Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 123 Ship Commissioning Ceremony

The SH-3 helicopter cruised over the airspace of the St. Petersburg Naval Base, giving Alexander a bird’s eye view of the vast expanse of water below and the large military ships that lay anchored in its midst. He could even see the Montana Class Battleships and the Midway Class Aircraft Carrier doppelgangers docked like a sleeping beast.

He had not expected the day would come that the ships he painstakingly designed would come to fruition. This is truly a great day for him.

The helicopter slowly made its descent down the deck of the Midway Class Aircraft Carrier copy until it settled onto a landing pad near the island.

Rolan opened the door and exited to take a position by the chopper. Alexander stepped down the steps, a grin forming on his face, and began to glance around the wide deck of the ship. His hair fluttered from the wind produced by the main rotors of the helicopter.

“Isn’t she a beauty,” Alexander said with a smile, taking in all the features before him. He felt as though he was on top of the world. Even though he had been on a deck of an aircraft carrier in his past life, he can’t help but feel excited about seeing this vessel, giving him a nostalgic feeling as though he got back home.

Alexander then noticed someone walking up towards him, and he immediately recognized that person. The man wore a pair of the white military navy uniform of the Ruthenian Navy, he strode with authority as he walked closer. As soon as he got near to him, the man spoke.

“Your Majesty,” the man performed a salute and Alexander returned the same.

“Admiral Kuznetsov,” Alexander replied.

“The preparations for the ship commissioning are complete. May I have the honor to escort you down the hangar bay?” Admiral Kuznetsov asked with great reverence and respect. Alexander gave a firm nod of approval.-.

“Permission granted.”

Alexander along with his Imperial Guards was escorted by Admiral Kutnetzov towards the hangar bay where the ship commissioning ceremony will take place.

The hangar bay is the large deck under the flight deck where aircraft and other equipment that are on board a ship are stored. Instead of seeing those aircraft and equipment, Alexander was met with a crowd of people stretching over to the back of the hangar bay while holding flags of the Ruthenian Empire, Coat of Arms, and the Ruthenian Navy flag.

It seemed like they are the families of the crew who will serve this ship upon commissioning.

As they continued walking, they arrived at the platform where there were two vacant seats. One seat has been reserved for Alexander, and one for Admiral Kuznetsov.

“Please take a seat, Your Majesty,” Kutnetzov said as he gestured for Alexander to sit next to him. Alexander complied, sitting next to him. Upon doing that, Rolan spoke.

“Your Majesty, I shall take my position,” Rolan said.

“Good, I’ll see you soon,” Alexander replied, smiling.

With that said, Rolan left the platform, leaving Alexander alone with Admiral Kutnetzov and a few other senior naval officers. Alexander looked around the hangar bay and the crowds in front of him were beginning to take notice.

“Is that His Majesty?”

“Look, it’s the Emperor!”

“Really? Where? Where?!”

“He’s really here!”

“Long live Your Majesty!”

Cheers erupted in the crowd as Alexander smiled and waved to them. The television cameras broadcasting this ceremony shifted to where he was sitting.

Alexander beckoned them to settle down with a wave of his hand and they quieted down.

Ten minutes later, the ship commissioning ceremony began. The Chief Executive Officer of the Ruthenian Navy walked toward the podium in a professional manner.

“Ladies and Gentleman, we welcome you aboard the carrier ship His Imperial Ruthenian Majesty’s Ship, Petropavlovsk, may I ask you all to please stand up as we play the national anthem of the Ruthenian Empire.”

Everyone stood up with their hands placed on their chest. Seconds later, the trumpet and the drums sounded throughout the hangar as the Ruthenian National Anthem began to play.

A wave of patriotism washed over the crowd as it took up the anthem. They started singing loudly with words filled with compassion, admiration, and patriotic spirit. It warmed Alexander’s heart to hear these songs sung so loudly and passionately for their cause.

The moment the anthem ended, silence took over the hangar bay. A couple more seconds passed and the chief executive officer returned to the podium. He cleared his throat once again to gain their attention.

“We shall now proceed with the ship commissioning ceremony of the carrier ship Petropavlovsk. We shall hear from our Commander in Chief, His Majesty Alexander Romanoff. “

A round of applause spread throughout the hangar bay as Alexander rose from his seat and walked onto the platform where the Chief Executive Officer of the Ruthenian Navy once stood.

Alexander gave a small bow to everyone gathered in the hangar bay, receiving some whistles and cheers.

Alexander took a step closer to the podium and the microphone and began.

“Thank you very much everyone for the overwhelming support. I’m thrilled to be here on this magnificent ship, for this historic moment, with the amazing men and women of the Imperial Ruthenian Navy. I was with the navy four months ago, and I knew that I had to be here today. I told you I’d be back to congratulate you and the crew and everybody involved in commissioning the newest, largest, and most advanced aircraft carrier in the history of this world. This is a big achievement for the Ruthenian Empire.

I want to thank the many public servants who have joined us here today…” Alexander began reading out twenty names that attended this ceremony. At the bottom, a list was the name of the person who will be the captain of this aircraft carrier.

“Captain Andropov, I know you will exemplify integrity at the helm so I look forward to your service. We must also pay tribute to the thousands of citizens, military and civilian who helped design and build her. Their love of their country has been ported to every rivet and bulkhead on this vessel. You hammered, chiseled, and sculpted this mighty hall. You were there when the first steel was cut when the turbines first roared to life, and when those beautiful bronze propellers first began to spin. And now you are here to witness the moment, when your incredible work of art, becomes the pride of the Imperial Ruthenian Navy and a symbol of Ruthenian power and prestige”

“Ruthenian steel and Ruthenian hands have constructed a 60,000-ton message to the world. Ruthenian might is second to none, and we’re getting bigger and better and stronger every day of my reign, that I can tell you,” Alexander paused.

The crowds clapped loudly, clearly appreciating what Alexander had just said.

“To end my speech, I would like to thank every worker from every shipbuilder, and every craftsman and engineer who helped build this incredible fortress on the sea. Today we salute you. Now, I hereby place His Imperial Ruthenian Majesty’s Ship, Petropavlovsk, in commission. May god bless and guide this warship, and all who shall sail in her.”

A bottle of Francois sparkling wine is given to Alexander.

‘Usually, it is done on the bow. Here they break it on the beams inside of the ship..’ With a swing, the bottle smashes, and the fizzy fluid splashes.

Clapping resounded in the hangar bay as the Captain of the aircraft carrier took over the podium.

“Thank you, Your Majesty. Executive Officer, hoist the colors and the commissioning pennant.”

“Aye aye Captain,” The Chief Executive saluted, acknowledging the command. “Ladies and gentlemen, I direct your attention to the ship’s mast, as we hoist the colors and the commissioning pennant. Quartermaster, hoist the colors and the commissioning pennant.”

The flag of the Ruthenian Empire was hoisted on the ship’s mast.

“Captain, the colors and the commissioning pennant have now been hoisted.”

“Thank you. Now as the captain of the ship, I shall give the first order, officers and crew of the Petropavlovsk, man our ship and bring her to life!”

“Aye aye captain!” The crews and officers intoned together as they acknowledged the command.

They began to move towards the flight deck with the song of the Imperial Ruthenian Navy March playing in the background. It took them five minutes for them to take position along the edge of the ship, manning the rail.

On this day, a warship from the future made its grand debut.


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