Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 133 Rekindled Hope

The three secret emissaries of the Choson Empire were barred from entering the Hague convention after the Yamato Empire representatives raised objections.

They were standing outside the palace where guards are stationed at the gate, their rifles slung on their shoulders and their glaring eyes prey upon them with a warning that should they continue to persist, they’ll be forced to take drastic measures.

“What are we going to do now Yi Jun?” Sangsul asked with a pale expression written on his face. Having learned of the decision of the delegates from all around the world, they were heartbroken. It’s like their efforts to get here from Hanseong secretly are nothing more than a futile attempt to stop the inevitable.

“The Ruthenian Empire has tried to help us participate in the conference, but it failed due to the majority vote. Should we report back to Hanseong?” Yi Wi-jong suggested, his face was as pale as Sangsul.

“No, I don’t want His Majesty hearing our failure. If the Yamato reported this incident back to their capital, there will surely be repercussions,” Yi Jun said with a pang of trepidation in his voice. They were doing the best they could to appeal to the western countries to help invalidate Yamato’s claim over the sovereign land of Choson, yet no one listened to them.

Yu Jin hoped for another way, if no one will listen to them, then they must find someone who will. In the middle of his contemplation, a thought popped up inside his mind.

There is one who will listen to them, the man who appealed in the conference to let them participate in the conference.

Sergei Grigorivich, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ruthenian Empire. Wait, it’s not only him that expressed support for their pleas. Surely, in order to help them, Sergei must ask for permission from his superior, and that superior is no other than the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire, Alexander the IV.

Knowing that the Ruthenia Empire sympathized with their causes, Yu Jin felt hope rising within his chest. Maybe, he can make a difference in his country.-.

“We shall wait for the conference to end and talk to His Excellency, Sergei Grigorivich. We’ve come so far to fail my brothers. This is our only chance.”

Yi Wi-jong and Sangsul glanced at each other before looking back to Yu Jin. They nodded in agreement. Thus they waited for the conference to end just in front of the entrance.

It took three hours to conclude the conference but the three persevered.

And one by one, the representatives from various countries started coming out of the gate. Yu Jin scans everyone that is exiting the gate, locating Sergei, who is their primary objective.

“There!” Sangsul pointed. “I see him!”

Yu Jin and Yi Wi-jong looked to where Sangsul was pointing, and there they saw Sergei climbing down the marbled stairs.

“Let’s go,” Yu Jin motioned to the two to follow him and they ran across the road.

“Your Excellency!” Yu Jin hailed Sergei once the latter reached the foot of the stairway.

They bowed deeply, waiting for a response from the Foreign Minister.

“Hoh? You’ve been waiting here for hours?” Sergei inquired.

“Yes, we’ve been waiting for you, Your Excellency,” Yu Jin cut to the chase. “Is it possible to have a brief discussion with you? It won’t take long I promise.”

Sergei sighed. “Fine, but let’s do it at the Embassy of the Ruthenia Empire.”

The emissaries’ faces lit up with joy when they heard Sergei agreed to talk about them. They expected that it would be hard for them to make him agree to their request but nevertheless, he did.

The four departed from The Hague and began their journey towards the Ruthenian Embassy to the Kingdom of Netherlands.

Meanwhile, the representatives from the Yamato Empire were briefing two hooded figures in front of him.

“Did you see the three people bowing in front of the Foreign Minister of the Ruthenian Empire?”

The two nodded.

“I want all of them dead.”

“It looked like they are heading for the embassy…” the figure one asked.

“Should we finish them off there?” figure two added.

“No, that would cause a diplomatic incident. Wait for them to get out of the Ruthenian Embassy. Once they do, it’s all up to your discretion.”


The Embassy of the Ruthenian Empire in the Kingdom of Netherlands is not as grand as the palaces in St. Petersburg. From an outside perspective, the embassy is a two-story house with the symbol of Romanoff’s coat of arms decorating its front. Inside, the interior is even simpler, consisting mostly of small, simple rooms. Each room contains different furniture and decorations, all made of wood and some are even painted white with gold borders. There are also some windows with thick shutters, letting natural light into the rooms.

“So, what would you like to discuss?” Sergei asked the moment he sat on his chair behind his desk.

Yu Jin looked at him with a determined expression and began. “We want to know the position of the Ruthenian Empire regarding the Empire of Choson’s independence.”

“You must’ve gotten the wrong idea, Mister Yu Jin. It’s true that His Majesty expressed his support for Choson’s independence and sovereignty but that’s only it.”

Yu Jin gazes down somberly. “Is that so?”

“Yes. The Ruthenian Empire has a signed treaty with the Yamato Empire which I’m sure the three of you are all aware of. They recognized our claim in Manchuria and we recognized theirs in Choson. It’s a relief that the Yamato Empire has not raised a diplomatic protest against us.”

“Then…is the Ruthenian Empire not going to help us?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I have the answer to that. I’m just a mere Foreign Minister serving my Emperor, a messenger if you will. And the Emperor has not made his decision if the Ruthenia Empire is going to help the Empire of Choson or not. Judging from the current situation, an official help will be impossible…”

“I see…I understand, Your Excellency. The sentiment of the Ruthenian Empire is enough for us three.”

“Good luck with your endeavors. If I receive word from St. Petersburg concerning your country’s circumstances, I’ll contact you immediately,” Sergei said kindly.

“That would be greatly appreciated, thank you, Your Excellency. We would never forget this kindness you’ve shown us. The people of the Empire of Choson will remember your name.”

Sergei laughed stiffly, trying to hide the emotion.

Six hours later. At the Hotel De Jong in the Wagenstraat Netherlands. Sangsul decided to visit Yu Jin’s room.

“Yu Jin! I’m entering,” with a knock and an “excuse me” word, Sangsul entered.

“Yu Jin?” It was dark inside his room, the only source of light was the illumination of the moonlight seeping through the window. When Sangsul switched on the lamp beside Yu Jin’s bedside table, his face paled.

“Yu Jin?!”

A white foamy liquid was flowing out of his mouth.

“Yu Jin!!” Sangsul exclaimed in panic and began yelling. “HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!”


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