Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1536: Setting up the City

Chapter 1536: Setting up the City

Just because they had landed on Urelon, things weren't over just yet. People needed to be moved from the ship to the city. However, the cities weren't ready for the people just yet.

Due to how long they had left the city, the air inside had long since found its way out of the hole in the ground, and thus air had to be reintroduced into the giant city again.

After some resting period, Teleporters took Breathers down into the city in spacesuits, where they began using their powers to fill the place with air.

One by one, the Breathers created as much as they possibly could, while being connected with a Connector and a Thinker who kept an eye on how much they needed.

The other cities were most likely ready by this point, with the Breathers already having filled those 2 cities with breathable air.

Ning watched and waited for the air to fill into the city, which took about 2 hours in total. With nearly 400 different Breathers working in tandem, using their powers non-stop, they had managed to completely fill the city.

Now that it was done, it was time to bring down the other people to begin repopulating the city.

The first of the people that were brought in were Burners and Soakers. The city needed water and heat, so the two groups began working at once to provide everything that was needed.

The Carvers and Cultivators were sent next. The Carvers were the cleaners who moved away all the dust and dirt that had gathered around the place during their multiple years of absence. The last time there had been humans in Urelon was nearly 10 years ago, so a decade of being left alone had ruined the place in some ways and it needed fixing.

The Cultivators were immediately made to begin creating food. That was the most important thing that everyone needed to survive, so all Cultivators, regardless of their rank or social status began working at once to grow foods and vegetables.

5 hours later, when things seemed as though the most important things were fixed, the rest of the populations were finally allowed to enter the city.

They came down from the sky, coming down in elevators that were quickly fixed for this very purpose. Any military personnel that was not working on something important was put to taking care of placing the people into their houses.

Once put into houses, they were made to register that house to the person that lived there, using the Data Core that they should have brought with them.

They were also there to clear up any disputes that came up during the completion of the migration and fix them or bring them up to some higher-ups who could.

Aside from that, they were also responsible for noting down anything and everything that needed fixing and reporting it to someone in power.

Ning did his part of the job and helped a few families get a place around the city. Most people were allowed to choose their own homes they wanted to get to, but there were some people for whom their home was assigned by the military.

These were either important people like businessmen or academic people who needed better living spaces.

Ning was around people for nearly 8 hours, helping everyone settle down and noting down what it was that they needed.

Since the city was abandoned for so long, most of the important stuff was missing from almost all houses. Mattresses and sheets were no longer usable, pots and pans were extremely dirty and destroyed, and most importantly, the house needed a lot of fixing.

For the first day at least, they would have to suffer.

The food was cooked at the center of the city, where everyone had to go and eat. Ning ate what he could and went to sleep for the day in an empty bed in a random room he found. Since he was technically from City 3, he had to choose one of the places as his own as well.

His house was a simple one on the 13th floor of the side wall of the city. The journey had been a long one, so he wasn't against sleeping for the time being.

The very next morning, Ning woke up to loud alarms. He should have been exempted from morning exercises, but here was the alarm. He checked to see if it really was the exercise, but it turned out that it was not because of that that he was woken up.

Instead, all Converters were being called to work.

Cultivators, Carvers, Breathers, Soakers, and Burners had been working since they came to this place. So, it was now time for Converters to work as well.

They needed to go around the place to help people fix the old stuff that was broken. Pots, pans, and anything else that was changed in terms of its materials had to be changed back.

Aside from that, the Carvers had created shapes with earth in the shape of important tools and technologies, which Ning and the rest had to convert into what the actual item was.

Because Ning was still only just an Officer, he was only made to make the simple things, like creating more kitchen utensils, or buckets to carry water and whatnot.

The more complex objects were being made by other, more talented people.

They were so talented, that Ning watched people create new Data Cores and new DODS plates right next to him. He was quite shocked to see these people making such complicated stuff out of nothing but dirt.

He could only imagine how much practice one had to do to bring themselves to this much familiarity with something this complex.

He was working on his own thing for a while when everyone suddenly heard a loud screeching sound. They all looked up from where they were and saw a large metal door slide open far away in the walls.

The city was finally open to the other two cities.


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