Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 117 Prologue: Four Years of Stability Part 2

The year is now 1927, five years have passed since Thomas arrived in this world through death. For someone who didn’t believe in the afterlife, he found the situation he was in extremely surprising. The world is a century behind his original world and the history differs from the actual historical account. It was a strange world, a parallel one, yet still eerily the same from technology, world politics, geography, and the people.

During those years, Thomas fought his way through the challenges the world presents to him. From the people striking, and to the country’s almost declaring war on him. And after averting those calamities, he focuses on developing the Ruthenia Empire in all aspects. Which are still being worked on to this day.

In the Crimean peninsula, there was a royal residence of the Romanoff family located near Livadia Park, the Livadia Palace. The sun was at its zenith, its rays casting down on the lush greenery forest surrounding it. The park was filled with flowers of different shades of blue and red, all in the full bloom of their life and beauty.

As it was situated near the Black Sea, the sound of the crashing waves echoed throughout the area, creating a calming effect on the place.

Under the canopy of a tree, there was a swing occupied by a bearded man in his mid-twenties, and a little girl with golden hair sat on his lap.

“As they saw there was no wolf, they said strictly, ‘Save your frightened cry for when there really is a wolf! Don’t cry ‘wolf’ when there is no wolf!’ But the boy grinned at their words while they walked grumbling down the hill once more,” Alexander the words softly, his voice clear. His fingers traced the lines of words across the page so that the little girl could follow them with ease.

“Can you read the remaining lines, Anya?”

The little girl frowned but felt her determination harden at the challenge. She was able to read well for her age thanks to her father’s help, but she struggled with a long sentences, like this one.

“Later, the boy saw a real wolf sne-sneaking around his flock. Alarmed, he ju-jumped on his feet and cried out as loud as he could, “Wolf! Wolf!” But the vi…vi…vi…” Anya trailed off, struggling to formulate the letters she was seeing into a sound in her head that she could say verbally. She looked back at her father. His gentle, amethyst eyes gazed back.

He smiled. “Villagers.”-.

“Villagers,” Anya repeated with a triumphant smile of her own. She turned her attention back to the book and finished the line, after line, after line, to the end.

“Yey! Papa I did it!”  She exclaimed happily.

Alexander closed the book and set it beside him. “You did a good job, Anya. You really inherited my intellect,” he said softly while nuzzling the top of her head and gently stroking her hair.  They stayed silent for a few moments, just enjoying each other’s company until the sound of footsteps made them both turn their heads towards the direction of the park entrance. Anya recognized her mother, Sophie, making her way toward them.

The years have only made her more beautiful, her time with Alexander and his sisters has made a hidden personality bloom.

No longer she is a shy naive introvert under the shadows of her father, rather she grew up to be a more daring person under the tutelage of Tiffania.

Her works are now exhibited in the Moskva art galleries and a community art school was opened by her.

In some of Alexander’s concept drawings, she has also made her mark as she learned technical drawings from him. Some of the artist’s concepts are painted by her, and the colors she used drew in more prospective investors.

“Mama!” Anya greeted her excitedly while jumping off Alexander’s lap. “Papa helped me to read this one too.”

Sophie smiled affectionately as she knelt down to Anya’s height. A soft chuckle escaped her lips. “You did a good job, sweetheart.” She patted Anya’s head. “I’m proud of you.”

Anya grinned before turning back to her father with a grin still plastered on her face. “Papa! Let’s read another book!”

“We can read one during our flight, Anya,” Alexander said with a warm smile as he rose to his feet and walked over to her to carry her in his arms.

“Yey!” Anya squealed gleefully as she clung to him tightly.

Alexander let out a chuckle upon seeing her cute daughter’s reaction and glanced at Sophie. They really look alike, from her face to her eyes. It seems she got her looks from her mother.

He ambled towards Sophie and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “Are our things ready?”

“Yes….the servants have already packed our belongings,” Sophie said.

“I will miss this place,” Alexander murmured quietly to himself before looking up to the sky.

It had been three months since Alexander and Sophie arrived here in Livadia Palace, they spent three months here on vacation and were now on their way back home.

“Your Majesty,” Rolan appeared from the side. “Moskva One is inbound.”

“Thank you, Rolan,” he said before returning his gaze to Sophie. “Did you bring her headphones?”

“Yes, I have it here,” Sophie handed the noise-canceling headphones to Alexander, who then placed them on Anya’s ears. He built it specifically for Anya as she doesn’t like the sound of what’s coming.

