Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 119 Classified Military Installation

Alexander hopped inside an exclusive vehicle prepared for him. It is a Rolls-Royce Phantom II made by a Britannian-owned factory, a vintage vehicle but considered new in this era. It was the only best and most comfortable car the military could provide for him in this location. It’s either that or cramp himself up in a military humvee that is not designed for comfort.

Even though Imperial Dynamic Systems has built a comfortable 6-wheeled custom military grade state-of-the-art SUV, it wasn’t just logical to haul that vehicle all the way here.

The Imperial vehicle, nicknamed “Bukavac”, is a black beast of a 6-wheel drive that growls with its diesel 6-liter V8 engine. It got its name because of how close to the mythological creature it is.

6 large heavy-duty wheels, Xenon headlights, and the sound of the engine. 6 legs, blue glowing eyes and makes a loud noise.

A Bukavac of steel.

After all, the “Bukavac” is built to protect the Emperor while in transport in foreign countries. There’s no need for him to get the beast in a secret military installation as nothing would threaten him here.

The dignitaries he visits in the vehicle all ooze with envy and admiration when he gets driven in. Even the common folk gave way and gaped in awe of his ride when it drives by with its complement of escorts.

Now he is in a Rolls-Royce Phantom II with Rolan, both of them partaking in a snack of fruitcake and bottled tea.

Escorted by five Humvees, they drove in a line formation with the Phantom being in the middle. Alexander looked outside the windows. The sun is setting, casting an orange glow over the wide runway filled with newly built aircraft parked on the apron. Based on the dimension and the appearance, they are the Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Lockheed C-5 Galaxy, Boeing B-52 Stratofortress, Boeing 747 aircraft, and a lot more he can tell if not from the darkening sky shrouding the base in darkness.

On the map, this is still wilderness and whatever here is confidential.

As the sun completely sets, Alexander’s eyes are assaulted by bright lights produced by lamp post lights. The journey was silent until they got to the gates.

Normally, as per protocol, the soldiers tasked with guarding the entrance would often walk over to the side of the car and ask for identification. Considering what they are creating and testing here is enough to freak out foreign countries, precautions are necessary. However, they were aware of the guests arriving at the base today and by looking at the sticker glued on the windscreen that indicates who is inside, they gave them access.

Raising the boom barrier, the convoy proceeded through the open gate. A few minutes after, Alexander stepped out of the car, looking around as he straightened his coat.-.

The place is brightly lit from every corner of the complex with lamp post lights shining their beams on every surface.

Zhukov approached Alexander whose eyes were still checking the surroundings.

“Isn’t it beautiful, Your Majesty? Even though it’s night, the place shines as bright as day,” Zhukov commented.

A light breeze blows across Alexander’s face as he nods. “Indeed it is. Anyways I have to get back home before nine so I suggest that we should get moving.”

“Of course Your Majesty. Right this way,” Zhukov said, gesturing to a nearby depot.

Alexander and Rolan followed Zhukov along with his colleagues. As they entered the depot. His eyes widened at the site where a variety of military vehicles are stored, ranging from M60 Patton Main Battle Tank, Humvee, IAV Stryker, LAV-25, M113, and M939 Truck.

“As you can see, Your Majesty, these are all military vehicles that will be tested tomorrow before putting it into service. They are all brand new, transported from where they are originally manufactured.”

Alexander approached one of the M60 Patton tanks and brushed his hand along its metallic and smooth surface. Memories flitted through his mind as he reminisced about the time when he was presenting this design.

“Are you testing one right now on the field?”

The moment Alexander asked that a sound of an explosion boomed in the distance making him flinch.

“I’ll take that sound as an answer,” he said as he turned around to face them. “General Zhukov, please lead me to where our men are testing their new toys.”

“Of course Your Majesty. Please follow me.”

They exited the depot and headed toward the source of the sound. As they neared their destination, Alexander could hear intermittent explosions ringing through the air. Soon, they arrived at the field where a column of tanks was firing their main cannon, producing a noise akin to an explosion.

One of the military personnel who was overseeing the training noticed their arrival and quickly contacted all the tank commanders to stop firing through radio.

The military personnel rose to his feet to greet them.

“Sir!” the soldier saluted.

“At ease, Sergeant. I’ll get to the point. I brought His Majesty here as per his request and asked if he could watch the tank fire. A single round would do.”

“His Majesty…you mean the Emperor?” The soldier took a peek behind General Zhukov and saw Alexander who winked at him. It was him!

“Understood, I’ll relay the orders to the tank commander now,” he said as he picked up the radio in his hand.

Inside one of the M60 battle tanks, the tank commander received the order.

“Okay, we got orders to fire one round at the target. The Emperor is outside and watching, be sure not to fail.”

“The Emperor is here?” The loader exclaimed as he pulled out a 105-millimeter armor piercing out of the shell compartment.

“This is exciting, the Emperor watching…” The gunner grinned as he held his eyes on the scope.

The loader inserted the shell onto the main gun.

