Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1500  A Farewell

Chapter 1500  A Farewell

Edward arrived at the docks right before Ning and the rest were to leave. He hadn't told his family what he was doing. He simply wanted to leave for now, with Jasmine.

With Arya deciding to join on the journey, the group left to go see the rest of the world.

Ning took them from one location to another, each one new and unique. Tim and Jasmine were used to being around new locations by now, but Arya and Edward were not.

Arya was poor early in her life, and once she did become rich and successful, she spent her life around her father, helping him with the inventions she had a blueprint for.

Edward was in a similar situation, but completely reversed. He was born to the greatest empire on the planet and was thus protected from the outside world for most of his life, unable to see just how horrible life was for people who were not in his position.

This was an eye-opening experience for both of them.

During the journey, Ning found the fourth and final treasure he had promised he would give Tim. It was a walking staff, that came up to his chest.

It held with it a very simple power.

The power to turn back time on anyone by a day, and could be used up to 3 times in a single day. Together with his other treasures, Tim could make more out of these treasures than anyone else.

Ning also found some treasures for the other two that had joined him, but they weren't as strong as what he gave Tim and Jasmine.

Arya got a necklace that gave her the mental capability to do complex calculations within seconds. She was a supercomputer so long as she used the necklace.

Using it for too long gave her a headache which she did not appreciate.

Edward got a rapier that let him clone himself so he could be in multiple places at once. The clones had a duration of how long they could be out, and a damage threshold beyond which they would be destroyed.

Ning still took them on the entire journey, which ended when the 1-year mark came back around in the end.

To end, Ning arrived back in Warfort with the four where Jasmine could finally reunite with the kids she had left behind. When she returned to where she used to live, the house was demolished with nobody living there anymore.

Jasmine panicked for a moment, wondering if Captain Darkwater had killed them. But Ning quickly calmed her down.

"Those kids are alright," Ning said. "Come, let me show you where they are."

Ning took them to the more popular part of the town which was also much cleaner. They were out of the slum and had arrived at a large house that Jasmine knew belonged to a rather rich man who lived in the city.

Fabian and Malenna, the husband and wife duo, quickly walked out and bowed to Ning.

"What's up with this place?" Ning asked them. "How did you come to live here?"

"And what happened to the old house?" Jasmine asked.

Fabian quickly answered.

Fabian had apparently been out on some errands and had helped an old man who had gotten a heart attack at the shop he was in.

After saving the old man, Fabian returned to back to the house, which he found destroyed. Captain Darkwater had bombed the house after Malenna refused to tell him where Ning and Jasmine were.

Malena had unfortunately made the mistake of letting him bomb the house as she had never seen a mechanical bomb her entire life, given that she was a princess whose might in both Mana and Qi made it so that the dangers in her life were much bigger than this.

She had still managed to save the children. When Fabian saw what happened, he had beaten every single person who had come to attack them, leaving them half dead.

The authorities had then come to arrest him, but the old man he had saved in the shop earlier had happened to be a very rich merchant who was making secret rounds of his shops.

Because Fabian had saved him, he helped Fabian get out of legal problems and then gave them a place to stay.

Fabian and Malenna had since then helped the old man on so many matters that the old man was more than happy to let them live here for their entire life if they wanted to.

Hearing the story, Ning could only smile. It appeared that Fabian and Malenna had gone through their own small, but not insignificant adventure.

Jasmine reunited with the kids and spent a long time chatting with them. She introduced them to Edward, who by now had begun dating her and was deep in a relationship with her.

Tim was in a relationship with Arya as well, but theirs was much less serious given how young they were.

After some time, Ning asked Jasmine about the Orphanage she wanted. He wanted to know more about where she wanted it and how many people it was going to house.

After some thought, Jasmine told him that she wanted to open one in a place that was easily accessible for most orphans. She wanted to leave the size for Ning to decide.

Ning took some time thinking about it and finally decided where it was that he wanted to open this orphanage.

Far in the other side of the planet, toward the equator where one of the three openings in the Great Reef connected the northern and southern hemisphere of the planet, lay a lone island the size of a small city.

Due to its size, it hadn't been inhabited by anyone just yet and was used more as a place for pirates to hide from time to time.

