turned around.

“This might come as a surprise to you…you’re actually just dreaming.”

“I’m just dreaming?!” Thomas repeated the man’s words. Is he making fun of him?

“This is the place you created, hidden in your memories, and the place that often appears in most of your daily life. As for your question as to who I am, I’m what you call the dormant consciousness, the one that is affecting your personality and behavior. Though there is really nothing I can do about it, that’s the basic.” He flippantly explained.

Thomas sighed, beginning to understand the predicament he was in. So if this is the real Alexander and is alive in this pseudo-world, can he perhaps ask him some questions?

“May I ask you some questions?”

“Go ahead,”

“How did I end up in your body after I died from a car accident?”

“It’s by chance actually,” Alexander began. “When our convoy was attacked, I was knocked out of the cold. I was taken to the hospital but it was too late, it appears that I suffered from an internal brain hemorrhage, an injury I learned from your knowledge by the way, which caused me my death. Of course, I was young and yearned for long life, so I prayed to the almighty, hoping that he could somehow save me from my fate. And it was answered. However, there was a catch. I cannot return to my body but it can be occupied by another soul, and that’s where you came in.”

Listening to his somewhat ridiculous story, Thomas couldn’t help but laugh contemptuously.

“So, you’re telling me that god transferred my soul to your body?”

“Yes. Now you’re getting it,”

“This doesn’t make any sense.”

“To a man like you, it wouldn’t make sense. Especially when you are obsessed with reality and facts. You don’t even believe that there is a higher being…”

Thomas remained silent.

“I know all about you, Thomas. I’ve been inside your mind. I must say, you’re quite a genius fellow. You know a lot of things about science and engineering. You own a corporation of the highest net worth and yet live a humble life. Your achievements are astounding. This is why I was grateful that you were the one to succeed in my body. I was thankful because you created a cure for my dear Ana’s disease.”

“I’m still at lost here, Alexander. Let’s say you made a deal with this supreme being, what did you get in return?”

“What do you mean?”

“You can’t return to your body, right? Where does that leave you?”

Alexander looked down, his expression gloomy. “There’s none. My body gets to live but for me, no. I’m just stuck here in your mind, which technically means we share a body. Though I don’t have much effect, the memories I created and my emotions remained…” he trailed off.

“I see. I understand now…”

Alexander returned his attention to the window and resumed watching the modern world before him.

“Are you perhaps going to introduce modern elements to mine?”

Thomas mustered up his courage before answering. “It’s the only way I see Ruthenia from increasing its economy. I must say, your father left a huge pile of mess that I had to implement immediate reforms.”

Alexander chuckled. “I apologize for that…There is also one thing about you…you create weapons as your main job. Are you also going to introduce it there?”

Thomas hummed his response.

“How about nukes? Are you also going to introduce them to my world?”

“Are you talking about the atomic bomb? Well, it has to be built for a modern world to progress. Without it, the world you’re seeing right now would be different. It’s inevitable. Even if I didn’t reincarnate in your body, somebody will invent it.”

“Is that so…Well…I pretty much don’t much care anyway. It’s your life, after all. But I do have a favor to ask you if you don’t mind.”

“I considered this new life of mine as a second chance. So I’ll do whatever you ask with the best of my ability.”

“My favor is just simple, I want you to take care of my family and find out who kill my father and mother.”

“Understood, I will do my best,”

“Thank you…” Alexander smiled at him kindly. “We’re running out of time, you should return now.”

“Will I ever meet you again?”

“Who knows? This may be our first and last meeting…still…it’s nice meeting you, Thomas.” He smiled warmly. “Consider this as a formality.”

“Likewise, Alexander…”

They both shared a smile. Seconds later, Alexander raised his hand and snapped his finger.

Suddenly, Thomas. No. Alexander jolted up from his bed, breathing heavily. He looked around and found that he has returned.

It was indeed a mysterious dream.


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