“Gun ready.” He informed the commander.

“Fire!” the tank commander yelled.

The gunner pushed a button that triggered the firing mechanism, instantly igniting the primer of the 105-millimeter shell that went off with a loud explosion causing the ground to shake from the force. Dust immediately flew upwards as the round bustled into the air towards a target tank that was already riddled with gaping holes.

Meanwhile, outside the tank, Alexander let out a satisfied smile.

“Now that wasn’t too bad,” Alexander commented. “Okay, I’ve seen enough. I just want to see the tank firing. Let’s move on…”

“As you wish, Your Majesty,” Zhukov agreed and began walking out of the field to let the soldiers continue their training.

Alexander followed suit but they didn’t return to the place where the M60 tanks or the Humvees are stored but to a hangar that houses several aircraft.

Upon entering the hangar, Alexander was immediately charmed by one of the aircraft that is displayed inside.

“Is that the Blackhawk?” Alexander blurted out inadvertently. Based on the appearance alone, he can tell that it’s a Blackhawk. It’s just that seeing one of them in this era gave him a nostalgic feeling enough to put him in a trance.

“Yes it is, Your Majesty,” Zhukov confirmed. “We’ve witnessed its capabilities and we believe that in times of war, this can make a huge difference. Imagine we can insert our troops in any location to conduct clandestine military operations. It’s a marvel! The Imperial Dynamic Systems do build impressive war machines!” Zhukov praised.

He shrugged his shoulders as he laughed after receiving praise. Alexander couldn’t think of a better name for the helicopter so he just called it a Blackhawk without the number.

Not only was the Blackhawk stored here but the iconic Bell UH-1 Iroquois as well. The Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion, AH-64 Apache, can also be found inside the hangar. Basically, it’s a showroom of different helicopters.

He submitted the design to the Department of Defense two years ago and this year, they were able to procure a number of them. Of course, none of that would be made possible without the talents of the Ruthenian people that excel in mechanical and aeronautical engineering.

Not only does the IDS rely on Ruthenian citizens but from other countries as well. One of which is Wegener von Braun whom he bribed by showing him a blueprint of a rocket design that could be launched into space.

The man was confused at first, as the Tsar of Ruthenia has somehow created a blueprint more advanced than anything he has seen. But his silence and cooperation were finally bought by showing him something even more unusual. A desktop computer running on several 8085 microprocessor copies to allow the rocket scientist to calculate fuel mixtures, draw and edit blueprints with ease, do equations, and even play a strange but amusing game Alexander personally made called “Rocket Lander”.

And the device is now Wegener von Braun’s personal work computer.

The man is a genius in the field of aerospace engineering. His life mission was to reach the moon. He simply took advantage of that and now he is working alongside him in developing modern superior aircraft.

Little did Wegener know; the Tsar already has more plans than just this world’s moon.

Ten minutes later, they moved on to the next hangar. Outside, all the people present around Alexander gasped as they saw probably the largest cargo plane the Ruthenia has built. Just standing beside it would make anyone look like a dwarf.

The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. With a height of 19.8 meters, a length of 75 meters, and a payload of 120,000 kilograms. It can carry 73 troops, and 36 standard pallets equivalent to 15 Humvees.

“We conducted a test flight one week ago and it exceeded our expectations, Your Majesty,” Wegener commented, his eyes fixed on the gigantic aircraft before him. “I wonder, Your Majesty, why don’t we go public with this plane? It will surely increase the morale of the Ruthenian people?”

“Yeah, I wonder too, Your Majesty,” Zhukov joined. “I’m confused. Why are we keeping all the jet aircrafts secret?”

Alexander sighed, turning around to face the gentlemen.

“Might I ask both of you? What happened after the airplane was invented and perfected? You first, Wegener. “

“More people started using them as a better mode of transportation, your Majesty.”

the scientist answered, his eyes still gleaming with the innocence of man reaching the stars.

“General Zhukov?”

The Tsar and the scientist turn to him.

“The military saw its potential to be a tool of war, so they armed it with guns and bombs to fight their enemies that will, if not already, have armed their planes to do the same. Your Majesty.”

General Zhukov states his realistic answer as he has seen other powerful countries have already made better and better warplanes.

Alexander nodded his head and spoke to both after hearing their answers.

“Now imagine what will our enemies do when they see what we are doing. They will come knocking at our doors demanding answers we cannot avoid. They will start an arms race because of this. That’s why I’m riding a propeller aircraft instead of the 747, simply because it’s a propeller type, not a jet engine.”

Alexander pauses and steps back to let his words sink in before continuing.

“You should be aware of this, Wegener since you’re a Deutschlander. Where countries such as Britannia, Francois, and even mine are teaming up because of your military supremacy.”

Alexander turns to look at the C-5 Galaxy again, its pale grey at night now looks more imposing. Like the color of death’s pale horse.

“I plan to keep everything here a secret for the time being, because for some reason. I feel that in the coming years, bad things will come. And I hope it does not happen.”


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