Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 17: Next Unlock...

<Congratulation. You have unlocked Parasite ability>

' ' Huh ' ' Both of the Nings were suddenly surprised at the sudden and unexpected notification.

'Another unlock? ' Ning A said.

'Were we close to one already?' Ning B didn't hide his confusion either.

'Hey, system, What does this Parasite ability mean? Explain!!' Ning A shouted.

<Parasite: Allows one to choose a living being as a host and siphon off energy from them>

'Siphon off energy? Like stealing energy from the living being?' Ning A was surprised.

'No, No, before that. By host, do you mean we will be staying in the living animals?' Ning B asked.

'Oh, is parasite the body switch equivalent for living being?' Ning A thought.

<Yes. You will change the body and live in a living being>

<However, you will not be able to control them or impact their decision making skill>

'Did you hear it? We can leave now.' Ning A shouted.

'Yes! The system, does the animal has to be touching us to do this switch?' Ning B asked.

<No, as long as the distance between Host and the living being is 10 meters, Host can use Parasite>

'Alright, System. Use parasite on one of the wolves.' Ning A asked.

'No, use it on the leader, the one that shouted first.' Ning A immediately made another change to the order.

'Oh yeah, that would be better.' Ning A realized.

<It will cost you 100,000 energy to use parasite, continue?>

The cost of the transfer was so high that the cost made both of the Nings surprised and hesitant at first. But as soon as they thought about their situations for more than a few seconds, they realized that they had no choice. They could either hope for someone to come and pick up this sheath or go with the wolves.

The answer was obvious.

'Do it,' Ning A said.

'Yeah, do it fast,' Ning B chimed in as well.


<Energy reached below threshold>

<Parasite ability locked until Hosts gather energy back up to the required threshold>

The familiar feeling of body change washed over them as their consciousness vanished from the sword sheath and appeared in the wolf. Now that they were in the wolf, they couldn't see the wolf itself, but they could see the other wolves in the pact with their bloody faces.

'God, that looks nauseating.' Ning B said.

'Yeah, tell me about it.' Ning A shook his head in disgust. The pack of wolves started walking away, going deeper into the forest.

'Where are we going to end up this time?' Ning A questioned.

'Shouldn't we be in the same area? I remember reading that wolves usually have hunting areas that they don't change unless they are threatened by some stronger monster.' Ning B said.

'Well, looking at the monsters Freya had to fight, I would say they have pretty good reason to leave this area.' Ning A looked around and finally sighed. 'So we just move, once again. With no proper destination in mind, just going around where the wind takes us?'

'Makes me even question why I had to die in the first place. If they wanted me depressed, my previous life was doing that just fine.' Ning B said.

They stayed silent for a while. Ning B finally spoke once again, 'How do you think we unlocked so fast?'

'Maybe we were already near the unlock? Maybe the one that came before — uh, what's its name, maybe that 360 seeing unlock was unlocked ages ago, and we were just unconscious and didn't know about it. ' Ning A said.

'Did we unlock anything else aside from that?' Ning B wondered.

'Let's just check. Hey system, show us the unlocks.' Ning A ordered the system.


[Unlock Lists

Energy: Unlock

10: Auditory Senses

25: Directional Hearing

50: Rotational Movement

100: Auditory Spatial Sense

200: Thermoception

500: Movement Senses

1000: Directional Senses

2000: Gravitational Senses

5000: Texture Senses

10000: Pressure Senses

20000: Proprioception

50000: Unidirectional Vision

100000: Emotion

200000: Change Body

500000: Sounds

1000000: Parallel Thinking

2000000: Omni-directional Vision

5000000: Parasite Ability


'Woah, have we unlocked so many unlocks already? Feels like not long ago that this list only had a few words on it. Look at it now, so big.' Ning B said in surprise and satisfaction

'Hmm… doesn't seem like we unlocked anything aside from the Omni-Directional vision when we were asleep.' Ning A said.

'It's surprising that we somehow got nearly double of what we had gotten previously, in just one blink of an eye,' Ning B said.

'I mean, that one blink lasted 9 months, but you're right.' Ning A said.

'Parasite ability… didn't system say we would siphon off the Host's energy?' Ning B asked.

'Doesn't the system call us Hosts as well? Do you think it's siphoning off our energy as well?' Ning A said.

Immediately both of them started laughing. They had the same sense of humor, so when one said something funny, the other one would always end up laughing.

'Seriously system, where is that energy you promised us?' Ning A said.

<Energy notifications are off right now>

'Well, turn it back on then. Let us see.' Ning A said.


<You have gained 450 energy>

<You have gained 450 energy>

<You have gained 450 energy>

A continuous stream of notifications started ringing in their head. 'Alright, stop it.' Both of them said as they winced a little at that continuous sound.

'God, at this rate, we might actually end up unlocking the next skill as well,' Ning A said.

'That reminds me. What is the next skill? Hey system, show our status.'

Suddenly, a bunch of information appeared in their mind as they saw the status.

'No… No way, right? Am I dreaming?' Ning A was surprised.

'If you are dreaming, then I am dreaming too. Although I think that is correct. Oh my god. I can't wait for it.' Ning B said excitedly.


Energy: 4,932,154

Task: Collect 5,067,846 more energy

Reward: You unlock Shop



The unlock next in line was the long-awaited, Shop.


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