Ning decided to use this to create the most magnificent school for lost children with buildings that could hold tens of thousands of children, and facilities that made an Emperor's palace hide in shame.

The library was packed with all sorts of books one could want, and there were 10 submarines and 20 large boats that belonged to the orphanage, all equipped with the latest and greatest technology directly from Earth.

Ning also set up many magical defenses and artifacts to not only protect the school but also the children that would be staying there.

Then, he brought Jasmine and the kids to start with.

He showed them the amazing orphanage, smiling at each gasp of shock and surprise. Fabian and Malenna were there too, they were both fascinated by what Ning had done to the place.

"As I promised you," Ning said.

Jasmine was drowning in tears to even give back a simple nod of gratitude.

They stayed in the orphanage for a while, getting used to the place, and setting things up. At that time, he also gave Tim the Book of Treasures which was now rightfully his.

"Make good usage of this," Ning said.

"I will, sir Ning."

Now that he had done what he told them he would do, including sending Fabian and Malenna back to earth, it was time for Ning to leave this world. Only, there was one last thing left to do.

He saw on the roof of the orphanage's main building, sitting beside everyone who was there as he brought out the most amazing fireworks display anyone could have ever seen.

Thousands of fireworks burst in the night sky in all sorts of colors, reflecting each one in the ocean water below them. The colors illuminated every single one, whose joy was visible in the light.

Different shapes and colors took form in the sky as the fireworks exploded, each one a reference to the various journeys they had taken.

A chalice formed in the sky, then a mountain, which then turned into an amusement park wheel, which then turned into a submarine.

One after another, the 1 year of adventure was painted across the sky for everyone to see for nearly an entire hour. When it ended and everything went dark, that was the time for Ning to leave.

"My time here is done. I must leave," Ning said.

"So soon?" Tim asked. "Can't you stay a day or two more?"

"I can," Ning said. "But that will do nothing. We will still have to say goodbye. There's no point in delaying the inevitable."

Everyone but Ning began tearing up.

Jasmine hugged him. "Goodbye."

Edward went for a solid shake. Arya kissed the side of his cheek before saying goodbye.

Tim went for a shake too, but changed it to a hug at the last moment. "Thank you for all you did for us, sir Ning. We will never forget you. This world will not know what you did for it, but we will remember."

Ning smiled. "I can't ask for anything more." He stepped away from them and started flying away.

"Live your lives well, guys. And take care of yourself. This is my final goodbye."

A portal opened behind Ning, silhouetting him in its silver hue.

"GOODBYE!" a single cheer came from the people down below. Ning waved his hands and walked into the portal, disappearing to another world, to another adventure.

The ones on the roof could only watch as the portal closed and Ning was gone forever.

They waited for a while for Ning to come back with false hope, but it was soon clear that this was real. Ning was gone.

So, they left the roof, going about their day.

Jasmine immediately began dealing with the Orphanage. Since it needed to let people know that her orphanage was available, she began hiring people to bring orphans to her orphanage.

She also needed teachers and caretakers for the orphans, so she hired even more people.

She had enough money for that thankfully. Not only was her boyfriend a prince, but her investment in Zarius's new invention had begun bringing back big returns in the form of royalties.

Her earnings were high enough for the cost to run the orphanage. The old orphanages were still working, and they were where the new orphans were sent to. So, Jasmine's orphanage took some time to be noticed. But when it was noticed, it quickly became the recommended place to send the orphans for them to live a good life.

Jasmine made good use of her treasures during this time to take care of the children as she always wanted to. Her relationship status was also quite well, with Edward spending much time with her.

They soon became engaged and then married. When the words spread about who Edward had married, her fame and her orphanage's fame grew even more, bringing more kids to live childhood free of strife.

Jasmine soon became a well-known figure in the world, known for her philanthropy and work as an orphanage's caretaker. She always did what she wanted to do, and her life was one she lived the way she wanted to.

Jasmine had 3 children, 2 daughters, and 1 son, all of whom she loved dearly.

At the age of 60, she finally decided to retire, giving the title of caretaker to her middle daughter. She went on to live the rest of the days with her husband, going around the world, looking at all the things she had missed.

Jasmine died at the age of 92. In fact, she died nearly 200 times but continued rewinding the day to a few days before she died so she could spend her time with her husband, children, and grandchildren.