Five minutes later, a drumming sound can be heard from the sky, causing the rest of them to look up and see a passing helicopter. A second later, two helicopters followed suit as the first one descended.

Alexander’s eyes remained on the helicopter; it was one of the finest ones the Imperial Dynamic Systems had built to serve as primary transport for the Ruthenian Royal Family. Its design is based on the one the United States President used in his original world, the Sikorsky VH-3.

As soon as one of the helicopters touched the ground, the hatch opened and an Imperial Guard emerged, walking down the stairs and then performing a salute.

The royal family strode to the open hatch, their clothes and hair flapping violently from the downwash effect. As soon as he got near to the hatch, Alexander returned a salute. Anya imitated her papa by saluting the Imperial Guard as well.

The moment they entered the helicopter, the sound produced by the blades dampened a little. Rolan was the last person to enter and closed the hatch behind him.

Alexander sat on his exclusive leather chair before peering through the small round window with Anya on his lap.

Five years of technological advancement and Alexander is making huge progress. In the past years, his inventions garnered attention around the world, from appliances to vehicles. Due to that, the economy of the Ruthenia Empire skyrocketed and became the main supplier of the world’s modern technology and electronics, though it was considered obsolete in his time, still, those inventions helped Ruthenia perform an economic miracle similar to that of Japan.

From being the fifth largest GDP to second, just one step ahead of the Britannia Empire whose economy depends on global trade.

The natural resources contributed to Ruthenian’s economy as well. After finding a huge reserve of oil in Siberia and the Caucasus region, Ruthenia built an oil refinery and pipelines that supplied the western world, making them dependent on the Ruthenian Empire.

Alexander took advantage of this by adopting a policy whereby only Ruthenian Rubles can be used to purchase Ruthenian oil, causing the power of the sterling pound of the Britannia Empire to lose its value.

Of course, the rise of Ruthenia is met with concern and worry from the Deutschland and Britannia Empire. They were once the dominant power in the western hemisphere but now that position is threatened by Ruthenia who in the next three to four years will become the regional power in Europa.

Not only has the economy of Ruthenia improved but the infrastructure as well. In the past four years, the mega projects of the Ruthenia Empire have been erected all across the empire, from railways, ports, airports, roads, and highways that connect the people of Ruthenia. From massive hydroelectric power plants and coal-fired power stations to supply the empire with electricity. The project is still going strong and is now focusing on building huge business districts in select cities where skyscrapers and shopping malls were to be constructed to improve the quality of life of the people and accommodate the influx of workers from rural areas


Speaking of quality of life, social welfare also improved. The crime rate was low thanks to the strict regulation of alcohol, which is a number one factor in committing a crime. The unemployment rate decreased drastically, the literacy rate tripled, and the human development index rose exponentially. It was truly an era of Ruthenian prosperity, other nations could only watch in envy.

The helicopter slowly lifted itself upward towards the clouds, and Alexander looked down at the tiny speck far below him. Anya watched in awe; her hands placed on the windowsill. Even though she had flown numerous times, she still couldn’t help but feel amazed at the fact that they were flying.

“How long until we reach Simperofol?” Alexander asked, looking at Rolan who was sitting comfortably on a seat near the front, opposite from the pilot.

Rolan turned around to face Alexander. “About thirty minutes, Your Majesty.”

“I see…”

Thirty minutes later, they arrived at the Simferopol Airport and the helicopter made its descent down the helipad.

Looking through the window saw what could be considered a big aircraft of this era with the words “Ruthenian Empire” painted on its fuselage. The design of the plane is based on Vickers Viscount, a turboprop airliner made in the United Kingdom in 1948. It was not as majestic compared to the prototype plane the IDS has already constructed for the emperor’s use, the Boeing 747. Which is bigger and better.

However, this is for the best to conceal the Ruthenian Air Force’s technological advantage. Jet aircraft that have been built remain solely for military use. He doesn’t want other countries barging in through his doors and demanding that he shares the technology, causing yet again another unnecessary conflict. So as beautiful as they may be, they will have to wait for their public debut.

For now, only Ruthenia is the sole user of jet-powered aircraft, does he plan to democratize and export them to other countries? Slim. But a piston-powered aircraft? Highly likely. In fact, he is already exporting passenger aircraft to other countries such as the C-47 for example.

Four years ago, he was riding trains to visit other cities or countries. But now, he’s flying, shortening the distance of his massive empire, where one could travel from one point to another in hours.

The new era of the Ruthenia Empire begins now.


In Simferopol Airport staff break room, same time. One of the technicians is taking a coffee break with a donut.

He picks up a newspaper to read on his break. On the front page is written,



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