After living for so long on borrowed time, she finally felt as though she had lived as long as she wanted to, and gave her pen to her grandson, before passing peacefully in her sleep, surrounded by her family.

The world mourned the day of her death.

Tim's story was a much different one. After Ning's departure, he took the only submarine Ning had left for him to take Arya to meet with his father.

After meeting his father, he took Arya back to her father so she could begin working on the next invention. Along the way, he stopped by Airan to tell the pope that he did not intend to become a pope.

He wanted to be a free man, to roam the world as he wished without people to stop him at every turn. The pope understood his feelings and wished him good luck.

Tim returned to his father and spent some time at the university to get a degree in history. Just like his father, he was fascinated by history and wanted to preserve it as much as he could.

So, he decided to go around and get as much as he could to preserve for the future world.

His treasures were far more potent than Jasmine's simply because of the fact that they worked together. He could use his box and staff in tandem to stay his current age forever.

He stored everything he could within a day in his box, then simply turned back time for his body alone to go back to how he was the day before.

He was not only the same age every day, but he was also putting into his treasure an exorbitant amount of everything, without actually using anything.

Adding onto that the various other treasures he had such as his Glass that allowed no harm to be done to him, the Eyepatch that allowed him to nullify all treasures and powers, and finally the necklace that allowed him to control all elements, Tim was free to do what he wanted in life without worry. n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

With Tim's earnings, his father was a man set for life. So, Tim did not fear having to leave him by himself. Besides, he could come back to him every month on his submarine within a single day.

Tim's first destination was the Kingdom of Rurian, where he returned the Calming Flute to the kingdom in return for letting him see the other two treasures of theirs.

After some obstacles along the way that he had to deal with, Tim managed to get hold of the two treasures and recorded them in his Book of Treasures.

Once he did that, he realized that was what he wanted to do, on top of going around the world to record history.

He went from place to place, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends. Some days he spent with his father. Some days he stayed in Jasmine's orphanage to help her. Some days he went to Tony to help him with his research.

Some days he met with Arya and helped her in her project by using her necklace to do all the calculations when she was tired and couldn't use her necklace.

Tim went around the world for the rest of the days, visiting strange lands where he met with different people and questioned them about their life, about their traditions, about their history.

Thanks to his box which could record his memories, he did not miss a single word he heard from every single person around the world.

He recorded more and more treasures as well in his journey. Some were with regular people, some with rich merchants or court officials. Sometimes they were with warlords and tyrants.

Each time, Tim had to use unorthodox methods to gain access to the treasures to note them down. By the time he hit the age of 25, he had recorded a total of 200 treasures in his Book of Treasures. After some long thought, he decided to turn this into a book.

Half a year later, he released the first volume of what would be the most-sold book series in the entire world.

Book of Treasures: Volume 1 - by Timothy Orstar

Tim and Arya got married a year later, and Tim took some time off from his journeys. He had a son a few years later and then a daughter sometime after that.

He used his staff from time to time to rewind their body's age by a few days, but as they grew, he realized that he wanted to see them grow instead of letting them be children forever.

Adrian went on his research adventure again from time to time, but it was slower and more spread out. It was only when his children were old enough to take care of themselves that he decided to go around the world once more.

Only this time, he would do it with Arya.

The two of them were pseudo-immortal beings, going around the planet that was rapidly growing and evolving. Thanks to Arya's inventions, the world was moving forward faster than anyone could keep track of it.

It evolved to become a better place for everyone, but in doing had to erase history that would've otherwise been preserved.

Tim was there to preserve that history with him.

He released the 3 more volumes of his books, which were just as successful as his other two books. He buried his father soon after that, and then Arya's father not long after that.

He went to visit Jasmine on her deathbed too, and then went to Edward's funeral.

People around him died one after another, while he continued to be as young as he always was. Thankfully, he had his wife with him who also remained just as young as him thanks to his staff.

And together, they roamed the planet for ages and ages, leaving behind myths and legends of them. Two immortal youths that were always together and would always be together. Tim and Arya really did stay on the planet together for a long time, but not forever as everyone expected.

The world entered the space era thanks to Arya, sending spaceships into the sky to travel the stars.

Now that Tim was done with his planet, he decided to go roam the stars, and with that collect all of its history too. 


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